If you like maps and live in lowsec, this is the one for you. I spent many hours making this back in the day.
Will accept in game donations!!! Pay it forward!!!
EDIT: It is not LY accurate. I was going to add a jump range feature to it, but my Visio skills aren’t that top notch. Maybe a new owner can make it better.
I’m thinking that you haven’t seen the map yet, it is quite large. You would have to zoom out pretty far to see the whole thing, and then you wont be able to read the text.
It’s not about resolution. That is at 10% zoom in Visio to see those whole map in one picture. You need to open it in a Visio viewer or something similar to zoom in on the regions.
Well the original scope of the project was to provide LS FC’s a one stop shop map they could use while running a roam or major fleet engagement. If they were deployed in say Placid, they wouldn’t ever need to look at regions to the South.
Either way I’m picking up what you’re putting down, I hope you can find a solution.
Ooohhhh interesting! You’re connected! Allow me a side question, tangentially related!
Would there be interest in an EULA compliant software allowing Remote real time surveillance of grids?
(read: plant a character, be able to receive real time updates remotely.)
Asking for a friend.