3 Minute Warp Timer - Not Having It Is An Exploit/Avoiding Sentry Guns Is The Same As Avoiding Concord

I’ll come find you later on and we’ll then see who is the best…oh that is unless I have to show up in a specific type of ship that doesn’t offends your game play or a ship that you can’t compete against.

I will fight you in any ship you bring. Feel free to come by, I’m at “The Sanctuary Applied Gravitation Laboratory” in the system Thera. Just say hello in local once you are there.

BTW I already bested you at PvP in the past, Karak Terrel is my alt. You know, that wardec when you ran away and cried on the forums because you could not drop to an NPC corp immediately and the reason why you still are in one.

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The die is cast! Lets get ready to RUMBLE!!!


Don’t get your hopes up. The only thing he is actually good at is running away.

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I know, but I can dream. He still hasn’t paid us a visit despite the invitations either, it is like he doesn’t like us at all or something…

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No they won’t. They will engage a single criminal target. If you and 6 friends illegally engage a target on a gate, only one of you will be shot by the gate gun. There is no guarantee that you will be shot, and it is not an exploit if you are not.

I was going to point and laugh at this guy’s original post, but I kept reading his repeated failed attempts to understand Eve game mechanics, game design and even the word “exploit.” I’ve played this game barely a year and feel confident that I understand it miles beyond you. Just sad.

Gate guns have a range. Engaging a target outside of that range isn’t an exploit. And read the title of this post again, you’re accusing CCP of an exploit by not adding a feature?

I laughed hard when you described gankers being able to “store their gank kill” by bumping someone into station geometry. I appreciate your creativity but in the future, you might want to give your ideas some thought before vomiting them onto the keyboard.

See you in Niarja.

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Came for the tears, wasn’t disappointed.

Another carebear, another worthless thread crying over interacting with other players in a giant MMO. If only he understood basic game concepts and mechanics to begin with…but nah, why bother when you can just fill our cups with delicious tears instead?

Luckily I have found an investment opportunity in tissue production in Heimatar. We all know that this is the cash cow industry of high sec, care bears need tissues more than they need Veldspar.
So, if you send me your isk, I will set up a PI chain somewhere in high sec that produces only high quality tissue paper. Expect to double your isk within days- because if it’s one thing New Eden can count on-- it’s crying care bears.

Because ganking is a business model. Nobody is forced to reveal their industry or mining systems.
They are making an art of their business and I applaud them for the dedication and hardwork they put into such detailed and articulated plans.
Ita hard to come up with things like that.

And forcing people to do something that hurts their bottom line just isnt right.

There shouldn’t be any kind of ban for exploiting game mechanics. Such players should get a pat on the back for their ingenuity. It then should be up to CCP to remove the exploit if deemed as such. Simples!

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You might not have said it, but when you then write something like this;

You apply an equivalence there that isn’t true.

Sentry uns engage a target for 30 seconds at a time and will then cycle to another target if one is present. In many cases, fleets that engage on a gate only have 1 or 2 ships targeted by them and others don’t take any damage at all.

They can be tanked quite easily from cruisers upwards.

It amazes me how there is always someone trying to make sense of @DrysonBennington posts and even explain things to him as if he could understand them…


You only criticize @DrysonBennington because you are a CODE. spay!


If dryson where a map hed lead right to a headache.

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Gate and Station Guns are designed to inflict damage at the gates and stations on those who have committed criminal acts, such as suicide ganking in High Sec.

Matter of fact the station and gate guns are just like CONCORD and will only react to a criminal act that takes place within their grid, unlike the local Navy that will pursue you around the system based on your standings with the empire that has control over the system.

i.e. committing a Criminal-level offense will provoke a response from CONCORD and any nearby sentry guns.

Therefore since both the station and gate guns are much like CONCORD, with the only differences being that the guns cannot warp around the system and have less damage but react to criminal acts the same as CONCORD does, then bumping ships off of the station and away from the gate sentry gun grids too avoid the damage dealt by the guns is the same as trying avoid CONCORD after a criminal act takes place.

The 3 minute timer is therefore a buffer meant to ensure the safety of ships traveling to and from a gate or station.

Bumping a ship away from a gate or station to avoid damage dealt by the guns in response to a criminal act that has been committed is an exploit.



Mike Voidstar


Well, you may want to seek help for that enlarged Ego you got there.

Point is that if it’s possible to circumvent high sec rules so completely, it’s a mechanical balance problem.

Mike Voidstar does bring up a valid point that the bumping mechanic does prevent the freighter or other ship from entering warp which is effectively the same as warp disrupting or warp scrambling that intended target.

Since the freighter or ship in question does not have a counter mechanism to break the bump/warp scrambling mechanic that would otherwise draw CONCORD to the target that is being restricted from entering warp the same that a warp scrambler does then CCP needs to either make bumping an exploit and bannable offense or give the freighters a 3 minute warp timer that would still allow a gank to place.

You can counter it with 10mil ISK for a mining permit.

Assuming it’s honored. You will forgive me if I don’t choose to believe their good intentions.

If the 10 mil also included escorts as needed and a way to enforce breach of contract, you might have a point.

That said…

This is another example of Bumping being an issue mechanically, as it circumvents the intent of the high sec ruleset of limited aggression. I don’t favor a way for a solo freighter to avoid it, but finding a way for escorts to prevent this kind of shenanigan on a freighter should happen.

How Bumping and Warp Scrambling are different mechanics with the same end result

Bumping is a transfer of Kinetic energy between the Bump ship and the target that effectively disrupts the ships ability to align to a warp to point in space to warp. Basically the gyroscope mechanism of the align computer system is kept ajar so that the ship is not able to warp to a warp to point.

Warp Scrambling is a transfer of EMP energy from the attacking ship to the targeted ship that disrupts the warp computer and its components directly in such a manner that the information passed between the warp drive controls and the warp engines is jarred so that the information does not complete its sequence of commands much the same as a fragmented sentence.

Regardless of either Kinetic or EMP the process remains the same in that the ship is not able to align to warp out to a locked on target.

One form of disruption, Bumping, disrupts the align to the locked on target, the other, Warp Disruption, keeps the ship from actually warping. Since the alignment of the ship is tied directly into both systems a Kinetic attack on the ship is the same as an EMP attack on the ship as either or both breaks the ability of the ship to enter warp.

Since warp scrambling is a criminal offense in High Sec while a ship is not under a war dec, Bumping should also be considered a criminal offense in High Sec as well while a ship is not under a war dec.

The only real recourse for the ship being bumped is too either have a 3 minute warp timer that would still allow a gank to possibly take place as well as the freighter being able to warp out and not be perma warp scrambled using a Kinetic energy transfer to activate the scramble or that the freighter should be given a mid slot in order to fit a Freighter Jump Drive Engine that will allow the freighter to jump free of the gank in any direction while still allowing the gankers to attempt the gank.

But as I have stated Bumping is no different than warp scrambling because both effect the warp drive functions of a ship with the same result of denying the ship being bumped or scrambled to enter warp.

Since warp scrambling is a criminal offense in High Sec then bumping should be viewed as an exploit meant to avoid the consequences of keeping a ship from entering into warp in High Sec by not using a warp scrambler wherein the same results are achieved as using a warp scrambler but without CONCORD intervening.