2024! We NEED "EVE Portal"

2024 people… not 2004. 20 years later we do need an app to:

a) Set, change, update skills / skill queue and even buy / inject skills
b) Search, set, change, update buy / sell orders and even buy items from market
c) Browse Eden store and buy stuff
d) Search, set, change, accept contracts
e) Read, write emails
f) Access general info like Wallet

Even if you (CCP) cannot hire a dedicated programmer to do it, give any needed access to 3rd party devs to do it for free. They already proved, that there are so many skilled 3rd party devs out there for EVE.

This app will permit us be active on occasions that we can’t access the game eg. vacation, work etc.

And I repeat… it’s 2024 people!

After some Valid Arguments I update my post to:
a) Set, change, update skill queue
b) Search buy / sell orders and buy stuff
c) Browse Eden store and buy stuff
d) Search and accept contracts
e) Read, write emails
f) Access general info like Wallet


I personally also could use an out of game option to see, set up and modify killrights without having to sign in just for that. :thinking:

I can see why such an idea might be unattractive to CCP. Given the comprehensive dimensions of the OP’s suggestions, there are players who would have little or no incentive to log in to the game at all (except for daily rewards…) - or, at least, they might do so only rarely. What would that do for the numbers appearing at the top right of our screens?

The company would have to provide the app, devoting design and developer time and resources and, of course, ongoing maintenance. I doubt there’s the appetite for it. As to giving access to a 3rd party developer, it might not be straightforward. Choosing someone or a group with a proven track record and a commitment to long-term support of the venture, might be difficult. I don’t say it couldn’t be done, but it does seem challenging.

I accept that some kind of out-of-game overview would be useful, but in my opinion it should be ‘read-only’. If you’re on holiday, enjoy your rest and relaxation; if you’re at work, do what you’re being paid to do or find some other diversion during your breaks.

So, that’s a conditional ‘no’ from me!

Didn’t CCP just kill the EVE app?

Read only… is ok but not “useful”. It’s like reading yesterday’s news. You already know them.

How one is enjoying his/her holidays and breaks, it’s different for all of us and is / should be accepted / respected as a personal interest. If you enjoy diving, go dive, if I enjoy trying different ship fittings for my game, or looking to buy something I need for it, I should be able to without being obliged to login to do it.

Agreed in most part, but if it’s done right from the beginning, the maintenance part would be very little effort, because it would only change when new items/ships/structures are added to game. Otherwise I do not see a reason why it would be hard to maintain an app like this. I may be mistaken though. I am not a dev.

That’s the only reason EVE portal failed, and maybe, bad initial programming. Always In my opinion ofc.

EVE is around for 20 years, and I don’t believe that they plan on killing it anytime soon. So it needs evolving, apart from in game changes. An interactive app would be a positive Plus for the game. I believe so, since 98% of the “civilized” world is using smart phones, tablets etc. 24/7 just like a hard core gamer, if you get my point :slight_smile:.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to some of the points I made.

I realised that my suggestion regarding holidays might be controversial, but decided to leave it in. I should have couched it in terms which made it clear that it is ultimately a matter for the individual to decide what they do on holiday. So, I do apologise for that.

I used EVE Portal in the past, and did find it moderately useful - just to keep a check on things. I had a lot of characters at the time and couldn’t possibly have remembered where exactly each of them was in any particular feature of the game.

It’s worth looking around, Xyux, to see what other MMO games do. I can’t think of any that I play/have played which have an out-of-game app provided by the developers. This doesn’t mean that it can’t or shouldn’t be done; I’m just curious why the big games seem to leave it alone. If you know of any that do provide such an app, reply in this thread and I’ll certainly check it out.

Actually, writing that made me think of MODs. Why doesn’t EVE allow MODs? A lot of online games have very active and even ‘supported’ MOD communities, but not EVE. They don’t have to affect gameplay, just perhaps cosmetics.

Thanks again.

I should be flying now, but what the heck :slight_smile:

I cannot argue on that. It’s true. But…

  1. CCP made the first step to at least try to offer more than any other game, so automatically, they made their clients to ask for more :slight_smile: It’s how we r!
  2. No other game at least from what I played, the training, buying, losing etc is as close as to real life regarding cost and time so, keeping that in mind, is more helpful / needed in EVE to be able to grab a contract deal for a 40b Nyx (if it ever happens :slight_smile: I am looking for one lmao) than looking to buy a legendary weapon in GW2 (which I also played for several years).

That’s another aspect, which I couldn’t agree more, because it will also be a plus for the game.

The thing I “blame” them (CCP) the most, it’s the fact I mention above, they already gave us a taste of what EVE Portal could be, so creating that unique app, for a unique (reasons I wrote above) game like EVE, I now / personally consider it a must.

One of the reasons. I stayed away from EVE (after having 10 acc etc, just recently I returned) was the fact that at that point they needed as to almost daily checking the skill queue due to its limitations, factors that now are gone / fixed / evolved.

So making it simple for me to browse and interact with skills, market, contracts, ship fittings without the need to sit in my office to do it, it’s a Huge advantage for me and the game.

I truly believe that many if not most players (with the app), will be logging in game to do more activities (fight, missions, explorations etc) than just spent 1h to decide what to buy and how to fit a ship or looking to buy a “cheaper” carrier or whatever.

You should have to log on like everyone else to impact the game in any way. Not all of us are able to be on our phones all day at work playing the EvE market, so your suggestion is unfair at its very core.

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Then we should all be restricted to the same play time each day. Otherwise it would be unfair if you can play for 8h per day while I can be on my pc for only 2h.

If CCP would create a custom portal then all developers who created tools based on their API can throw away their work and invested hours.

For example. if you want to browse the market, you can use evetycoon. you can also access your custom wallet there. but you cant buy things or change your order since the API does not provide such features.

For skills there is a an open source tool called SeAT. You can host it on your own server and it provides you with more information like skills, fittings, your wallet changes over time etc. there is no hosted site for it because the information have to be stored in a database for performance reasons and i think it would be bad if wrong ppl would know what kind of fits you saved and what kind of skills you have. but you can host it on your own and login with your character for personal use.

Writing Email, the API actually allows that but i dont know an external tool where you can do it ouside of the game.

You can see here all current possibilities what can be programmed https://esi.evetech.net/ui/

Just wanted to say there are already tools with read only access and in addition you can make tools for yourself as well :wink:

You didn’t make the same life decisions that allow me to be online 8h per day, but my not being able to use my phone at work isn’t my decision. My employer would rather I not get hit by traffic at work because I’m on my phone at the job site. Also, no one likes a co-worker who’s on their phone all day, not helping with the work, but I bet you already knew that.

Why is “You must be logged into the client to effect changes to the game” so difficult for you to grasp? It’s always “fairness” too, like we’re some socialist cesspool. Fair means non-discriminatory, not equal. Explain to us how CCP discriminates against you because I only need to work three days a week to pay my expenses.

So for what benefits you is your decision but what not… it isn’t. That’s a nice way of thinking.
Whatever we do or don’t, IT IS our decision. And decisions come with consequences.

You are not allowed to rob a bank, but you can DECIDE to do it. And face the consequences.

Couldn’t agree more… Why shouldn’t I have the opportunity to “use” my phone for eve, just because you can’t?

That is a valid point, but then, why does one creates a tool that is already exists? I mean there isn’t just 1 eve market or fitting or whatever tool.

Reason is because someone can design something better than someone else. That’s why I also suggested that the 3rd party devs could be allowed the tools to do it as well.

Well ppl develop the tools while they play the game, when the developer stops playing eve, usually noone wants to work on that project anymore. see all that PI tools which were shut down recently. or abyssal tracker which was rewrote completley

i think there will be no motivation to develop a third party tool anymore if CCP does the thing. Also if the devs from CCP would do this full time, those tools would be much better than the tools developed in the freetime

Although I still want the “tool” I cannot argue on that :slight_smile:

Because it’s not required to play the game, therefore an unfair advantage to anyone who isn’t using it.

The client is required to play the game, and is available to all players 23.75/7/365. This is fair. You just want an advantage over everyone else and don’t like you’re being called out on it.

Friend, do u hear what u are saying?

Once you talk about equality and opportunities and on then because something that u can’t / don’t want to use, is not fair.

Being logged in and only checking market, contracts and skills, that isn’t “playing the game”. So having more options to check theese things is fair because this way you make the game more hours accessible to players and if you are done with buying/selling when you login you will be actually play the game.

If your task in game is trading, then app makes your game more accessible, thus more pleasant.

You can always have your opinion, like I do, but do not try to explain me what it’s right and fair, because, to put it polite, you are failing big time!

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Evanova. Still work for android users. I use it to check corp wallet and send evemails

Sorry, I’m not deranged. I don’t confuse fairness and equality. They are not the same thing. If you look up the word “fairness” in a thesaurus, equality isn’t even listed as a synonym.

The client is required to play the game, and is available to everyone with said client 23.75/7/365. That is fair and equitable to all. No one, at any time, promised you equal access to the server, only equitable access. BTW, Equity and Equality are not the same words, nor are they interchangeable, because again, Equality does not show up as a synonym for Equity.

Outside of very few exceptions, every single item on the market and on contracts is placed there by a player. If you think you’re not participating in a form of PvP by just playing the market than you don’t know anything about this game. Restricting you to only being able to manipulate the market or contracts while connected through the client assures equitable and fair access to compete with other traders, regardless of the additional technology you’re able to afford.

If I’m failing to educate you on what is fair, then every single adult in your life failed you when you were growing up. This is basic sense that should have been imparted to you well before any sort of advanced education.

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Play within the confines of the game like everyone else. It’s that simple.