64-bit Open Beta Feedback Thread

Blackout an 64 bit client, hmm what might go wrong?


and more :smiling_imp:

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The Steam client does not participate in the open 64bit client beta test it seems.

I just started my Steam client to switch the Steam launcher to 64bit but then the client didn’t start.
After switching back to the 32bit client, the client did start again but in both cases the client does not respond to switching to dx11.

Someone should a talk with Steam about that.

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My launcher did not switch to the default 64bit. Is this act was delayed?

Today 64 bit default is for client not launcher.

Ok, the option in launcher ‘run clients with 64 bit’ is not checked and there are no any opposite option like run with 32 bit…

What do you want to achieve? Only game client is 64-bit. Launcher itself don’t have 64-bit version yet.

Came here to post similar. I actually did a fresh download/install of the client a couple hours ago, with full download of the EVEResources.7z file. Installed fine, started launcher, it downloaded some updates… But never flipped the switch to 64 bit. (I did so manually after a few restarts of both Windows and the launcher, just to make sure it wasn’t pending anything)

Since changing over to 64bit ive noticed logging 2 clients in at the same time from the luancher causes the eve.exe to stop reponding in one client , upon switching back to 32bit luancher this doesnt happen.

Starting them a few seconds apart fixed this for me

Running 3 Clients on my workstation, 1 client is using 1.6 gig, the other 2 clients are using 1 gig…
Running the 64 bit clients for a month now.
All 3 clients have the same settings ???

hmmmm interesting…

I want to see the checkbox “run with 64 bit” disappear and want to see “run with 32 bit” instead. Is it so hard to understand that according to the blog july 12 the option SHOULD change.

They didn’t mention anything about option. Why change code in launcher again and take devs time, while option “run with 64-bit” can be on for default and result is same? It my look beter your way, but since this is another test that can be reverted any day, there is no point in sending people work to trash before they ever start working.

I agree to that. But my option is not ON by default either it is not changed to “run with 32 bit”. That’s why I came here asking questions.

My GPU goes hot crazy when I dock in any station!

Even with the 32bit client.

I dont know why and I am using “interval one” setting.

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My Steam launcher dont launch “EVE Launcher” since one update some days after I started to run 64bit client.

I have to start Steam Launcher and manually run EVE Launcher (evelauncher.exe).

When I start EVE Launcher via Steam Launcher it starts it, but no window is opened and Steam Launcher says it is running. I can only see the process in the process manager. Then I have to kill it to exit from Steam Launcher.

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That’s exactly how it behaves with my Steam launcher. After turning on 64bit in the setting, I would start the client, it says it’s launching but nothing happens.

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Post withdrawn, my bad!

What has it to do with 64bit if someone sets up an incorrect buy order to pay you more money?