Alliance tournement draw

Why are you complaining about this so hard? Is your team playing or in reserves?

I have no skin in this particular game- I just enjoy the tourney I would like to see it done fairly- and a genuine mistake was made- I accept that, what I dont accept that the resolution is fair and equitable for all the reasons I have given above The Tourney is an Eve Showcase- and should be conducted as such and the only fair way is a new draw where all aliances have an equal chance

It was? with the second ticket included again two bites of one cherry

So what you’re saying is that it needs more scamming, bribery, rigged draws, mid-battle betrayals, etc, and that the only problem is that the “rigging” isn’t interesting enough?

with the second ticket included again two bites of one cherry

Immediately prior to the draw of pick 2, the first of the 8-pick sequence that counted, the pool had one ticket per alliance. It doesn’t matter if an alliance had 1 ticket or 2 tickets or 2000 tickets in the pool before pick 2 was drawn, the state of the pool starting from immediately prior to pick 2 was a fair 8-pick draw.

To me it sounds like you’re complaining just to complain. I’m out.

Instead of a word salad, why not show it with an equation, professor. Math doesn’t lie. But forum posters do.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What equation do you want?

I have one ticket I have a chance of getting one place in the 8 - you have two tickets you have two chances of getting a place in the 8 Both you and I get one of our entrants disqualfied for cheating I lose my only place you still have one left- now you see the issue? even with one removed they still had double the chance of getting through, that is why the draw is flawed

But I don’t have two tickets. Immediately prior to drawing pick 2, the first pick that counted, each alliance had one ticket in the pool.

there was no second pick look at the video One pick where one allinace had two tickets in the hat- the guy picking pulled out the same alliance twice- where you get a second pick from ? maybe stop the waccy baccy for a bit

Pick = individual draw of a name from the pool. They made 9 picks, 8 of which formed a random draw from a fair pool.

ISD are also involved in this corruption my post on this matter was deleted.

Did you also notice how the player moved in a bee line to pick that ticket from a shallow open hat? The ticket folds were not regular either.

So many got scammed by these guys & as they have paired so heavily with CCP it demands the strongeat of punishments.

T20 is back in the building. Seems ccp never could get the hang of lottery.

Your post was probably locked for a couple of reasons.

There was no context contained in your post, without which it made no sense.

You threw a load of words at a wall and in a million to one chance it came out looking like English but was utterly useless for communicating any point that you were trying to make.

SUMMONING JUTSU :vulcan::clap::fist:::fist_right::wave::handshake::pray::raised_hands:: PVP Fitting Genius Professor @Destiny_Corrupted ! She’ll math you the frigate up.

Anyway the case is cut and dry. Re-run the draw using a decent RNG. Remove the corrupt ISD censor & maybe you won’t have a full spread on every digital game mag this Friday.

But I am gonna go with T20TWO on Friday. CCP lottery electric boogalo.

No it wasn’t. It’s right here:

Locking your redundant (and rather trollish) thread is not the same as deleting it.

it demands the strongeat of punishments.

It really doesn’t. Scamming and lying and such are part of normal EVE gameplay. Even if the draw was rigged there is nothing wrong with that.

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Yup so true corrupt devs and pet players which now includes making turdy little private instance battles is now ingrained in eve.

CCP should allow the tournament to be held on TQ proper where a rightful pitch invasion can occur.

Trolling is also a part of eve, and “alliance tournament 2020” is the ultimate troll.

Anyway no one gives a hoot about it & that is why it got canned in the first place. These scammers have just 100% made sure it will never return now.

Why are you whining about corrupt devs when this is a player-run event?

They are being supported by devs, they are getting private server and node access alongside access to at ships.

They have ccp branding all over it, which is against EULA. If they can scam with ccp endorsement or claimed endorsement then so will I.