A letter to CCP and the Community

You have just witnessed the reason for about 90.9% of arguments on these forums.




Awwwww, that’s far less impressive. :frowning:

Not just one day. Also if you can’t find it within yourself to find a 5 minute spot on your daily agenda, well maybe you should find solutions. Do you eally want to have those gifts? Or is it interfering with your private life too much? Ot should be a game, it’s ok you don’t rule the entire nullsec. It’s just a game. Play it and have fun. No one said to be overentitled. But tldr, 5 minutes a day. Maybe try and arrange your schedule a little? Like 5 minutes a day, PC with Teamviewer and a teamviewer client on a phone? Try and find a solution for next time. Imagine every PVP fight people send in a ticket about they didn’t cycle down something and lost the fight? Everytime someone was afk and didn’t see the NPC miners nibble away ‘their rocks’ while they were doing some household chore like cleaning up the room, should they also send in a ticket?

Why don’t you stop treating support like “four square blocks”. :wink:

Me too man. Everyone does. But that does not mean we all love each other’s opinions.



If you can’t deal with these harmless words …
… then you are the problem.




When you give people reasons to behave the way they do …
… blaming the people for what you did will just give them even more reasons.

So … it’s rude, you say.
Maybe it is, yeah.

So what?
Why is that a problem for you?

Are you weak willied?

What are you going to do?
Cry, scream and run to your mother?

I run around calling people assholes all day if they deserve it.
Guess what, people call me asshole back when I deserve it.
We get the message and don’t close our ears in fear of a word.
We self reflect and reconsider our approach, because we might have done or said something that makes us actual assholes.



Now back to our regular topic …

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Im glad Eve has been and is in decline. Such a shitty toxic community… You all really deserve what the future has in store for ya. Im glad my request for respect has got so much negative attention. You all proved my point.

Have a nice day!

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It became a lot less toxic the moment you left. I wonder why


Speaking of toxic…sheesh…


Thank you.


oh man,…

i first thought this was all a big joke,… but these people are crying for beeing too stupid to get free stuff?!

this is hardcore! omg!!! xDDD


the only thing that ccp should really do now is to ban ur account, shut down ur whole Internet connection and send u back to school!!

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If you are going to call people stupid, you shouldn’t write like you are stupid.

Just sayin’

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That was a entertaining thread. Thanks for that, everyone who posted.

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