22 Accounts. 1 Cheater?

You are getting a bit uptight, calm down ganker, I am aware of that, but my logs also include the titbits saying you are not welcome and they match the same time, so try again dimwit (that was for calling me retarded by the way.)

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those messages dont show up till you lock and a module has activated LOL

what a plank


You are now starting to show complete ignorance at this point, you get three all together, the you are not welcome, you have done a criminal act and the fire of the guns. There was no lag.

You are losing it mate as per normal.

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If you have 8 gankers, and you decide 4 points is enough so half your fleet have a point, and other half have a sebo instead which gives them a 1s faster lock time, it is going to appear that all of them are activated on the same server tick even though it took you two seconds.

And if you are in Australia of all places and lag groups your commands further… it is totally possible that a bunch of clients would shoot at the same time.

If someone showed me logs where someone consistently shot off 8 clients per second for 5 seconds I would be suspicious. A slight spike on the first server tick? Totally explicable and even expected.

But guys, if you are concerned, just petition it. It’s not like there is no recourse here.


Are you claiming you can perform 14-16 actions, as swapping between 7-8 client interfaces and then submitting target lock in each, within 1 second?

So a 1/14 to 1/16 interval of a second between each action, within 1 second?

Note: An average human can blink only 3-4 times a second. Not 14-16 times.

Strange, ive seen very little salt here, but I guess if you look hard for it you are bound to find some.


That is certainly possible, because there is a two second delay between the eight and the next 5. This is why you are a good poster because you go through this properly.

So yes looks like that could be the case.

Yes very possible, I play with Aussies most of the time and don’t I know it though some have faster lock times than me.

I am replying to the OP’s post and trying to work out if there is any justification for his post. Australian Excellence seems to think it is all about him, or his need to insult people, it is not.

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Criminals will lie all the way to the end, and even then still plead their innocence.

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how dumb are you?

Dont even need dif lock times, lag is enough

Start clicking first 4-5 during first server tick, lagging cos its the jita/peri grid and im running 31 clients, still clicking as second ticks about to hit, first 4-5 activate as second tick ends with 4-5 other clients joining in

holding q and click across overviews isnt more than 1 action

who is it about then if it isnt about me? :roll_eyes:

lol sure

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You are the one who can’t work the significance of that.

It is about whether the OP was correct or not, your fragile ego is not the subject matter here.

What makes it even funnier is that I have noticed that you have not ganked for a while likely because you are fuming at the retards here, if I was of course still AG then I could smile and say AG wins again.

And thanks for blowing up two Fraternity linked JF’s, much appreciated…

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Yes, it is.

Each command sent from another account/client IS another action.

Are you still trying to claim you can handle 14-16 individual actions, within 1 second?

You cant even blink more than 3-4 times a second, but you are so special you can flip between accounts AND issue target lock command to 7-8 accounts in 1 second, for a total of 14-16 actions?


fragile? im by far the best player here, your crying underneath my boots just boosts it

I’m already holding a key, having it pressed or not pressed with my left hand has no effect on my right hand clicking

I can put in over a hundred commands to the server in a second if I really wanted too manually (auto ban tho)

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10/10, would read again, cause thats the greatest trollpost made on eve-o since ginger magician and fatballs played this game.


Every time you say that you are the best player here shows a fragile ego IMO. And I can’t say I have ever seen the underside of your boots, not a single loss to CODE on any of my toons.

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sry who are you? oh, a nobody

I’m a somebody and top member of the best pvp alliance in the game, I’m easily one of the top 5 best players in this game

stay jelly tho :rofl:

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Quoting for shite and giggles. @Whitehound look at this!!!

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Checked your killboard and couldnt find any signs of any pvp, but keep up appearances m8.
Couldnt find any signs of this awesome alliance either, so Im guessing you must have been dreaming
(Might have forgotten to take your pills, in which case i suggest contacting your doc)

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Each individual command to each account must be unique to perform each single action.

You just burned your own boat and incriminated yourself by your own testimony.


Holy shite well picked up, I missed that…


Why did you have to put my name in your comment? Now I’m looking at the same bait as you. :frowning_face:

Looks like 100% Australian bait, imported and in perfect condition. Try selling it in Jita local.