(Actually) Interesting Ideas for Ending the Amarr-Minmatar Conflict

Your continued service to Directrix Daphiti gives even me hope for you, Ms. Jenneth.

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Leaving aside the fact that neither one of them has been in power for some time, so your assurances donā€™t really count much nowā€¦ youā€™re saying the Imperial Navy is conducting a massive program of unauthorized slave raiding and hiding it from the Throne? Why hasnā€™t anyone blown the whistle on them? Exposed them? Do you think the flight recorders of capsuleer vessels that interrupt those raids havenā€™t been made available, after all of the years of Jamylā€™s reign?

So itā€™s just incompetence on the part of the Throne and all of the agencies that should be rooting out this sort of thing?

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Hell, Iā€™m pretty sure I have the actual damn tags of the officers on board some of those raiding vessels. Turned them in to the authorities so itā€™s not like itā€™s not available information for any intelligence service. These raids arenā€™t ending because your Empire doesnā€™t want them to.

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And I used to obliterate Republic Fleet armadas literally orbital bombarding Amarr colonies in the middle of Domain. Iā€™m not dwelling on it because I know your side is a disorganized mess and couldnā€™t stop it even if they tried. Iā€™d still like them to stop, but there are other matters to look at.

As for Amarr slave raids, I can tell you exactly how most happen: private mercenary fleet contracts, Holder fleets, and sometimes Royal House renegades. You are right that there is some complicity from higher echelons of the Empire, but not as far as you want to think. I reiterate that I would personally put such traitors down if I met them, but I do not because I do not work for Minmatar agents.

From what I know of the problem, capsuleer contractors take care of most raids with extreme prejudice. The more these fleets are destroyed, the more desperate impoverished Holders and opportunistic slaver mercs will understand it is not a profitable endeavor. The rest can and should meet Imperial justice for turning our word to dirt.

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Oh donā€™t worry, Iā€™m hardly going to deny Republic forces striking in Amarr territory. Pretty sure old baldy is signing the orders himself at this point. If heā€™d get me the ground beacons Iā€™d take over.

Doesnā€™t really change what we were talking about here though, about trustworthiness and sincerity. Your words and actions simply donā€™t match up, and I know you arenā€™t foolish enough to think your demands are anything but ludicrous, so they are not offered in good faith.

If you want an honest discussion and a minimum of trust in order to do soā€¦ in order to be able to take your words on faithā€¦

ā€¦ well, youā€™ll have to do something that shows that sincerity. It is entirely out of my hands.

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Given the limited pool of capsuleers, and the fact that agents have these missions at the ready constantlyā€¦ Iā€™d have to say that no, ā€˜mostā€™ of these raids go without interdiction.

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If weā€™re going by that metric, most raids in the Empire go without interdiction as well. So does this mean we shouldnā€™t be trying to find common ground elsewhere stop help stop it? No. Quit being obtuse and whiny about things that our sides both need to start trying to control. I cannot reason with renegades, just as you cannot.

Iā€™m hardly being obtuse. My point is the same as it was: you canā€™t expect us to trust any offer you make, and that needs to be addressed before anything else can be done.

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Then donā€™t trust us. This is an exercise in hypotheticals. I would pursue and prosecute illegal slavers. You, on the other hand, would never interdict a Minmatar raid, so really I should not trust you.

Iā€™m not the one insisting anything going on isnā€™t being done with the silent approval of the respective governments.

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You genuinely shouldnā€™t. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™d lie to you or betray you. I make it a point to try to avoid that sort of thing at all costs. However, you have absolutely no reason to believe that about me and should be prepared to fend off any such thing at any time.

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And here we are again!

Neither of you have the capability to participate in this thread.

So get out.

So you want to have a serious, productive discussion of this issue. But saying ā€˜if you want it to be productive, there are issues that need to be worked out firstā€™ makes me incapable of participating.

And youā€™re really not just posturing, right?

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I have stated that the Empire can and should stop illegal slave raids as part of a peace deal. Every other Amarr posting here has stated that. We cannot guarantee that will happen, however, because we are not Emperors or Empresses. I put that caveat in the initial posting; we have no power.

Yet you take that as proof we, personally, are liars, and that this entire discussion is a sham.

That is posturing. You do not want peace, or even talk about it. You want to win an argument.

Donā€™t be disingenuous. We provided quite a few more reasons why your words donā€™t really ring true from this perspective. You know your demands are downright nonsensical and yet you make them. You know calling the raids illegal when you also know your own government is complicit is nonsensical, yet you donā€™t acknowledge this. You have laid out no workable plan for how such aggression can be ended, but expect this to be taken on faith. You actually had the gall to consider the Elder Fleet a breach of faith while knowing both nations have been waging a war within each others borders long before that happened, trying to make it sound like you are the innocent party in that.

No, Aldrith. I think itā€™s pretty clear you are not interested in neither peace nor abolition when you are both this disingenuous and unreasonable. You just want to delay any actual action taken to progress this conflict until it can actually be resolved.

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To be completely honest, from an outsiderā€™s perspective, thereā€™s a parallel that I think can be drawn in a sort of analogical thing, or whatever. While most, if not almost all Amarr are against slave raids and do not participate in them, itā€™s, uhhā€¦ well, last I checked, kind of the Khanid Kingdomā€™s big thing. The actions of the Mannar and Jin-Mei cause a lot of people to label the Federation as imperialist and even nationalist; do you think the actions of the Kingdom have a similar effect in ā€˜falselyā€™ labeling what you perceive as incorrect, @Aldrith_Shutaq?

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Oh no, sheā€™s found me out! Pack it in boys, the slave raid Iā€™ve been trying to distract from is complete anyway, no need for this sham now!

Suck it Mizzy, Sarum4lyfe. Iā€™m going to go count my new slaves now.


I cannot comment on the Kingdom. Really shouldnā€™t. I might start a thing. But it will come.

I know she isnā€™t Amarr, but thanks though as I didnā€™t realize that it was a working relationship she had with them either.

Right, thanks for answering. I wasnā€™t sure if things had changed or not regarding your faith status.

I think a higher goal apart from deities can be found. Having something ā€œbigger than oneselfā€ to work towards is a common facet in many societies, even secular ones. I guess the problem for me is if that bigger thing is something real and worth believing in.

Iā€™m honestly glad that has worked out for you.

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Such dignity and poise. I can see why youā€™re a Lord Consort. I think your woman might have to yank the leash a bit.

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Not necessary when dealing with a liar.

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