A CODE. thread

Concord isn’t there to protect XD

It’s there to punish…

Even newbros know that lol

Except when it does.

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Concord never does
You’re so clueless about basic gameplay mechanics that you should actually go do some research instead of basing yourself on the generalized ag theories :joy:

It’s literally pointless for you to argue about unicorns and fairies, because they don’t exist.

Denial is the first step to acceptance :kissing_heart:

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Cause and affect…

Tell me Dom, why do players who with one breath talk about Eve being a hard game and nowhere is safe start crying for safe spaces if anyone uses a nasty word? Is that what you mean by fairies?

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Have you ever thought that it is said to trigger people? I post freighter duels and ganks in ‘Bringing Solo Back’ channel and people go nuts.

That is what is so hilarious about this because people get so upset at all the RP and smugness.


Personally I think James 315 designed a very good system to annoy people out of the game, must have really upset him the changes to can flipping, the hate he obviously feels for CCP is most amusing, real quality tears there. Yeah the smugness he developed within the setup of CODE is pretty damn good, he really did understand his prey.

If they go nuts and swear at you do you then report them? I hope you don’t, being so thin skinned is a bit sad in adult games.

Most of the people I spoke to who fell for what you do were kicking themselves for falling for it and were more mad at themselves, this was before your time by the way, they admitted that they were dumb, but in the stress of the moment with real consequences they were unable to think straight and made bad decisions and did not check killboards and the like, that last failure was the most shocking to me.

Hard core 1v1 PvP players do tend to be a bit uptight I have found, Falcons tends to have a similar affect…

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No, we laugh at them like we laugh at you right now
Nothing is more satisfying than a good ol’ bucket of tears

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But Dom I am laughing at you for thinking that laughing at me for my tears that you seem to think I have, has any impact on me whatsoever.

You guys are just good at using a naff mechanic and blowing your trumpet rather loudly over your gain from it while trying to hide how lame it really is.

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Here are some literal facts. Are you ready?

  • Yes, bumpers in NPC corps are ‘safe’ from normal means of aggression. This is because bumping doesn’t trigger any kind of limited engagement or suspect timer. This is how CCP designed crimewatch and is intended.

  • While not being able to openly shoot at the pesky bumper, there’s this thing called “ganking” that you can do (ironically this is the very same activity that most bump ships in highsec are bumping for). This is actually very easy to perform and is effective.

  • If the bumper happens to be bad or mess up, counter-bumping is a thing.

  • CONCORD doesn’t directly protect anyone from anything. They act as an after-the-fact punishment to going criminal. So while you consider this to be protecting, it’s not. The only reason you think it’s protecting is because you and others like you are either too lazy, scared, ill-equipped, or mechanically challenged to kill the bump ships.

That’s the part that I don’t understand and it’s really silly. In most cases, gankers are multiboxing a bunch in order to do what they do. In cases where they aren’t, the ganking and bumping requires such a concentrated effort and is easily spoiled by one person. So why shouldn’t counter-play require an equal amount of force and effort?

I know your concerns are centered around bumping and that’s understandable. Many people hate it. I find it fun and even challenging at times. The laughable thing is that you claim that if bumping is nerfed, then gankers will stop ganking or be unable to adapt. Did you know that ganking on gates is currently a thing? Strange, isn’t it. The only people that a bumping nerf would hurt is gankers that wait on pings. The only group that operates like that is Miniluv really (unless they have a fleet going). For the most part the people ganking freighters in CODE. are individuals that wouldn’t necessarily have to use bumping.

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I think for most people that gank, it’s more about the ISK and maybe tears. So as far as making ISK goes it’s extremely good. Some of the most fun with unlimited profit ceiling you can have (personal opinion). Nothing is hard about pressing a button and shooting something.

Do you want to know what is neat and skillful about ganking? An extremely deep knowledge of mechanics and how to manipulate them to your will. The timing of it all is impressive as well. Waltzing out with a literal suspect freighter with AG surrounding… Being able to multibox 12-15 accounts to kill a thing takes huge amounts of focus and preparedness.

So you can’t completely discredit it. The activity has huge merit and while this is no Rooks and Kings pipebombing, the amount of theorycrafting and using mechanics in unconventional and creative ways are similar.

It’s just really easy to trigger people by calling it elite pvp.

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I know all these mechanics very well, why do you people assume that people who have a different opinion do so from ignorance.

Have you tried to gank a Macherial while bumping, it is not the same as ganking a pretty immobile freighter, for one it is fast and pretty mobile, to glibly say you can easily gank the bumper is way off base. Counter bumping a macherial is very difficult, it is not the same as bumping a freighter, again you are down playing it.

Ho hum, punishment, well CONCORD does not punish much at all, do you understand the difference between cause and affect and the differing situation of the AG players.

What does an AG get from ganking a Macherial, they will need three Talos on a moderately tanked Macherial bumper, one on a macherial fit for the most efficient bumper, but that is a loss that will not be covered by the cargo and module drop, unlike ganking freighters. Furthermore there are no AG that can afford to run a dedicated bumper ganker and only three that gank within a usable security status. The punishment matters to them, but not the ganker. So the risk is minimal for you.

You say that one person easily stop a gank, at times yes, but that is really hit and miss and involves luck and errors. There are ways to get a freighter out of a bump but it needs the freighter player to do things, but while you are chatting away with the prey trying to get a duel you are also telling him to ignore help and saying they are gankers. Educating people like a freighter pilot who is largely playing his own game is pretty difficult, but it is what it is. There has been success in using interceptors to get the better freighter pilot to warp to it in the direction they are being bumped, that is the sole way that one person can do it.

I am not downplaying the skill of bumping, I recognise that you guys are especially good at it and it takes skill and effort.

I am glad to see ganking on gates is now a thing though I am not keeping tabs on recent ganks, my issue with bumping is purely based on the keeping it there for ages and the lack of a real chase on a juicy cargo, I have no issue with you lot chasing down and killing an overloaded freighter without the mechanism of bumping, I think that is interesting game play for both sides and hope that it will get to this.

Yes I am aware that ganking freighter without bumping will impact those who wait on pings, and it should, I want them to have an active fleet and be out hunting, this stacking up of targets just makes it too mechanical, too samey and not at all fun for a freighter pilot.

I appreciate the reply, I hope that freighters can get into a cat and mouse type run to their destination with active hunters, that would be fun gameplay for both sides and that is what I am asking for and why I want to see the end of bumping like this. It mayb be that freighter tanks may need to be adjusted downwards as part of this, but now the freighter player can have fun taking risk which is what it is all about.

PS. Elite PvP, It may appear that it triggers me, but it does not, I have continuously said that bumping makes it too easy, and I am more focused on making it more fun for the freighter pilot and a more dynamic game play. To me the top bumpers are elite players, they have perfected this skill and use it very well, in one sense it would be a shame to see it go, but as I said I want it to be a more dynamic fun game for the prey, which is my main beef with it.


Without bumping I think it is good content, if bumping can be limited in time or number of bumps that will be good, a battle to slow up a freighter for the fleet to get on it is fine, it is getting the balance right.

Of course it is about the ISK, the only question that people like me had in the past was whether certain Goon paymasters had certain motives behind their efforts.

Yeah I am pretty aware of the effort involved and have stated that numerous times, the key thing is to make it better content for the prey, because at this point its not really that fun for them in a dynamic sense.

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something something missiles

gg ez

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I don’t tell my victims to ignore other help. I’m actually shocked that most of the time my duels happen with 3-6+ AG on grid.


I can’t really see any situation in which you’re a gank victim and it’s fun. It’s just part of the game that happens. Not every freighter pilot puts themselves in the position to be the bottom of the food chain.

So really the essence of counter-play starts before you undock as a freighter pilot. If you are good at what you do, you’re probably alright. I don’t know too many gankers whose freighters full of gank loot get caught moving it to Jita. Yes I’m aware the from time to time AG catches the freighter going suspect.

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Somehow ag is not capable of flying SBs, even after years watching CODE. dunk stuff with them directly on top of their faces.

Somehow the exactly same game mechanic which is usually described as “too easy”, “no real punishment”, “freighter mining” is suddenly extremely difficult, unfair and the punishment matters if they have to do it. Since the game mechanic is exactly the same it has to be the players who are the difference here. Just saying.

There are a ton of things ag could do, even something similar to the funding James does with minerbumping shares. Yet it constantly fails at the toxicity of the ag community who rather whine and moan than to organize and play the game by the rules which are the same for everyone. It actually seams, at least for some of them, the they expect special treatment because they see themselves as the “hero” which usually has the upper hand in other games.

And about that “stale gameplay”. No one forces ag players to play their role. Freigther ganking as it is now is emergent gameplay, it was imagined and created by players, every part of it, based on the game mechanics as they are. In comes ag and is unable to figure out how to make their self chosen role work and now asks CCP to make it interesting for them. That is not how the sandbox works. Figure it out on your own or GTFO of New Order territory and maybe shoot some red crosses in space with easier game mechanics that don’t go over your head… Oh wait you already did :joy::joy::joy:



Well said.

Well so you are happy for counter play for a freighter to be simply a case of docking up and logging at the sniff of a Macherial on a gate in one of the pipes. I am not talking about the gank as fun, though playing gate timers adds another dimension, you see you lot have such low levels of imagination, people like to take risks one that they could win or get through, but once they are bumped it is really game over, not a chase over a number of gates, needing to stack up citadels with re-ships etc.

Talking to people who are stuck on easy mode is in fact a waste of time, so I will continue to express my contempt because as I said this is easy stuff because you hold all the strategic cards, the bump enables you to control the battle field, the time the place and the exact DPS needed, Eve on easy.

As for Ima, this is not emergent game play, it is stale game play and as soon as the AG players did emergent game play in came a rule change. Well played with emergent game play…, this is how the sandbox worked.

Rewards Ima, there are none, also it is pretty evident that gankers are rich old players and are supported by rich old players who have gouged out a large amount of ISK against people who have the lowest level of ISK generation in the game because they are casual players, yes the difference is in the players, too damn right.

Ima you lot are toxic, you especially so, I have had some decent discussions with some gankers and I have seen some real shite lords being scum bags going as far as winding people up about a tragic RL event which ended up with a ban. As I told Kaely I never saw this from AG in all the time I was there, however I am not US TZ, but I saw plenty of gankers going for it in the AG channel or in local, yes the players are the difference.

You have a white knight hero complex Ima which is laughable to see, people are playing the game to have fun and resisting people with all those advantages can be fun, I often wonder why you lot are so toxic, I have a good idea why. AG players do it to resist because they want to do it for fun and to get back at those who ganked them, at least that is what I saw.

Torpedoes against a fast moving target are not the same in terms of damage application as blapping a freighter, explosion radius as compared to signature bloom with the MWD.

And to say make it interesting for AG, hell no, this was purely to give the freighter players more fun game play at risking going for it, but of course having ganker and AG fleets running around playing gate chess would be a lot more interesting then what we have now. Too much of a challenge for you lot as I said before.

But as I said you lot are stuck on easy mode, yeah I do not think you have it in you to play the real Eve of fleet combat, so enjoy your lame spreadsheet based ganking of simple and easy catches, tell everyone how good you are but to any player that has really played this game in small gangs and in medium fleet fights like me knows that you are nothing much at all.

Ima you are a legend in your own hisec, lmao, and no I have no interest in your stale boring game play, but I do so enjoy showing it for what it is. Now that null sec has a lot more small fleet fights I am loving it there, back to what I saw in 2009 to 2011…

Anyway I will just keep pointing out how lame bumping is every time I can, because you deserve it, and I am relentless. o7

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Another satisfied customer!

(And no, I didn’t even read the first line lel)

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There’s no need to dock up if Mach’s are on gate.

The same thing works that has been proven time and time again over the last few years.

An effective webber is a hard counter to a bumper. Don’t be bumped in the first place. It’s both simple and effective.