Well, I truly agree with having a strong military, upholding honor and smiting those who would dare attack or denigrate the Empire, but the Minmatar are a little different. Well, not Arrendis and Mizhara, but many of them.
Mostly I just don’t want to have to deal with teaching trillions of people how to fold my underwear right after blowing up their homes and half their families, but that’s just me.
Well, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s taken untrustworthy when your own house is notorious for breaking the pacts and raiding within our borders. It seems a little insincere.
I’m pulling my hair out here! Which is a shame as just had it done.
But outside the Empire it can’t be given a status or privilege above other religions. That’s all I’m saying. That’s the reality outside of the borders which protect the Amarr faith from other religions.
I’m not going to argue other religion’s points of view, or how they can also be interpreted in any which way either, as that would be fruitless for both of us.
Captain Newelle began this thread on his own accord. He also did so against my advice, not that it would reflect on my House, but because I thought it would be a futile exercise. Captain Newelle is not a Sarum, Del’thul, except by being my Lord Consort. His politics diverge greatly from mine and of my House.
And I would not expect it to. The Imperial Rite can prove itself superior in deed and word; it does not need an advantage handed to it.
Of course it’s slow. That is how it is in the Empire. Decades, centuries, millennia. That is how we think and act. Not seconds, minutes and days. We are aware of eternity. We act accordingly.
Aria’s not Amarr, she’s Achuran, she just works in Amarr.
Fair point, and I’d expect nothing less than a truly admirable level of faith and clarity from you. But that doesn’t mean we should trust the Empire to not be committing this particular sin when they so evidently are. Or that Aldrith is in any way ignorant of this, or the organizational infrastructure that would need to be devoted to these ‘rogue elements’.
I’m not, but they are an equal sin to the Republic’s raids in Imperial territory. So perhaps we can call it even on that front and move on to other things?
All well and good, but he’s still propping up the child-murderer’s house through action and position. He’s hardly opposing it. This makes his words lack a certain amount of sincerity when he speaks on matters of my people.
Still declared for Kor-Azor. Still advocating peace and supporting the Pax Amarria and CONCORD as a peacekeeping force. Still don’t invade Minmatar space, choosing only to defend and retake Amarr space in the warzone.
It definitely does not go all the way to the top, because Heideran VII and Doriam II would have never condoned them. I can understand an outsider distrusting Jamyl I or even Catiz I as she is yet unproven, but not those two.
I’m afraid I don’t find any of that particularly convincing when all of that still props up a house and system that systematically breaks and enslaves people. No, Aldrith… I’m genuinely sorry here, but your words throughout this thread and elsewhere have reeked of dishonesty. You trot out the old “Oh they’re criminals” line while knowing it’s impossible for them to pull that crap off without official support. The woman who trots around with your genitals in a pouch around her neck is Sarum, the house of the child murderess.
… your words can’t be trusted. They do not align with your actions. Your intent for my people does not seem any kind of sincere, nor your intent with this thread when you’re demanding absolutely ridiculous concessions to get out of your own people’s crimes.
… trust isn’t a possibility when these things hold true.
Edit: Ironically, that harpy you’re shacked up with is rather refreshing in that her hostility is far more honest. I’d absolutely love to throttle her until her head pops, but there’s still something relaxing about an honest and straightforwards enemy that doesn’t think enough of me to even bother lying.
In short, no. … as Arrendis noted, I’m a Shuijing-sect Achur, which makes me a little like an atheist whose focus is actually someplace else completely. I don’t think one should demand proof from gods, though, and don’t resent believers. I just see gods, or God, as useful symbols and metaphors instead of literal beings.
In the god of Amarr, I see an amazingly powerful societal unifier and anchor. If I accept that unifying humanity under one nation is a worthy goal, something like this would be, probably, a necessary component. I might consider formal conversion, to aid this project on its way, only …
… I don’t believe. That’s kind of a problem for the Amarr, and I’m not prepared to lie to them about what I really believe in. They seem to admire that a little, so, it works out.