It’s not even a meme, you’re an actualy crybaby
“I have no idea, but I fail nonstop daily so I’m going to accuse you nonstop”
Theres huge variability and they’re shooting into different resists, its really not hard to understand
It’s not even a meme, you’re an actualy crybaby
“I have no idea, but I fail nonstop daily so I’m going to accuse you nonstop”
Theres huge variability and they’re shooting into different resists, its really not hard to understand
sticks and stones my dear boy…, if the OP wants to petition it then he is welcome to, as are the people who get ganked. I have actioned on one bit of cheating that you lot did, but this question about whether you are input broadcasting or not is something that CCP would have to really analyse carefully and others would have to pettion, I hope that you are not, pretty simple that.
As I easily avoid your feeble attempts to gank it is nether here or there for me at a personal level. So at this point I am enjoying your salt.
please do tell
cmon, admit it, youd LOVE it if I got banned
why would I gank any target under 10bil? fly nothing in value dont get ganked, being poor isnt something to be proud of
My salt? hahaha
I dunk a 81bil rhea, get some nice loots and then get you and a bunch of others crying about it on the forums, it couldnt be any better for me
Actually no, it is down to you and your actions whether you get banned or not. Like Loyal gloating over you know what…
That is a try hard, I am obviously a lot poorer than you with all that rich pickings you get. But I operate around you guys as I understand how and what you do in the main. It is not exactly difficult to avoid you.
Fair does, at least you did not bump it. I hope… The guy was not very sensible to move that in one go.
CODE. members are actual decent members of society, we dont get banned or do other things
50mil tayra
it was bumped for 2 hours till I got home and logged in my dps
If you say so, not what I use however.
Shame then, at least you had to work for my alliance mates JF.
U wot m8?
Exactly what I am saying. There is no way to know from that data.
Whether you could detect an input broadcaster or not is silly to debate. Of course it depends on all these factors, and whether you could or could not detect a pattern would depend on how consistent the damage per shot was. If the variability was too high, then you might not be able to see a pattern even if they were all activated simultaneously as I acknowledged many posts ago. However, if they were all in range and similarly skilled, groups would become apparent, especially over 20 characters. The guns are likely well in range and applying damage to a massive target so the damage would be rather uniform and a low rate of fire actually would help highlight these groups.
But we don’t see that. We see a uniform spread across a time that other players have demonstrated it perfectly plausible to activate that many clients. That isn’t proof of not-cheating. But there is absolutely no reason from that killmail to conclude something nefarious is going on.
Any kill with multiple attackers on zKill could be the result of input broadcasting/multiplexing. What is so special about this kill that it merits a 60+ post thread? Are we going to demand server logs to prove them all innocent of cheating too?
if only there was some kind of online ticketing system where people could report bots rather than make yet another whiny forum post about it.
Other than that, nice kill, congratulations. It is good to see people hard at work doing great deeds in the name of @James_315.
I’ll take some logs and a link to the associated kill mail if its on offer
Jesus Siegfried… I laughed and now I feel like a bad person
Player reports, of players reporting botters with extensive evidence included, have shown it takes months for action to be taken, if ever.
In this case, I think its just manually slapping hotkeys fast, and running sequentially through a cascade of windows in a “clever” arrangement.
The about 9s duration, one after the other, to bring all the accounts guns to bare is about what I would expect, and perhaps even a bit slow (in part due to his PC struggling, and perhaps poor digit coordination). The variable damage is from different resist profiles on weapon charges.
I dont see evidence of illegality here.
He did say though that he has 29 siblings which did this gank with him, and that is obviously a lie, albeit not one of any legal consequence.
A liar, yes.
A botter, no, atleast in this instance.
I dont understand why someone would want so many accounts or run a setup like this, instead of playing with others, but this time it paid off with a ridiculously overstuffed whale (although that too might just have been a false flag pinata setup to generate “CODE is relevant” propaganda/click-bait).
No need to alt tab, you just click along the taskbar, clearly you would run that many accounts in windowed mode, in which case you have them in fleet you broadcast the target and just control click + F1 and move along the taskbar, easily doable
Alt-tab also cycles through windows in sequence, and takes even less time than moving the mouse cursor along the task-bar, clicking between windows.
Point is this is readily doable without botting//scripting/keybroadcasting.
The accounts did not open fire simultaneously (albeit, that too could be scripted).
Yes, also the earth is flat and there is a great wall in Antarctica guarded by UN
Check the posts you missed in the thread.
The sequence of opening fire is timestamped, and was not simultaneous.
Everything else can be handled via fleet commands, as simultaneous.
I watched him at work, so maybe you can sell your BS to a newbie, but any player with some experience and half brain can see what is going on in just few minutes. So cut the crap for God’s sake…
With 30 accounts, I too can do what he did, without botting/keycasting/scripting.