Abyssal PVP

I asked how this is better…explain it to me…:slight_smile:

this entire thread amounts too:

How to hammer a Square Peg in a Round Hole.

Having a PvE instance, be the “PvP Queue” for a 1v1 PvP fight is deeply flawed.

  • Even in WOW clones 1v1 is never balanced, it is not intended to be because diversity is also important. Stalemates are common in duels.
  • As soon as you have instanced PvP you have to have a queue, when you read the detail that goes into Queues in WOW clones and see that we have a PvE instance instead, that equals chronic laughter

If they are going to have instanced PvP, which I am 110% against, they should at least do it right. Fleet based, no economic impact, so rewards like skins and stuff and a plain old Queue that works.

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What you desire could not be further from EVE and will never be true.

and do you all know that arenas were primarily requested by players? It was mentioned at EVE Vegas.

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Arenas are instanced pvp…this is allright…they just should standalone and have nothing to do with pve content…simple as it is…

But it is as always…ccp obeys to the wishes of pvp and goes the easy way bugging pve content with pvp instead of actually CREATING pvp content…

One reason players (of both sides) are leaving the game…

Having a PVE part before has good reasons:

  1. it prevents ultracanxerships from entering, like a quaddamp lachesis that would just burn around and let the timer run out. Or curse with lots of td and guidancedistruptors, that cant do the pve part.

  2. It is an optional part.

Adding a proving filament would make the situation better and bring more ppl in it, but then it should not allow ships with any other ewar than ecm, neuts, nos, webs and scrams fitted to enter, as otherwhise it would result in more stalemates

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Optional or not it’s interference into pve…

Just create pure PVP content and stop annoying PVE with things like that…

We have pure PvP content, it is called EVE Online, that people are in denial doesn’t change anything.


I still do not understand why Singularity is not a good choice for instanced pvp?

  • You have basically free ships and modules to not care about losses
  • You can have pvp privately because it is prohibited to interfere in player activities without consent
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The keyword here being “can”

You ask why stalemates are possible and feel as if you have been betrayed by CCP because of their own words and description yet you fail to acknowledge that nowhere in your original post does CCP ever state two will enter but only one will leave - they state verbatim that "two enter but only one CAN leave. No one was ever promised or given the expectation to believe that they will be able to leave for sure, only that the possibility exists for them to be able to leave.

Now to be fair this is an older thread and I have not read the entire thread, only the original post by the OP - there have been nerfs, buffs, and changes since this original post, but it’s this original post to which I am replying to and nothing in the timeline after. Thanks, and cheers


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They dont have to redo them, just delete them from the game; problem solved.

Removed a large amount of off topic posts.

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now it also appears that the gate does no longer spawn between 13:00 and 15:00 eve time even at weekends. C’mon CCP it is not so hard to fix that, pls make the gate spawn 100% of the time

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They can’t make the gate open, there needs to be enough players doing similar abyss.

Also don’t necro.

Gate always up. Cache only spawns when a player dies.

I have barely any experience in the abyss and no experience at all in abyssal PVP, so I may be completely wrong here, but I think extra resist debuffs may not be the best way to go. I get that it’s useful for ships to deal increased damage after a while to break stalemates, but why should this be tied to resistances?
Instead of hitting resistances, I would suggest a general ‘increased damage dealt’ buff or an ‘increased damage taken’ debuff on the ships, that becomes stronger over time.

The difference between such a general damage increase and a resistance debuff is that the former is always equally effective and doesn’t affect fitting choices, where a resistance debuff will make fitting pure HP more efficient. For an extreme example, a resistance debuff would do nothing at all to a ship with polarized guns, right?

You are completely wrong here. I would seek to gain some experience running Abyssal sites first before making a claim about polarized ships surviving the Abyss enough to even make it to the Arena. And from there, even surviving a 900+ dps Gila.

I didn’t claim that polarized ships can survive the abyss. It was merely an (extreme) example to show how resistance hits affect different ship fits with different resistance profiles differently.

I really like PvP area but it needs some changes. If you look at zkill you will see that USTZ has very few opportunities for abyssal PvP. This inconsistency is frustrating. I would recommend 2 options to help this content be more consistent.

1.) Keep the third gate mechanic the same. But always allow the PvP gate to spawn. But change the 5 min timer to 20 min. This will allow more people to get into the PvP que and wait for a fight, while at the same time preventing people from speed running sites.

2.) Create an entirely separate PvP filament. You enter directly to the PvP arena and have to wait 15-20min. If someone enters the arena you fight and winner gets the can.

If no one comes, then a tier 4 or 5 room spawns and the player has to fight their way out to get the can.

This option will allow more people to directly enter pvp but still force them to make compromises with the fit to deal with rats potentially.


That makes sense. Fits in with a, “You’re in volatile space” theme too.