Abyssal PVP First Impressions

What you call “opinion” is just a conclusion every open-minded person has to draw seeing the current status and the recent decisions that fundamently contradict to the testify and behave and changes of the last 15 years…

Blindfolding yourself because you don’t like the conclusion you also would have to draw if you clearly think about it is no solution at all :slight_smile:

You don’t get it.

Whether it is true or not
Whether it is open minded or not
Whether god talked to you or not

When it has not no official source, it can’t be affirmed as fact. SO you are LYING when you affirm it is one.

It’s like I have a horse, and I want to sell you a car for it. Just because it goes fast (and maybe it goes faster than a car) does not mean it becomes a car.
So I’m still waiting to your source of the facts to start considering your post as being potentially useful, or you acknowledge that this is actually opinion, and a link that provides the explanation. Meanwhile, you are lying and affirming opinions that only people who already want to agree with you will agree with. Which is the opposite of the discussion.

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Sounds familiar almost exactly what people said when they took out watchlist.

Everything is not a pattern.

LoL is free to play ,and is for kids like you.

Nah, it is too complicated for the likes of Balos.

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