For someone that keeps saying that CODE. isn’t relevant to your gameplay, you sure do complain a lot.
GTFO or HTFU, seriously.
Now you make ag look good XD
For someone that keeps saying that CODE. isn’t relevant to your gameplay, you sure do complain a lot.
GTFO or HTFU, seriously.
Now you make ag look good XD
Dom, such sad one liners, Yarous appreciates you more than I do, lol
You can’t deny the coolness of that image though. It’s pretty funny
Thanks @Dracvlad for filling my thread with your tears. It would not be a complete CODE. thread if it wasn’t full of drac tears about bumping and how we manipulated the CSM into changing wreck hp.
When Codies say they r saving HiSec, I call Dune Rats…
Ima I think your tear fixation is rather amusing, I am explaining why bumping is lame and that it creates stale game play, while you see tears. Above I detailed my view on ganking as a whole, which is in pretty good shape in terms of balance apart from this bumping issue in my opinion. If you want to extrapolate in a babyish fashion that I am crying in some way then I have to question your attachment to reality.
Hisec is however pretty much a wasteland for meaningful content and it does include you lot in that statement, for example I saw someone say that CODE have a number of citadels in Uedama and no one bothers to go after them, in reality that shows just how dead hisec is. Funny really…
Lol, do you really think someone reads your wall of tears? I mean it is probably the same whining about how bad you are at the game as always. At least you accepted your defeat and went back shooting red crosses in nullsec. The Code always wins
Of course they do Ima, you seem to have tear derangement syndrome, especially noted in those with delusions of grandeur. You have won absolutely nothing, CODE does not have a single kill on any of my toons and I have lots of kills on CODE and plenty of saves too. But keep deluding yourself…
PS Bumping is unbalanced…
You’re boasting about that part way too much for it to be true.
It’s common knowledge that anyone who says they haven’t been ganked or haven’t heard of CODE. actually did or were XD
Your tryhardism is pretty lame at this stage
Just give up
Boasting is for losers, I am stating a fact.
It is hart to lose a ship if the only thing you do is whine on the forums.
It is hard to kill someone who knows what they are doing when you normally kill noobs in the lowest tanked mining ships.
Only takes effort… nothing more, nothing less
Effort you lot never made, I was mining a lot in hisec, in Skiff’s or Orca’s and you never even made an effort, oh let me guess, too much effort…
Bumping makes freighter ganking too easy and stale, gives total tactical control to the gankers and is boring play for their prey.
PS Just moved 2.7bn of stuff in a DST from Jita to Amarr, seeing as while I am in hisec I might as well say I am AG, so AG win again… Part of the cargo was 4 Pith C-Type Adaptive Invulns so I put three of them on the Bustard, was a damn meaty EHP overheated, I was hoping someone would go for it but I was disappointed… Will be using the Amarr DST soon and that is just plain nasty in terms of overheated EHP with high grade slaves and command bursts.
No one cares what you do,
Keep it on topic
So ag now sets their own “winning” bar so low they win if they are able to move stuff around in Highsec?
Ima, well I thought you had a low bar for winning, so I joined in, clap clap clap… I don’t have a permit, won’t buy one and I move around hisec when I want, makes a mockery of your winning position doesn’t it.
Dom, but it is on topic, you claim that you own hisec and that anyone operating in hisec without a permit will cry, that is totally not true and I proved it today, your victory conditions are pretty elastic. I win again!
PS Bumping gives too much of an advantage to gankers.
What do you think of the cloak + mwd trick for DSTs? I think that’s a little imbalanced.
Actually it is quite balanced, to make it work properly you have to adjust the fit, certainly I found that to be the case with the Masterdon, or should I say to make it work to an acceptable level, though the character I do it with is not quite there with aligning, so it could be down to me.
You have to get your timings right too, which may be an issue in high stress situations.
Outside of that, if you have other people around the gate and of course the faction police you can find your cloak not working.
The attacker doing what a sabre can do in null sec tro decloak people can get on it to decloak with skill, an interceptor will definitely do it, even a cheap T1 frigate can do it. Also pressure the guy into making a mistake by jumping with him.
All in all it is balanced, however it is more balanced towards operating outside of hisec, like in lowsec. For null sec or WH space bubbles are a killer so you have to fit a MJD.
Needless to say I tend to have different fits for different areas of space or situations, for example a ship set up for MWD-cloak is very vulnerable undocking from a station, though anyone worth their salt has good instra undocks.
I guess you will say that bumping has an error element to it and it does, but the issue with bumping is still that it is an act of aggression even if the mechanics do not treat it that way, while using the MWD+ cloak trick is not an aggresive act. By the way I would be fine with bumping if it did not give such a huge tactical advantage to gankers.
Oh by the way I noticed someone in AG saying that people are copying you, posting on Reddit sure had an impact. o7
You don’t even live in highsec yet you cry more about highsec than any other person concerned