Abyssal Deadspace now live on Singularity for testing

Hi all ! I have tested today this update and I have a couple quastions, would be greate to have some answer from DEV`s. So:

  1. Is it final version of what we will got in release ?
  2. Are you sure about restrictions for those new ships and modules. As far as I can see there is no access to any new futures except making this sites, for Alpha Clones ? (And, surprise, but alpha clones are also part of community, wich means that this update in 90% only for Omegas)
  3. You can make from faction module module wich will have stats more then Officer ones.
  4. Will be there any future content for Alpha clones with this update ?
  5. If those ships and modules are not available for Alpha clones, can you move them to T2s or T3s, because now they are in Faction slot. Which basically doesn’t make a sense, ship which have stats almost the same as other faction ships, but alphas just don’t have access to them for no reason.
  6. Maybe you can make this skill available for alphas, but with restrictions (like you can learn it to maximum 2 lvl) ?
    My position why im worried so much about alpha clones is that I have friends, who came to game around 1 month ago, and it looks like there is no content for alphas in this update, because at least you need to have Omega skill set to be able successful pass those sites. So, what I will say to them, like, “Hey dude, it’s a cool game, but in next update there will be no content for you until you buy bunch of plex/skill injectors/etc.”
    Thanks for attention ! With respect, from me.

Also there is a topic related to this theme, wich has some discussion about it: Discussion about "Into the Abyss" update