22 Accounts. 1 Cheater?

Which is more reason to believe it could be a macro. The only reason why you would want someone to believe it wasn’t a macro is simply because EVE doesn’t allow them, but I’ve known plenty of players (from other games) who use macros for just this purpose even when these weren’t allowed. Every gaming keyboard comes with a macro tool these days.

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Welcome to the EVE-O forums. You were expecting something else?

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Wft is wrong with you?

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Look at that dumb rhea pilot…

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Look at @Australian_Excellence implying Im a pedophile.
How the fk is that acceptable?

PS: At no point in this thread have I accused him of cheating, or even implied it.
I specifically said I think he did not cheat in this case.

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Just so you know the gankers when they go after JF’s get a point on them as soon as they jump through, they then warp the fleet onto them, it reduces the time they have by a significant margin. They cannot be positioned around the gate due to fac police

  • 0.5 : Roughly 19 seconds
  • 0.6 : Roughly 14 seconds
  • 0.7 : Roughly 10 seconds
  • 0.8 : Roughly 7 seconds
  • 0.9 and 1.0 : Roughly 6 seconds

When CONCORD is already on grid, the response time is severely reduced. There are no hard numbers on that yet but it looks like as if the response time drops to 2 seconds in 1.0 to about 8 seconds in 0.6 and 9 seconds in 0.5.

That just seems so wrong based on the logs I have, though logs are a bit hit and miss at times… This happened in a 0.9 system, Jita basically and it is possible they pulled CONCORD or someone else pulled CONCORD, who knows.

In the logs I have the first warp disruption happens at 06:28:39 and Concord nab him at 06:28:49 and the first real gank ship fires at 06:29:07 Asutralian Excellence himself, the next second Tax Collector HongMei and Taxman Daniel. The next second Giselle Rozei, Trump The King, Pod Destroyer, Tax Collector Richard, Tawny Rozei, Tax Collector Max, Tax Collector Kittens, Tax Collector Aruka, which is eight.

Two seconds after that we have Ruby Rozei, Tax Collector BokChoy, Tax Collector KarlMarx. adding their firee power together.

The next second Tax Collector Stroheim, Sherri Rozei, Tax Collector Hill add their fire power.

The nest second Christine Rozei, Tax Collector AynRand, Pod Destroyer Molly, Tax Collector Larry,

The next second, Tawny Rozei, Tax Collector Yuna, Shanade Rozei, Tax Collector Kimi

The next second is Tax Collector Fuemi, Tax Collector Shardani and Ruby Rozei.

Concord nab Australian Excellence at 06:29:22 which is 15 seconds from when he opened fire, which is longer than I would have expected, not sure why this took so long?

There was 26 Talos on this JF that I have the logs for.

He gets eight in one go, which is doable as the person who checked what he could do was seven with his best attempt. After that they are strung out , from my point of view I think he is doing this manually. I originally thought he did ten together which was for me impossible, but I was incorrect.

So this could well be manual, but he could of course automate it and make it look like it was manuel. I am not saying that he is, but that is possible. I would need to get hold of a number of logs to check that out. I will certainly endeavour to get all the JF’s that he takes out from my alliance :slight_smile:

TLDR: Eight in one second is very possible manually and certainly looks like a manual effort and I would treat it as such.

EDIT: There are reasons to ask specific questions, it may make some people uncomfortable, but that is how it is. I certainly learnt a couple of things through this, and would like to thank Noragan a highly skilled Eve player for testing it for me. It is a pity that the gankers cannot let go of their vitriolic attitude.


His is a bitter angry person, in fact if he is not cheating, then he should be quite happy that we are studying his handiwork, to be blunt if he is not cheating and nothing indicates that he is then it is well played indeed and he can bask in his elite status, but only he knows for sure.

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He has outright implied/accused me of pedophilia, twice now.

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Where did I say you were a pedophile? I’m just asking questions here, no accusations

0.9 is jam at 11, destroy a few seconds later… You really don’t understand the mechanics do you?

You don’t even factor lag or lock time, I could land 10 if I was quick enough and things lagged enough/I was using sebos in some and eccm in others

I don’t really care, If I cared I would have posted a video of me ganking a jf in my first post

already do that


I had Malcanis do the same to me.

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Always being insulting, I am detailing logs mate. Learn to read.

You do care, you come in here posting all bitter and stuff, you care very much mate.

I noticed… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m not insulting you. You don’t understand the mechanics very well, this is a fact

lol ok

I literally kill something a week ago and its still bringing in tears, wheres the bitterness


I do not understand all the mechanics in Eve, do you? Stop being a bitter angry panda you keep harping on about it, I don’t think anyone is on top of all of the mechanics in Eve…

Right there, you define looking in detail at a gank as being tears, that is your bitterness.

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We arent talking about the mechanics of everything in eve, we are talking about highsec ganking, which you try to act like an authority on, like you actually know the mechanics (which you don’t)

I do, I know the mechanics back to front, every minute detail about ganking

Half the threads been crying about me cheating, which even someone as biased as you can see is baloney

Casting aspersions when there isnt only just no evidence but no reason to believe there is validity to these claims just because theyre salty carebears and want me to be cheating, is pretty funny and the mark of crybabies


I play in many areas of the game, I do not understand every minute detail of the mechanics in Eve, so telling me again and again that I do not fully understand the minute detail of ganking indicates what exactly? I never said that I understand every mechanic in terms of ganking, but you seem to think that I should to be able to comment about it, you sound a bit deranged mate!

Haha you contradicted yourself in that sentence, how can I be biased when I said that it looks like a manual effort.

This thread made me look at the logs I had from another gank in detail, I took the opportunity to get other people involved to further understand what you were doing and the mechanics involved. That you get angry over it is a bit sad.

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Do whatever you like, but dont get pissy when I say you’re wrong and don’t know the mechanics properly

You have spent years failing at stopping ganks nonstop daily with your ag friends, you couldnt possibly not be biased



You keep saying it over and over again, you cling to it like a child clinging to his teddy when he goes to bed. I know that you know more about the minute details of ganking, but to keep saying it over and over again proves what? In this case I am going through logs and stuff, and looking at what you are doing, and you start telling everyone how superior your knowledge is about the mechanics of ganking, well yeah, doh!

I got involved trying to stop the odd freighter gank every so often when I felt like it a number of years back, so what? There is still not a single gank on any of my toons by your lot. So for me you are not able to kill me when I have moved a lot of stuff through the pipes and to the trade hubs. So if you are elite what does that make me?

Capitals now, no need to shout, calm down ganker. PS I use Capitals in 0.0 just so you know!

You want me to hate you to feel angry at you personally, I don’t feel anything like that towards you, you are just someone playing a game who has anger management issues and who wants to be seen as elite in a game where pixels get blown up. I find the hostility of you and others most amusing and sad. But please keep going at it, it is fun to analyse.

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Are you retarded?

there is many, many showings of your nonstop failing in uedama

Sperging the same ■■■■ over and over isnt going to make you look any less of a crybaby, calm down miner


Not a single gank by your lot against any of my toons, not one!

Your intel is rubbish, my activities were mainly around Niarja as I was based in Khafis. I hardly went to Uedama when helping people against ganks. The last time I did was a successful save of a Bowhead.

At least you have stopped clinging to your teddy bear now :stuck_out_tongue:

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nonstop failing daily