2020/01/27 & 28 - TQ under DDoS

And why no warnings about DDOS in launcher ?


reading more than a few forum posts, not to mention in-game grievances - seems to me you need to communicate better IN GAME to warn players of the potential risks. It could save both them and you a lot of grief.
I think you all have done a great job under difficult circumstances. Look forward to you doing even better.

Heh. Glad I logged off a small amount of time before this started happening. I wonder who is responsible for the DDoS attacks. Maybe itā€™s a rage quitter?

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Thanks for your (and their) hard work with regard to this issue. DDOSes suck, weā€™re with you.

I was online late last night (USTZer here, so I mean Sunday night) when the server went down around 0300 my time, 0900 EVE timeā€¦ I thought it was just me having another one of my patented triple socket disconnects with my 3 toons at Amarr trade hub (the ones carrying expensive stuff were at least docked at the time)ā€¦

But there were 200 people in Amarr local before the D/C and after I got back on (which I couldnā€™t do with all 3 at first, only one logged in right away), Amarr was down to 50 people, so I knew it wasnā€™t just me instantly, at least. By the time I got the other 2 toons back online, Amarr was up to 100, but it (and surrounding systems and channels that tend to have way more people in them late at night before downtime) stayed kinda depressed in numbers until downtime came 2 hours later at the usual 1100 EVE time to reset everything again anyway.

I missed out on round 2 during EUTZ on Monday, but my USTZ incursion group tried to fly for the first time in months around 0200-0300-0400 EVE time on Monday night/Tuesday morning andā€¦ well, letā€™s just say of our 12 pilots in site, only 4 didnā€™t D/C. It was good timing, we were able to hold on 1st wave and not trigger the 2ndā€¦ but man was it the closest Iā€™ve come to losing stuff in an incursion in years. Mostly been losing stuff in PVP (and that one time I had a power outage in the abyss a year or two back!), like the good lord Bob intended.

Anyway, good luck to everyone involved! May you catch those responsible or at least prevent them from doing this again, itā€™s really not very fun. DDOSers, find something more productive to do with your 1337 skillz, pleaseā€¦ for the love of Bob.

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is it still happening??

I keep losing connection, windows wonā€™t open, been this way all day for me. Gonna lose my moon rocks if it keeps up.

Donā€™t. Honestly just stop. You have no need to apologise again and again for simply doing your jobs. None at all. Yes, the little posts of ā€œwe know this is a thing and we are doing other things to get back to the thing we likeā€ are nice but that is pretty much the max wanted/hoped for and ONLY when there is the time to post them. After all, people donā€™t seem to get that if your systems are not responding to our i/o requests they probably arenā€™t responding to yours eitherā€¦

I donā€™t know the answers cos there arenā€™t any. I donā€™t have the ā€œspecial secret 100% magic subroutineā€ that will stop it ever happening again because there isnā€™t one. Those of us who know anything about anything know that. Yes, I did a few quallies some years ago so a lot of it will be obsolete by now - but the core remains: coding/support/maint/db/sweeping/(re)config/construct/port/network and the whole fkn lot is a sh1tfilled and almost totally thankless task filled with totally fkn clueless & demanding clients and jobs that are - by their very definition! - without a true ā€˜endā€™. THAT is the main reason I donā€™t do it for a living cos once I learned enough to be able to I had also learned that I fkn hated doing it for OH SO MANY more reasons on top of those.

All that said, I thought I would give you a ā€˜standard response statementā€™ (that I hope is both general enough to use in most situations like this yet contains enough words to satisfy even the most entitled dumbarse) that you could copy for future use if/when this happens again. This way, you can save a bit more time that you donā€™t have in the first fkn place when it all goes to hell cos trying to word things politely when you and everyone around you is pissed off cos some prick thinks he is ā€œmaking a statement and being really kewlā€ and you just want to fkn strangle someone cos strangling anyone right now would make it all a bit less sh1t!!! GAH!!!

And breatheā€¦ woosahā€¦ woosahā€¦

Ok, here it is - use it and donā€™t think I want any sort of fee man, this one is for free np:

-------------------------------- CUT POINT ----------------------

Dear whining bitch,

We fuck1ng know! Ok? We have lights flashing and things going beep and none of us know where that sodding beep is coming from - or even what it fkn means cos it has never been heard before! - but if we donā€™t get this fkn sh1tbag rack cooled down we have no fkn hope of even getting the redundancies we donā€™t need ā€œtrying to helpā€ shut down again so we can actually get a clear view of exactly how such of this FKN SH1T we have to deal with - YET A-FKN-GAIN - cos some stupid CUN7 is rubbing one out over how much of an arsehole they are being right now!
Honestly, can you not just fk the fk off and let us get on with our jobs that we donā€™t get paid enough for anyway but STILL do because - for some unknown and probably highly illogical reason - we actually do want to help you moaning, complaining and entitled morons who only care about their stupid isk/hour.
When this most recent stupidity kicked off you were probably in a belt mining ore or something while also watching some sh1t on bloody Netflix or something. Do you know what I was doing? Of course you donā€™t but let me tell you anyway - I was at home and for the first time in sodding ages working to keep you idiots happy hadnā€™t been the usual hell it normally is so when I got home I wasnā€™t pissed off and didnā€™t moan at my other half about it until, through and past dinner so we were having a very rare ENJOYABLE time and if Iā€™m being honest here things were going so well I am absolutely certain that if I didnā€™t say something really bloody stupid I was literally minutes - FUCK1NG MINUTES!!! - away from getting laid. Then some tosser did this and I had to leave my incredibly up-for-it partner and rush back in to work to sort this bollocks out yet again. Which of us do you think lost out the most here? Your ship atuo-piloted so a safe spot whereas my frigate isnā€™t going to get docked again for a bloody long time cos of this!!
So please, pretty-fkn-please-with-a-fkn-cherry-on-top will you just all FK OFF AND LET US GET ON WITH THIS without having to pander to your stupidity and force ourselves to be polite when answering your inane ā€œgit gud and code mah st00fz proper next timeā€ bullsh1t posts!!!

And remember (we are contractually obliged to tell you) how much we all appreciate your feedback and hope to hear even fkn more of that same crap soonā€¦

Hugs and kisses,
All of us here at support
x x x

--------------------------- CUT POINT -------------------

Youā€™re welcome to use it as often as you wish, no worries :smiley:


I could not be 100% accurate with this butā€¦ iit seems to be rotating attacks all around the world.
Just last week ,two major airlines, here in Canada, had the same thing happen.

Interesting. I wonder who could be behind it.

people saying itā€™s the corp/alliance related to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/euv65y/siege_green_keepstar_anchoring_siseide_280120/


DDoSā€™ing to deny contesting the anchoring of a keepstar? Thatā€™s some meta ā– ā– ā– ā–  right there.

If that is actually true and proof is found, thatā€™d deserve a perma IP ban in my book


For every member of the corps and alliance.

Sick the Inquisition of Holy Amarr upon those that seek to do harm MAUHAHHHHA :smiley:

cant login again WTF can we PLEASE get this fixed?

Looks like theyā€™re at it againā€¦(sighs)

I just heard from a friend on TS that lat night he heard India or some country has someone doing Round Robin world wide attacks on all MMOā€™s. not sure if that is true or not.

The destruction of your ships will help the Monthly Economic Report, the entire EVE community applauds your efforts!

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Okay, well I guess itā€™s happening again. :frowning: It went back up long enough for me to grab my MTU and leave the wormhole before it closed, so I think Iā€™m safe. Time for more sleep.
Also, I appreciate the drone change that made drones recall before we auto-warping-off during a disconnect. Okay, less talk more sleep.

Started happening again. Every time I tried to reconnect I got a completely different error message. I look at EVE Offline and I see a statistically significant dip in online players as this new DDoS wave begins.