Abandon self entitlement embrace the stoicism!

Carebears, for all of their focus on “production” and “industry” and “making money” are absolutely ■■■■■■■ terrible at economics.

They don’t understand why a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow (which explains their terrible decisions with regard to industry in general), and by extension of this, don’t understand how this principle applies to knowledge, too.

Pretending we don’t exist is not an effective strategy for avoiding us.

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i voted for you
can you please ask CCP to remove tier 1 in FW?
it suck monkey balls

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True and I have never advocated ignoring you.

Just not putting you into a permanent part of the NPE. Fair sized difference there. What we do do, in Rookie chat, is encourage the new pilots to think of ships as an expendable item. To not to get too attached to one ship because ship loss does happen Two missions in the current NPE do result in ship loss to reinforce that lesson.

Heck if you want a more reality based lesson have one where the pilot is making isk, the longer they stay the more they make BUT tell them how to use the D-scan and have a random time until bad things come to point and destroy. Can the pilot learn to watch and get away with the goods/isk they have acquired?



Mike, you are confusing my request that the NPE inform players of the reality of PvP interactions, with a request that the NPE endorse me. The NPE fails to prepare new players, and this means there should be some adjustment to improve it. While I fully expect a large Aiko monument in every system, this isn’t just about me.

Please think outside the box for a moment.

Fixed that for you.

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Theyre only terrorists if you genuinely fear their actions.


You may have just earned mine right here.


I do have to agree with Mike here. I definitely like the idea that the player would learn to deal with people extorting them though, although I think that putting in a direct reference to mining permits puts Aiko on a bit too high of a pedestal.

Maybe the scenario could be:

Career agent: Hey I need some veldspar, go get me some, watch out for pirates tho.

At which point the new player blissfully warps into the mining field and mines for a bit and then the pirates warp in. They tackle the new player and demand ISK to not blow them up. If they don’t pay, the pirates blow them up. If they do pay, the pirates only usually blow them up.

The new player is forced to limp back to the career agent with their tail between their legs. The career agent tells them about tools they can use to avoid pirates in the future and gives them some ISK (perhaps this mission should offer slightly more due to the potential for ransom payment) and a new venture.


You’re trying to reason and use logic with someone who just can’t stop trolling ever. I understand why you do it, I’m just not so sure you should.


Agreed. That would make what’s only in her head a reality: that she owns EVE Online.
Giving New Players the impression that mining permits are an integral part of EVE gameplay is definitely not the way to go. They’re a nuisance at best and completely avoidable.


I could def get behind something like that. Would be epic, and the salty tears even more so!

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Ganking is just another form of Farming. You are giving them so much credit if you tag them with a badass label such as terrorist.:blush:

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Doing PvE is farming, because it has a lot in common with growing and harvesting crops (sow the field by breaking up a moon and then collect the ore). Ganking, however, is closer to animal husbandry/raising livestock (you let the herd graze and feast, and then cull it by harvesting the meat-laden specimens most prime for the reaping). And the generic miner or mission-runner is in fact very close to cattle in terms of mental processing, motivation, and self-consciousness. So gankers are more like shepherds/ranchers than farmers.

I love farming and harvesting🥰


I didnt. I was replying to someone who did.

I just use the word YOU as a general term.:sweat_smile:My apology.

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Its fine, I think we both agree the term is not suitable for any EvE activity.


This should be the first experience upon warping to the first site in tutorial in the game.

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Unless they are rewarded for working out how to not die, and shown that they can live if they are smart, this idea is a terrible as the current one.