A Premise For Life Existing In The Universe Outside of Earth

Forgotten Element Could Redefine Time

But what is Time?

Time is the measurable distance that an energetic body comprised of atoms or wavelengths will travel in X amount of time. The amount of time traveled is based on interactions with other energetic bodies, the medium that the energetic body is passing through and other factors that science has yet to discover.

In 1967, the International Committee for Weights and Measures defined the second as the amount of time it takes for a cesium atom to absorb enough energy to be excited — that is, for its electrons to jump from one energy state to the next. For this to happen, the atom must be pulsed with exactly 9,192,631,770 cycles of microwave radiation.

If we were to structure the Universe in microwave pulses so that each element of the human body, Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and remaining elements are created in time and absorb enough energy to become excited for one second so that electrons are able to jump from one energy state to the next, we can coordinate a set values to locate the point in the Universes expanse when the seed of humanity came to be.

When microwaves are pulsed in a frequency that excites each of the elements in the human body based on the volumes of elements needed for the communication between cells to generate each of the systems of the human that would have been present during the earlier formation of the Universe in the same volumes then we can come closer to determining a point at which the seed of humanity was created.

We can also then determine that because the same pulses of microwaves would have been present and pulsing from the center of the Universe outwards, that the Zones of Creation that had the same volumes of elements as our human body would have jumped to from one energy state to the next so that at the exact moment in time all of the elements of the human body obtained the energy needed to absorb each other and create a symbiotic relationship of sharing energy that then created the seed of human life and other life that then evolved appropriately based on other factors. Other factors such as psi on the skull, that allows and contains the growth of the human brain and necessary facilities to communicate between the brain cells the same that the early cells of the human body communicated.

Not all zones within the Zone of Creation would have seen the same values of energy that caused the electrons to jump to the next orbital and would not have created the seed of life. But when areas within the Zone of Creation encountered microwave pulse and had the same volumes of elements that the human body has proportionally, then the seed of life would have been create at those points at the exact same time through the Zone of Creation.

The center of the Universe then began to spin in different directions causing the slowly forming elements of life within the Zone of Creation to mix with solar systems that had formed already from other elements but did not have the elements present.

Some planets would have formed with the seeds of life present in the elements flowing through the solar system. But until the point of when the planet cooled enough to allow communication between the seeds of life the next jump of the seed of life from seed to developing organism would not have taken place. When a planet cooled just enough to allow the energy of the seed of life to jump to the next orbital is when life began to form on planets throughout the Universe.

Some planets may be like Earth with a lot of water and rocks on them but they haven’t encountered the seed of life yet but will in time pass through the conflux of the elements of life that continue to twist and expand outward into smaller and smaller capillaries of the elements that created humans and other life on Earth.

This process would be similar to how millions of sperm or the elements of life circling the center of the Universe in the Zone of Creation would come across the females egg. Millions of possibilities but only one exact point of temperature convergence that allowed the elements of life to impregnate the planet with life.