30-31/01/2020 - Connectivity Issues


I got dc while flying a filament…
also got dc at my alt.
germany here

Currently online: 1,402

Edit: Currently online: 886

So basically tq is down

henceforth this day shall bee known as the big RIP

I got disconnected from the server roughly 15 minutes ago…cannot reconnect. Undocked, I am sure those on different servers are enjoying the free pickings

I had no problems the the last 2-3 days where other people had problems.

But today when I started EVE up it downloaded something and now I can’t log in.

Nice fix :-1:

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Just to mention for the location theory, East Coast USA here and all the worst of the lag / log on failures / DC’s for several days for me.

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WTF??? It appears this login/connection problem has been going on for the last 12 hours?


Can we get 10K SP’s for each hour that we can’t get on?

There are no different servers in EVE. We all play on a single cluster and the cluster is currently down.

So no one is getting any free pickings, we just need to have a bit of patience while CCP resolves the issues, that’s all.

New error for me:


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Can you imagine being one of those 25 people?

“Where is everybody?”


They’re all busy spamming scams at each other in Jita…


We are putting all the effort to resolve the current login issues preventing players from logging in to EVE. Thank you for your patience on this matter.


One real person and 24 alts…

Tracing route to tranquility.servers.eveonline.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

6 35 ms 35 ms 36 ms rc3sj-be60.cl.shawcable.net []
7 36 ms 41 ms 36 ms 10ge5-3.fr1.sjc.llnw.net []
8 33 ms 33 ms 38 ms siteprotect.security.neustar []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.

2,501 Players

But I still can’t Log-in.

We know you are. You do not like this situation any more than we do.

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i got in when it said 25 people. it’s very empty in here.

And then - Fred moves

This reminds me of how in i am legend will _1ef5171b38db1f0abf2936e8d85e489b