3 Thing you would like to see changed in Eve Online

For me Kirk was a swash buckler, an analogue for the kind of captain that might have been played by Robert shaw or Errol Flynn transferred into space. I felt it was partly a function of the ‘frontier’ nature of the setting but also he was a product of the time it was filmed. When Pirates and Cowboys still had a lot of pull to them on the silver screen and didn’t necessarily need to be combined with zombies to make them exciting. So it wasn’t that I liked Kirk persay but more I respected he couldn’t have been any other way.

Hands down Picard is more sophisticated, a better leader, better acted, more nuanced in almost every way as was right for the evolution of cinema since then. Half the TNG episodes are solved through diplomacy and philosophy more than bold actions and charisma. Yet I feel if you dropped Picard into TOS setting he would feel out of place and wouldn’t be nearly as successful.

TLDR I don’t think one is I barely better than the other (beyond acting chops), they are both right for their very different settings.

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Im guessing you havent seen season 1 and 2 of Picard then.

Or any of the movies hes in.

As the above was done away with in those creations.


Movies seldom live up to the sophistication of the series.

However we have probably gone off topic too long now and should lay this subject to rest.

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My "Ahem - Three (3 ) things…

Lack of Amarr Love
Lack of Dixie Love
Lack of Rens Love.

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How exactly do they need love?

  1. Reduce current sub price by 50%.
  2. Remove cyno modules from game.
  3. Stop wasting profit generated by EVE to fund failed projects instead of investing back to EVE.
  1. One player, one account. (I’ll accept one omega and one alpha if I have to).
  2. Cargo adds mass.
  3. Plex has an expiration date.

Not sure how to answer that, maybe because I’m adult and I pay my bills and refuse free gibs to keep the right to complain and demand and threaten to quit, and staying away from conflicts and wars that arent mine.

So it would seem reducing outlay for frippery would be an adult thing to do these days

CCP dont give a toot. Theyve made that very clear from the amount of people who have quit their Omegas and also the game.

How would being Alpha in HS change that?

Basically none of these reasons are in-game, and are for some (at best) pointless pseudo-moralistic view, so Ill leave you to spending money on nothing and getting less than nothing in return because you are an adult and are perfectly capable of making your own (bizairre) choices.

it should be only high and null sec no low sec needed

i agree totally with the first minute of this video
check it out

Less stupid suggestions
Less whining
Less forum


Not. A. Chance. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I read/need the forums like I read/need the comics in the morning. By the time I get home, all the fun thds are locked. :rage:

  1. Space changes: new skyboxes with more variety and more black areas especially in HS, also some space weather effects like star bursts etc, double star systems, neutron star systems, black holes, white dwarfs etc
  2. PVE redone with NPC portraits and smacktalks, nps decloacking and warping in instead of pop… random generated fleet compositions and environments, chances for capital spawns, plex and skins drops, missions done to play not only solo but with friends
  3. A lot more into mining: planet rings minings, comet mining with new pursuit mining ships, new “precise mining” with new ships where You need to carefully manuver using manuver engines (like moving in space in nasa spacesuit where You change position by releasing air) inside those extremelly big asteroids that would have holes, tunnels inside them, mining would also require more attention like manual mining laser movement and watching for overheat, goal is to more work to be done but also this mining would be more lucrative. Cool would be if beying inside asteroid would not show You on scanner but also when someone would like to check them then You are toasted
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the first one already can happen the second and the third one I would love to see added to the game. though the question is would they even bother to do it if they even can.

I finally got struck by the Alec Skull wet-paper-bag comet.

It was refreshing. I declined to amend my post, though, so…

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  1. Mining lasers doing targetted damage to ship modules.

  2. Exploding Ice & Abyssal drops

  3. Less Scotting.

At this moment:

  • disable new fancy docking animation graphics or whatever that is;
  • colored icons on side bar;
  • “Loot all” button in MTU’s compact mode;
  • vertically thinner windows’ title bars;

Orbit x axis, orbit y axis, orbit z axis

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