3 Thing you would like to see changed in Eve Online

Why? Nullsec already has 3 times the number of systems that high sec does…

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but Peebles you look so shotable :frowning:

Cept the horde isn’t un-organized.

Hence why your small tact squad getting blapped :smiley:

Then there shouldnt be a problem with numbers on the other side either?

Why do you pay a subscription if you just live in HS?

Theres really no need

if someone wants to use anything bigger than a Venture they need Omega.
If they don’t want their skill queue to outlive them they need Omega.
If they want to fly better iterations of the “normal” ships they need Omega.
If they want to have another clone tucked away in a vat somewhere they need Omega.
If they want to shoot better iterations of the “normal” guns they need Omega.
If they want to shoot better iterations of the “normal” ammo they need Omega.

Alpha is only a trial… personally I think it sucks but it seems some people are happy to play half a game, go figure…


1 - CCP should add space pubs.
NE is the only place in the world where you cannot have a beer or have a scuffle in peace.
2- every pub should sell Plutonian Nyborg
3- every pub should have exotic dancers dancing naked

Theres a lot of ifs there friend.

But I make plenty on Alpha in HS every day.

Omega is for people who want to leave it.

Yep. They’re assuptions, assuming they want all that they want Omega.

… or mine in something bigger than a Venture or fight in something better than Alpha-available ships.
Not saying Omega is best for everybody though. I take Omega cause I want to experience everything in the game.

Sure, Id just recommend getting the most out of Alpha first.

The fun factor of Omega is not in equal size to its cost

That’s a choice, of course.
I personally chose to get my skill queue training faster and train into Omega-only ships/modules/ammo. That’s my choice.
It’s nice that CCP gives new players choices. All those players who play on Alpha and complain about Omega prices should reflect on the fact that CCP doesn’t have to let anyone play for free and although it may bring in cash in the form of PLEX sales it is still something to acknowledge in favor of CCP.

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True but all the players who moan that Omega is so much better than Alpha really havent even begun to see what you can do on it.

I was solidly Omega for 10 years, and tbh Id advise any new player to remain Alpha for at least one if not two years before deciding if Omega is right for them.

At the minute, I really dont believe its value for money.

That said, Id agree to have Alpha removed in a heartbeat if it meant a solid return to subscription based play.

There are very little things sold nowadays that are value for the money, that’s when we don’t outright get ripped off on the price and that’s not even counting the taxes on top of taxes for the taxes that are taxed… so 20 bucks a month for entertainment is equal to Netflix or Disney+ but I choose to spend money on EVE instead of on streaming services that produce program that insult my intelligence and plagiarize my favorite stories and characters.

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So its equal to something you think is terrible.

And thats somehow not a bad thing.


You only want to argue and create hard feelings here. I’m done with you.
Enjoy the game and have a good week.

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Yeah yeah, its always the other person isnt it.

To be fair Ramona you do play the antagonist well :smiley:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

I dont think its a profession though sadly.

Id have to ask @Bob_Mo_rane

No but it is an ethos!

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The only question I once found hard

Was did I like Kirk or did I like Picard

Then came Picard Seasons 1 and 2

And that made me sure in the TOS crew.

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