I can’t scale the resolution properly. I’m playing windowed on two screens. My main screen has a screen res of 3840x2160, however the game only gives me 2560x1377 and scales that up.
In windowed mode (not fixed window), you can drag edge of window to mach it to any custom size/resolution.
The 64-bit client is running fine on my laptop.
The only issue that I have come across since the 64-bit upload is that I disconnect from the server every hour on the hour at exactly the same time. the disconnect is so precise it’s almost like an Atomic Clock Disconnect in so much that you can set your watch to the disconnect.
When I used a VPN through a popular Net Protection Service the disconnects stop all of sudden where I can go for hours without an ACD issue.
Could the 64-bit client cause disconnect issues with older laptop’s or towers?
…and yes the old router hamsters were traded in for younger ones so there is no problem with getting electricity to the devices in question.
Hey I have a scaling problem also. Can you please elaborate on how to reset binary file settings? What settings are we talking about?
All works great apart from one slight issue, I run on 17 inch laptop most of the time with A 4k screen and I often cram 2-3 accounts onto that screen, with the 64bit running in windowed mode it won’t resize down small enough for me to fit 2-3 accounts on it.
“Using 64 bit and it keeps loosing all accounts so I cant log in. Even the Launch Group and Add Account buttons go missing. Switch back to 32 bit and the accounts come back.” I reported this bug 23 days ago it’s still not fixed.
Same issue, I run four clients on a 4k TV. I can’t scale the UI down enough to make playing 4 accounts usable even on a 4k TV. There are several members in my alliance with the same issue. Back to 32 bit until this is resolved.
i am using a 4k screen had to scale the ui to 150% to fit screen
this is on res of 3840x2160
Not sure if that’s the same thing. Basically I have a 4K TV divided into quadrants. Each section is effectively a 1080p screen. This works great in the 32 bit version but in the 64 bit version everything is way too big and is unplayable. The only scale options are 90, 100, 110 percent, non of which come close to reducing the UI size to a playable level.
Also, I’m just using windows 10. I’m not using any program to section off the screen. On boot I just drag each client to its own corner.
Not excited about 64-bit. Other than requiring more memory and GPU, it doesn’t fix the problems EVE programming has. I’ve used both side by side on 4k identical PCs.
@CCP_Falcon I honestly hope you guys first fix the issues that 4k screens have before you push the 64 bit client. Most people have massive scaling issues with the 64bit client running on 4k screens.
I have been reporting it since day one pretty much every day. But still cannot utilize it properly
Well, if you don’t understands what brings and what doors opens 64-bit client I can’t be nothing special for you.
Btw. How it use more GPU?
This is no hamster nor electricity problem It is idle TCP session connection detection (aggressive TCP aging, etc.). This mechanism is a solution to TCP connection exhaustion in IPv4 NAT. Basically if your connection is considered idle (no packets sent) it will close after some time. This depends on network equipment and software implementation of client<–> server application.
The time is precise and depends on equipment that the connection is established through. AFAIK EVE client is not sending keepalive packets (packets that refresh/reset idle timer) in its TCP connection. That’s why you have D/C. It’s 50% blame on your ISP/your router and 50% on EVE (for not sending idle packets - mostly for performance reasons I suppose).
When you use VPN the packets are encapsulated and routed through tunnel. The tunnel itself is not considered idle (maybe the VPN soft is using keepalive packets or your router/firewall treats this VPN connection differently). That’s why you don’t d/c using VPN.
Either you’ve changed your network equipment recently or 64-bit EVE uses different TCP stack implementation than 32-bit EVE.
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Can we put a numeric qualifier on incredibly thankful, we could use, of say, SP??
And yes, it worked flawlessly for me, GJ.
This is something I have never heard before and it’s very interesting. I don’t have the disconnect problem, but if it comes up I’ll look into this. Thanks for the post.
a week ago ive tried 64bit. ive seen no benefit. at some point the game begun to stutter.
if someone knows of any benefit, id like to hear of it.
I’ve had much smoother graphic experiences running 2 clients, same machine (laptop), both at max settings. I can’t opine on whether any stutter is specifically 64-bit related, because honestly, EVE has always stuttered now and then, with either ATI or Nvidia. First thing to check is the map for hotspots nearby before cursing the game engine.
Windows 10 also has scaling as well as in the graphics drivers control panel. Check those settings to make sure one of those two places isn’t the culprit.
do you really think its a smart idea to switch to 64Bits client on a friday?
if any problems come up you will have a busy weekend i guess
fingers crossed it will work fine … i use the 64Bits Beta since i could switch … never had any problems … thanks guys a CCP for your work
Ok so forced migration Friday, np, will all the accounts/settings migrate as well? (Pls say yes, will be PITA otherwise)