About the changes to ore and moon mining and mineral (re)distribution

i have a high skill orca pilot mate, the orca can’t reasonably handle an oversized AB, and god forbid you put a microwarp on that thing so you can be locked in less than 3 seconds, the t2 mining drones are good, but even with all 3 mining augment rigs, it’s literally only as fast as a makinaw, or a pretty dank covetor, also, you’re kind of a prick, stop berating hs guys, they’re soon going to be the only reasonable way for you to get trit ^.^



It is very clear you do not have a “high skill Orca pilot” as you are talking crap. The Orca will take the 100MN AB or the 500MN MWD but only IF you have the skills and are not some sort of “I can fly it so am high skilled” idiot.

Learn how things work. Mate.

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It’s the only way to combat them in high sec. They are all in NPC corps and don’t have any structures anchored, so they can’t be war dec’d. And I’m not about to pay billions upon billions to a merc corp to harass them when I can just do it myself for free…


Draco Blader


Can you explain please of this terms:

-Complete removal of all basic ore types from all moons (what does mean BASIC)
-Adjustments on moon ore type yields of basic minerals (what does mean BASIC minerals)

If i understand correct - CCP whant to delete Veldspar etc. from moons and rebalance moon ores by their mineral structure? Or this is wrong? Explain please.

You have to differ between Ore and Minerals here.

From how i read the info released it sounds like they are removing all regular ore from moon belts. Meaning Everything from Veldspar up to Null ores like Spodmain.

It also sounds like they are going to dramatically decrease the size (m3) of the rocks thats created in a weeks pull meaning people need to run much longer pulls to get minable amounts.

It also sounds like they are changing how much regular minerals are refined from the special moon rocks. For example from Zircon. If they really want to smash moon mining, they may even remove all regular minerals from refining moon ore but i hope they dont go that far.

James Macdonnal



i have a high skill orca pilot mate, the orca can’t reasonably handle an oversized AB, and god forbid you put a microwarp on that thing so you can be locked in less than 3 seconds, the t2 mining drones are good, but even with all 3 mining augment rigs, it’s literally only as fast as a makinaw, or a pretty dank covetor, also, you’re kind of a prick, stop berating hs guys, they’re soon going to be the only reasonable way for you to get trit ^.^

I have a max skill orca pilot as well and it handles ABs and MWDs very well and gives room to fit a tank if needed. The reason to have an MWD isnt to race covetors though. Its to get to warp quicker. I actually remove one drone mining augmentor rigs for a higgs anchor to make sure I get to warp in one MWD cycle even from standstill and even when not fully aligned. Anchor also give speeds slow enough to allow perma aligns.

As for minable amounts. A max skill Orca with 3 augmenter rigs mines 24.8 m3/s. My personal Higgs build mines 22.5 m3/s. A max skill Skiff mines 27.5 m3/s. However an orca really shines when used as a partner to an exhumer or barge. That Skiff with max boosts from an orca with foreman implant rises that mining amount to 42.5 m3/s. The Hulk goes up to 57.5 m3/s with orca boosts.

Heres screenshots from Pyfa with above values.


Which is not true.

We have one guy in our corp that just streams himself on discord all day bumping orcas.

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What a truly full life he must lead. I’m totes 'press’d.

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I like this guy already…

I think given the current trend of changes the net result is going to be less people playing. Theres a big assumption,that all miners are bots because some miners are bots, and that all needs to mining is positive for the game.

Make mining not worth the effort and instead of a game I log into daily to chill and mine, its a game ill maybe log on a few hours on the weekend for pvp, and imo thata not worth 2 accounts subbed, let alone 1 account.

Less players on the field to pop for pvpers, I can’t tell you how many times a careless miner has spawned content…

Reality of what I’m seeing is a sandbox game forcing playstyle vs letting people do their thing…which worries me more than the decreasing worth of null mining and mining in general.

But I get the popular opinion seems to be this is just a pvp game and nothing else matters. And at that eve becomes more a boring strategy game vs a vibrant game ecosystem.

I dunno maybe I just need to bite the bullet and get into star citizen.



lol, high minded clone :rofl:

That has changed


I was just strolling along, minding my own, having a read, and then this…

I couldn’t stop laughing. Good one. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Whats the problem with people AFK mining? You really expect them to look at the screen continuesly. Being able to do stuff AFK also attracts various players that maybe have a busy live. It’s good for the game.

And no, I’m not a miner. I tried it. Skilled into an orca bought one and sold it after 15 minutes mining. Then a year later someone told me to go for a rorqual. I skilled into one, bought one mined for 15 minutes and sold it. Its not for me. But I understand some people like to play it as it is. I don’t see a problem in ‘people liking to play the game’.

CCP wantss destruction because that boosts the plex sales. So they favor easy ganking more and more. But they forget that if it gets to umbalanced there other half of customers quit. You saw it happen with the blackout.


Think it over … one more time.


Only if you first make a half descent reply

No one I know left during blackup.

Noted. You don’t have a ■■■■■■■ clue why it is bad for a game when some players aren’t actually playing the game.


You don’t buy the game because you can AFK in it (who would want to pay and not play?).


So as ccp said it is a shortage Phase so hope it gets “better”.

Anyway my two alts are trained into Rorqual (one full time The other just to be usefull if i dont need it)

You basicly have to active mine and it is fine.
I am sitting the Rorquals on one of those remaining big blocks (90 to 160k m3 akonor and bistot) mine that with excavator and than everything in a 30km Radius with augmented drones.

With this Method it is obviosly less isk/h than before but it Feels more okay now.
Only peopl complaining are those with to many alts that are now useless or big block miners Where is simply not enough ore now for 20 Plus Rorquals in one belt.