20220225 - Connection Issues (UK)

Same. Ran a traceroute straight after it happened but was just the normal routing.

Just had a
DC, was in station and logged in 5 minutes ago. DC time 20.51 UK Virgin Media. This without VPN. With VPN no DCs at all. I use Surfshark.

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And again.

There is a grain of truth here on why it may feel like this matters. What matters is if the client is active or not, and it always active in space (receiving physics simulation updates) while it may be less active in station and therefore a brief issue like this may pass it by.

The scenario we think we are looking (this is a conjecture/hypothesis; but not a theory yet, for that we are waiting on more data from players and replies from Virgin Media and Cloudflare) are regular but very brief BGP flaps / routing changes. Your EVE Client initially established a TCP connection to Cloudflare’s Amsterdam PoP (which is incorrect, but that’s how Virgin Media routes their traffic :man_shrugging:) and the firewalls and proxies there will have the state of your TCP connection.

That state is not synched in realtime to other routes or colos. During the BGP flap / routing change then your client suddenly sends data or even just an ACK packet to another Cloudflare colo (possibly the London colo) or through a different path to the Amsterdam colo, a route on which there are firewalls that have no information on the state of your connection. Your EVE Client just gets an RST packet from that device because they have no idea who you are and the EVE Client disconnects in response to the RST packet. Or the packet ends up in another colo and the proxy has no record of you in their proxy connection map, and sends an RST packet back.

Meanwhile the Cloudflare equipment in Amsterdam just sees your connection go silent. At some point it times out or when you log back in again on a new TCP connection then Tranquility usurps your previous connection to reconnect you to the game.

If the client is not active and the flap is brief, then through many of these flaps, you may feel like the connection is better while in station. But if you were very active in the station, you would get disconnected.

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I got an additional hop (12) and some high ms values:

  7    24 ms    30 ms    30 ms  m674-mp2.cvx1-b.lis.dial.ntli.net []
  8    27 ms    28 ms    21 ms
  9   225 ms   278 ms    17 ms  adm-bb3-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 10    24 ms    23 ms    21 ms  adm-b10-link.ip.twelve99.net []
 11     *        *       77 ms  cloudflare-ic342028-adm-b10.ip.twelve99-cust.net []
 12   259 ms   359 ms    32 ms
 13   381 ms   316 ms   328 ms

Yeah, this something hourly. I think Virgin Media is possibly fetching BGP routes from the internet every hour and applying them to some equipment. But then cost-saving changes are applied on top (that routing to Amsterdam). But for a brief moment before the cost-saving routes are applied then the traffic goes a different route and the equipment on that route sends back RST packets.

I would prefer to get the full details in support tickets to us, please, and then post the ticket number here.

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Good to know. I’ve been staying undocked the past few days while monitoring this.
Will keep trying to catch something more in the traceroutes but its even more difficult when you don’t know when it’s coming, and evenings seem a little more erratic than during the day.

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Also DC 20:51 - docked, as i have been with all disconnects since Friday (cos undocked produced much brown)

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Last 16 hours; happens shortly before hour:

just had another dc, missed a chance to run a trace

22.20 DC, then another immediately on logging back in. Ran traceroute 4 times through that but just got the usual routing.
Not sure if it matters but no DC’s on Sisi at all so far.

Hello, here with connection issues from Chile, was able to connect for a while today, was able to make a trace route and network diagnosis while I was able to connect, send the results in the open ticket I have.

Best regards.

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Another DC around 22.39. Ran traceroute but normal routing. Seems like you really have to start it just prior to the DC to catch anything.

Like last night I am having a few more DC between the hours too missed the exact time of the last one but just had another in last 5 miutes

Another DC at 23.12. Again ran traceroute as soon as I DC’ed but normal routing at that point.

I’ll second that, ran trace right as I DC back to regular route

Only managed to get an additional hop to around an earlier dc.

6 34 ms 17 ms 15 ms
7 18 ms 16 ms 16 ms
8 16 ms 16 ms 15 ms

managed to get these hops during a dc just now

Another DC at 23.27. Didn’t catch anything different on mine.