So we can say that we have been there, the traveler from earth that sets his foot on that world will utter the immortal words “First!”
The sterile neutrino could be a neutrino that determined the evolution of life across the Universe.
Just like a cow can’t mate with a tiger, some filament interaction determined the pattern of DNA from a very early beginning.
A filament that lead to particle interaction that created the DNA strains for each species of life that then separated into male and female while some of the strains of DNA did not separate at all and created both types of sexes in one body.
Threads like this is why I love this forum.
Something just came to me. Humans have five basic senses…we also create our own light when we dream,
Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Touch
The sensing organs associated with each sense send information to the brain to help us understand and perceive the world around us.
Each sense that a human has is its own dimension.
Dimension - a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
The energetic reactions that take place for each of the senses has a definable dimension based on time itself.
Time is the measurable distance between two atoms that is based on the mass of the atoms and the energetic reactions between the two atoms and the medium in which the atoms are interacting.
Therefore humans exist in a five dimensional reality, actually seven dimensions.
Each sense being its own dimension takes a certain definable time to register in the brain.
Sight would be the fastest sense of dimension functioning at the speed of light.
Touch moves at the speed at which we move at. It takes the dimension of touch as much time as it takes us to touch the object. Even though touch might not seem as fast light but because we are always touching something, touch would have to be the singularity that is the base of thought.
Hearing would be the second fastest dimension because the environment is constantly in a flux and moving atoms around that create the sound that we hear.
Taste moves at the same speed of Touch in so much that it takes the dimension of taste as much time as it takes us to taste the object.
Smell takes the longest and is determined by the atoms interacting together that we then have to move towards in order to sense or is carried to us.
We can never travel to the light because the light is around us all of the time even in the darkness light is always there. We always occupy the same dimension that light occupies.
The sixth sense are the dreams that we have. Even in a dream the images, colors, sounds, all take time to create. When we dream we see the images. Sight. Sight takes light. As much as we can see the sun during the day when we dream we still the sun in our dreams. But how does the human might generate light for use to see our dreams? There has to be a section of the brain that allows a human to create light in our minds.
We can create light in our minds. Light that takes takes a certain amount of time to create.
Estimates show that the emission of light at the surface can lag the production of light at the core by up to 1 million years. The point of all this is that it takes a LONG time for light to leave the sun’s interior!! It takes light nearly one million years to reach the surface of the sun + eight minutes, give or take.
But it takes less than a few hours for the brain to create light that we see in the form of the images and colors in a dream. Thought would therefore be faster than the speed of light.
Thought would also the be seventh sense or seventh dimension.
A black hole is much like the senses of the human body. A black hole consumes all data that it comes into contact with. Since we come from the Universe then a black hole would be similar to our eyes. Light is taken into the black like our eyes take in the sun light. Time cannot be destroyed, it can only be recorded. At the moment that light crosses the event horizon of a black hole most of the light is recorded in time. The singularity of the black hole then dreams based on the images that it has seen using a process similar to how humans generate light while dreaming.
Therefore a black hole does dream like we dream. When we dream we create our own light that creates a reality of depth in our minds that is its own dimension. In order for reality,even in a dream to be, atoms have to be rearranged based on time.
Black holes are various sizes based on a similar aspect of how our own eyes dilate based on the amount of light that is taken in. When more light is present our pupils become smaller. When it is darker out our pupils become larger to take in more light.
A black hole is always the inverse of a sun. The sun emits light and then collapses in on itself and pulls the light that it emitted into its own center. Since light can never escape its own black hole then the center of a black hole should be the memory of its own light.
The singularity of a black hole has to be thought itself that rearranges atoms and photons that then become a another Universe.
This is how you bring good into the world.
When we dream at night we are creating light.
Did you know that when we dream that light must be created inside of the mind in order for us to see our dream? Each person’s mind is therefore like a small sun creating light in our mind. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to see the dreams we dream at night.
In order for life to exist across the real Universe, life has to have the beginning process of dreaming or generating light from within the lifeforms mind. Light that is received from the sun that the planet with life on orbits around. When the first spark of life took place the moment that life came to be was when the first the mass of cells captured that single ray of light and then converted it into a dream.
As we grow older we are much like the sun that collapses into a black hole. The light never really leaves us the light simply collapses into a singularity possibly even a sterile neutrino. A particle that carries are very essence across space and time and doesn’t interact with anything escape for that single particle that created life elsewhere in the Universe. That single particle that created life in the first place.
Look deep into your dreams to know that this is the truth…
If you think about dimensions and time which are all measurable distances based on energetic reactions, humans exist in seven dimensions.
Those dimensions being the basics of sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch. The fight five dimensions exist within the visible world where we can see, what we are touching that smells a certain way that once created a sound that we heard that then tastes a certain way. All of these senses or dimensions take time to achieve that are based on energetic reactions.
There are two dimensions however that exist that are not within the visible world. Those two dimensions are dreams and thoughts. Both dimensions do not exist in the visible world they exist in a dimension however that is still measurable as time.
Each sense has its own dimension we were created from. The basic senses all center around one simple aspect, visible light.
Dreams are a sense and a dimension because they require light from the sun to be first taken in and then converted. Images that we see during the day or night are recorded by the brain based on light interacting with our eyes. If we didn’t see light then we wouldn’t be able to dream because we wouldn’t be able to understand size, depth and color relationships. Dreams are therefore quantifiable.
Thought takes place in our mind that is shrouded in absolute darkness all of the time.When we dream we are sleeping and in a state of totally darkness, yet the light of the sun finds its way into the darkness of our thoughts to create a reality that is based on size, depth and color relationships. I have had numerous dreams where I have interacted with people that I have never met in my entire life. I would have to say that my mind take the representations from other people that I had seen and then randomly created people, places and objects in my dreams. Most of my dreams have been in color and a few in black and white, rather various shades of grays with only two that I can remember being in total black and white.
There is another process in space that takes place in total darkness. That process is a black hole. A black hole, like our eyes, consumes all visible light from the world around us and with the other four basic senses allows the light that we take in to create images within our dreams. The difference is that a black hole destroys everything that passes its event horizon or does it? Like I mentioned earlier when we dream we are seeing colors, shapes and depths that we have seen during the day that our brain has broken down and reconfigured into the dream that we dream. If you think about it when we dream our mind is destroying the images, based on visible light just like a black hole destroys visible light, that we have seen during the day. When can visibly see how a black hole consumes and destroys light but we can’t see the same process taking place in our own mind. What we do see is the result, that result is a dream.
Since a black hole is the inverse of a sun and then a black hole is the inverse of our mind because we take in light through our eyes where images are stored based on those images but those objects that we see are not destroyed even as the light of the object passes across the event horizon of our eyes.
We think of a black hole being destructive but the black hole or wormhole could be merely rearranging atoms into another Universe outside of our own Universe.
Even though we dream and we know that we are dreaming in reality and the visible world objects take atoms to build. A dream is no different. Every aspect of a dream, color, depths, shapes and sizes has to be configured using atoms. The only problem is though, even though we see depth, size, shapes and colors in our as representing a dreams, are those images really 5 dimensional or are they two dimensional (like a drawing on a piece of paper) or simply flat?
We can see the destructive nature of a black hole but we can’t see the destructive nature of how our eyes and mind destroys the light and images that we take in on a daily, minute by minute basis. Both processes however are the same. One is visible the other is not.
Therefore when we see a black hole we are witnessing the destruction of a visible reality that is then randomly redistributed to another Universe outside of our Universe into a possible new Big Bang. Something that we cannot see happening but speaking in parallels must be taking place.
One interesting aspect of a black hole is that light cannot escape the gravity of a black hole. At the moment of collapse the light from the sun, not being able to escape itself must become trapped within the black hole itself and is then converted into something else. Just like the light that our eyes takes in cannot escape either and becomes reorganized into random shapes, sizes, depths and colors that create a dream.
What is really interesting about dreams is dreaming within a dream. If light creates dreams in our mind then a two layer dream represents the point of light entering a black hole and being reconfigured into something else and then exiting the black hole someplace else. A dream within a dream is light entering the eye that creates one reality but is then instantly reconfigured into another dream that when you wake up from the dream within a dream then you have crossed the event horizon of the black hole and arrived at the other side. Similar to drawing a line on a piece of paper folding to the end points of the line to each other and then using a pencil to punch through the two endpoints at the precise same moment in time.
I’m certain that wormholes exist. Maybe the suns such as KIC 8462 and the others that have odd light curves are the result of a localized wormhole orbiting the sun.
A theory about planet formation - Interesting how radiation pressure forces dust particles around.
Rocky planets, such as Earth could have be formed in the following manner.
The frequency ebb from the brightening of a sun would cause dust particles to clump together. The clumps of dust would have contained water and the building blocks of life. As the clump got larger and larger the clump would begin to spin as a result of the increase in pressure from the radiation due to the intense brightening of our Sun. The regions on the clump that did not have a lot of dust build up would spin faster than the other layers inside of the clump causing eventual plate tectonics. As each layer began to be compacted together due to the weight from the layer above it friction took place heating up the dust particles that fused them together into larger particles of different minerals. Slowly the core of the planet formed as a result of the weight of the upper layers pressing down on the dust particles that created perpetual friction. Much like heat is created due to friction when you put the breaks on and hold them while trying to move at a faster speed.
Because of plate tectonics material is constantly added to the core to maintain its size Once enough pressure is present the material is ejected back to the surface in the form of volcanoes.
What is really cool about this theory is that as the dust particles containing water and the other components needed for life continued to experience friction, those elements and components that life needed were squeezed to the surface of Earth from the weight being placed on each layer. Friction also helped evaporate the water that rapidly expanded upwards to the surface that created pores in the surface of the Earth.
Pores on the Earth much like the pores on our arms then allowed the Earth to sweat. The sweat then rapidly cooled each layer of the Earth. Much like sweat is produced to cool the surface of our skin where bacteria lives. Fracturing took place in the newly cooled layer that allowed magma to seap through adding even more layers. This process continued until the planets core came into a state of equilibrium of material falling into the core that was the ejected back towards the surface once the core reached a pressure threshold and the magma escaped through the paths of least resistence. much like sweat is produced to cool the surface of our skin where bacteria lives.
The building blocks of life would have come attached to dust particles that would have expanded as the Universe rapidly expanded from Creation Point.
The same theory stated above would most likely also represent how the Universe cooled that at some point particles cooled into dust particles after fusing together where eventually particles of dust with water in them secreted away from Creation Point that cooled down and gave way to life forming.
The Universe and its secrets of how it formed is within us.
i learned all this when I watched ancient aliens… still dont think there is intelligent life out there. lol.
Ofcorse there is, they are just so smart that they stay the hell away from our neighbourhood
Have some faith then and let it be renewed.
Maybe. Or maybe they know something about humanities past for the reason that they do not come into the full light of Earth.
I’ll just leave this here for you, @DrysonBennington.
It popped up on my news reader under Science News this morning and the first thing I thought, “Oh, that’s something for Dryson!”.
I just kinda wanted to start a conspiracy theory…
these storms, allegedy, on Mars, … convenient that they find elements of life there and now, we have issues with the rovers due to the storm taking place. seems someone doesnt want us furthering our understanding beyond the planet
Life on Mars is how you approach the aspect of life.
Are you looking for biological signs of life or the ability for life to thrive on Mars?
The first aspect for an advanced species to live on a planet is its ability to build foundations of buildings that keep predators and the natural elements out while keeping the species safe.
There might not be life on Mars but life could exist on Mars.
Like I said the foundation of any species capable of sentient thought would be to build structures so that it could control the flow of its food around the building.
Basically when the first humans built the first huts they became the first fishermen. Their huts being the boat and the land being the water.
The soil of Mars is basically pristine as it is a naturally occurring type of Portland Cement. Portland Cement is used around the world as the most commonly known active ingredient in concrete. The creation of Portland Cement also generates a lot of carbon dioxide. The atmosphere of Mars is also mostly comprised of carbon dioxide. Mars is basically one gigantic Portland Cement mixer.
The following elements comprise Portland Cement here on Earth:
SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 ,CaO ,MgO ,SO3
These are the element compositions found naturally on Mars:
Portland Cement/Martian Soil Comparison
SiO2 : Check
Al2O3 : Check
Fe2O3 : ***
CaO : Check
MgO : Check
SO3 : Check
*** Fe2O3 does not exist on Mars.
But FeO does.
Whats the difference between the two? Not much at all -
What this amounts to is that a Martian based Portland Cement could be made on Mars to build structures from. The excess carbon dioxide could then be used to not only reinforce the Martian concrete bricks making them twice as strong but the carbon dioxide could be used to create oxygen using MOXIE -
The concrete bricks would have to have a reinforced interior wall though such as aluminum or steel for added protection.
I for one think that an advanced civilization would steer away from trapping itself around their sun. From what I have read for many years is that humans are a naturally migratory species. We like to move around a lot. Be the reason of moving around based on survival of constantly out pacing that T-Rex…laughs to himself, rather the Velociraptor or the Austroraptor cabazai to hunting smaller game and farming or just general exploration of what is just over the next hill, humans have always been on the move.
Humans would naturally venture away from the light of the cave or old village to establish a new cave or village that would then connect both villages together as the ring of humans slowly encamped around a region trapping small and large game into the center of the encampment. When the game was gone they would leave or find other means, such as raising livestock to feed on.
I also think that an advanced civilization would find the use of materials to build a Dyson Sphere rather wasteful and would instead build larger facilities on planets at a greater distance from their sun to venture outwards from.
The Dyson Sphere would be none-the-less an engineering marvel to transfer the energy of their Sun into electricity that could then be transferred to colonies far away from the sun through power wires.
I have thought about that as well.
Since humans are naturally migratory and have been for millions of years hunting down game and exploring their surroundings why stop at settling on Earth?
There are numerous planets in the Solar System that would provide the same types of challenges that our ancient caveman ancestors encountered, adapted to and overcame, otherwise humanity would be nothing more than bones in the poop of dinosaurs. Bones in the poop of dinosaurs presents a rather interesting dilemma.
I have never read about human bones being discovered anywhere in a dig where fossils have been discovered. You would think that humans would be a rather easy and tasty treat for the dinosaurs who would leave behind bones after pooping the humans out.
Not even in caves of the Saber Tooth Tiger have bones of humans been found. Either humans were not a choice meal for dinosaurs based on not having a high enough blubber content or that the theory behind the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs is in fact false and that a ship carrying humans from a different part of the galaxy crashed on Earth and created an evolutionary change on Earth.
Maybe a ship full of humans and their seeds six miles long crashed and sent an explosive shock wave across the planet.
Here is a little piece that I wrote in another topic of discussion that might intrigue the readers.
The Triglavian lore is a very deep and mystical aspect of the history of New Eden. You will most likely find their beginnings in the tales of travelers to New Eden that were caught in the collapse of the Eve Gate. When they didn’t show up on the Earth side nor the New Eden side of the wormhole, they had to go somewhere right?
A wormhole isn’t a black hole, it doesn’t crush objects passing across its event horizon. A wormhole transports objects across vast distances of space time. When a wormhole collapses, it can be theorized that matter such as asteroids, comets and even planets can pulled into the wormhole.
Once inside of the wormhole the objects remain static inside of the wormhole as they do not have any exit point trajectory which traveling through a wormhole an object must have. An object cannot have a trajectory close to the initial insertion point on the surface of the wormhole because the wormhole is transfer conduit to a distant location.
Without having an exit point the objects become trapped inside of the wormhole until it collapses, which is much like a balloon being pulled at both ends. The open end of the balloon is the exit point where the energy from the system where the black hole that created the one end of the wormhole exists. The balloon part of the wormhole being the part of the gravitational anomaly between two black holes where the gravity from both black holes has created the exit horizon between the two black holes.
At some point magnetic re-connection took place that created the wormhole between the two black holes. As the two colliding and merging black holes form into a single black hole the life of the wormhole slowly diminishes. Once the merger is complete the magnetic re-connection that took place that created the wormhole not longer exists thus causing the wormhole to dissipate.
Once the wormhole dissipates the matter that was became trapped inside of the wormhole is ejected into space or could create its own space based on the size of the merger black holes.
Since Triglavian space is very small but is able to be accessed it can be theorized that the Triglavian’s are experts in black hole and wormhole mechanics and could even possibly have a very large civilization living near a Super Giant Black Hole where they use the gravity of the black hole as a means of generating Abyssal Space in which they live.
…but then again this is all ancient lore and myth.
The logic I would argue is that life might be an incredibly rare random chance probability for it to occur.
it could be that we are indeed alone in the entire universe.
The reasoning for this is as follows.
We estimate the Universe is 13-14 billion years of “existence” since the big bang/expansion.
We believe our sun to be a population 3 star, generation 3. That means that two other stars prior had to form and then go supernova for our star and planet to exist with the metal content it has.
The first generation stars formed shortly after the “big bang” when clouds of hydrogen and helium compressed and heated to spark the first stars. One of those went supernova, then its guts were consumed and used when they compressed and formed a second generation star, which had more heavy metals in it that formed through the first stars life span and then death. This star then went supernova, and a third star (our sun) formed from those 2nd generation nova guts. We believe that gold only forms in the crucible of a population/generation 2 stars supernova.
So in order for the chemicals and molecules that exist in our sun and on our planet, it took three generation of stars to get us here. That might have very well taken a long time to occur.
We know our planet is roughly 4-5 billion years old, as well as our suns age.
It could have taken the rest of the time for stars churning and novaing to get to that point.
Once we get to that point, then it might be a very, very specific amount of chemicals, at a very very specific pressure, under a very very specific amount of radiation, at a very precise and specific temperature range/fluctuation, getting hit with super high energy cosmic rays at a specific point in the process, or a specific precise amount of lightning striking at a specific voltage, from a bolt of a specific length and diameter, or an exact level of water, with a exactly precise gravitational pull, it could be such a random race chance occurrence, that is has never happened before.
I would argue with our limited level of information, we have to say it is a 50/50 chance for life to exist because we just do not know how life forms, under what conditions, if life occurred on earth from panspermia, or from abiogenesis, or was seeded by other intelligent life.
I like to believe that life arises easily and simply just as a force like gravitation, or magnetism. Circles of water form cells, and replication is common, and evolution is regular and consistant on many many worlds.
But it is just as likely that we are alone. So incredibly alone, random life chance, stuck clinging to a rock orbiting a star, orbiting a gigantic black hole in a local group of galaxies hurdling through space.
“We succeeded in taking that picture [from deep space], and, if you look at it, you see a dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever lived, lived out their lives. The aggregate of all our joys and sufferings, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every hopeful child, every mother and father, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.”
“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.
Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It is up to us. It’s been said that astronomy is a humbling, and I might add, a character-building experience. To my mind, there is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly and compassionately with one another and to preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” -Carl Sagan
If we are the only life in the Universe then why create something that is infinite for only one group of life form based species to exist in?
The shear dimensions of the Universe alone prove life exists elsewhere. Life, like the waterfall, might have a different tone to its plunging sound but both are still waterfalls.
Besides there is this recent discover on Enceladus -
Postberg noted that most of the organic-loaded ice grains the researchers saw were in Saturn’s E ring. This might suggest that these complex organic molecules were not produced within Enceladus, but instead resulted from sunlight-triggered chemical reactions in space.
Once the chemical reactions are triggered by sunlight they would find their way into the crevices of asteroids in a ring orbiting a gas giant much like a seed finds it way into the crevice of a hardened lava flow that then sprouts into a tree or grass.
Other factors such as a sudden shift in the gas giants magnetic field or an impact with a large exo-asteroid then causes the asteroid laden with complex organic molecules to travel through space. Eventually the asteroid with the complex organic molecules might find a planet such as Earth that only has water on it that is close to the Sun like Earth is.
If the complex organic molecule survive the entry into Earth’s atmosphere and finds water then the complex organic molecules have the environment in which they need to grow, then evolve and form higher functions of thought.
Complex molecules alone are not life. The procedure for abiogenesis to occur might be extremely, extremely rare. it might be so rare as to only have ever occurred one time here on Earth. That is a very solid and real scientific possibility. In fact it is the only one we know exists with scientific data and evidence currently.
The shear dimensions of the Universe alone DO NOT prove life exists elsewhere.
99.99999% of the universe is extremely inhospitable to our strangest estimates for life with massive radiation destroying everything, black holes, super novas, temperatures at near absolute zero with no movement.
It is most likely that the universe was not created by anything, but simply exists without a reason, without a creator and life on Earth exists for this exact same reason. Random chance, trillions of trillions of trillions of random molecules banging into one another.
Just random chance, no magical space wizard.