I’m willing to bet the Null-Sec blocks know that such a business model is unsustainable in the long term considering the risks that come with it.
As a said before, some spy can come in and ruin everything. If Band of Brothers can fall at the hands of one disgruntled director, then nothing is stopping the same thing from happening to a player-owned trade hub in high-sec.
The cost of having to defend such a trade hub will likely go up anyways as more and more players willing to defend it charge more ISK for their security service as they see the wealth of the owner and his trade hub grow. It would be foolish to assume that this will not happen. Most Capsuleers are greedy after all.
It’s not ICY who makes the ISK, the money goes into Greedy Gobbins pocket. ICY is just the sock puppet taking away attention from the real culprit. People again and again fall for it.
i started trading base minerals in 2010, buying trit for 1.2 isk a unit and pye for 3 isk. i bought billions of units daily for years. at 1 point i had over 4 trillion isk in my wallet and 870 billion isk in my escrow and huge piles of base minerals scattered all over eden(still do). then i started IIC and ran incursions daily from just after downtime to 2400 hours every day. adding all that extra isk into my market escrow and started buying plex for 270 million and didnt stop buying and storing them until the price started to hit 900 million. I dont think you really understand just how much isk is flowing about this game and tied up in old and unsubbed accounts. no such thing as wealth imbalance, you dont have emough isk? thats your fault for being bad at playing eve. Are you mad at him for making a nice passive income or mad becasue its your isk he is collecting ?
If it gets too high, we will just move somewhere else. Otherwise, if its low, then its low. Nothing much else to do but wait.
The ICY paid mercenaries to protect their citadel while others fell. He is reaping the rewards of his due diligence. No need to get butthurt about it just cause you didnt think of doing that yourself.
i see the problem much bigger…
with the incresement to 0.5% he has now the monopoly on the injector makret, because now, it is not possible to buy/sell injectors… if you could make before some millions per bought/sold injectors, now you make minus…
( the sell and buy prices are the end prices you pay, when placing and order)
the pandemic horde protects him and that horde do not attac the “scam azbels” because that is one of their friends. but if someone else tries to place an azbel, it will immediatly destroyed.
the only way we all could win here, to place an own azbel and make 0% for all. maybe first day 0.1 % to cover the costs and then again 0%… and so on. i tried it before, but the problem was…: when you place and azbel, immediatly the scam azbels turn down their taxes to 0% and waiting, until your azbel is dead, then they increase again. if the trades would go to the scam azbel and trade the one day at the “fair azbel” then it could work for ever. but the peopel instant leave, when then see 0000000%%%%%%.
if someone want to try this, i would give 25% of the costs for the first azbel. i know, that i pay per day over 1 billion taxes (paid before he increased) so i think the frequent trader would profit anyway from this, too.
How should this work? Gobbin‘s weaponized newbie pawns will roflstomp each opposition within 3 days max, thanks to CCP. There is no force in EvE except Goons who can win a subcap war in Highsec against PanFam.
… and Goons have better to do than bothering with Highsec.
Not sure what your on about. Isk is pretty trivial in EvE and will only continue to become more trival. Unlike other games where you purchase items from NPC’s. In EvE 99% of everything you buy is from other players. Meaning things blowing up in eve don’t actually serve as an isk sink. The isk sink’s in EvE are extremely small compared to the raw isk being injected into the game by incursions/ratting/ect. The only reason you don’t see rapid inflation in items besides things like limited edition ships/items and plex is because minerals flow into the game faster then even isk does.
Basically so long as you don’t really care about special edition ships and items. The wealth gap in EvE doesn’t mean anything. Isk flows fast and minerals flow faster and as long as this is true you will be able to rat your anom or run your incursion and buy whatever normal items you need to buy. It’s almost like CCP took steps to balance the economy this way!?!? Crazy right?