Alpha accounts being CEO of a corp and max pilots alloted

My alpha account (trained to corp mgmt 1) is CEO of my corp and can accept up to 40 pilots. If I activate her to Omega just to train for Corp Mgmt 2 (max 60 players) and then deactivate Omega, can she still take in up to 60 pilots? Or is it capped at 40 pilots again?

You update the corp with your skills and then the corp retains those until you change it again. So if you have someone with (really) good skills update the corp and then never touch it again you’re good, regardless of who’s CEO or what skills they (don’t) have.

I’ve used the service offered here back in the days soon after creating my corp back in 2017.

He seems to be going inactive from time to time but at least once returned back so maybe worth sending an in-game mail to him if he is still active, though his last post in that thread was close to a year ago so maybe he is not active again and who knows when he’ll be back.

You can also check if others offer such service and if not post an ad for such a service.

However be sure you trust the person and minimize any potential risk before handing over your corp as by granting someone CEO role they can do anything with the corp and its assets.

So if you have a friend who has proper skills and you feel you can trust them probably are a better choice than some random stranger.

I only linked that thread as I personally used his service and it worked without issue, though I did so with a fresh corp with no other members nor assets if I recall correctly. His corp history has a tons of corps listed so I assume he performed this service countless times.

Just thought I mention this as an option as well. Either way make sure you are vigilant and minimize the risks and as always doing it yourself is the safest method.

Imagine if it booted out the pilots that had not been online for ages when a ceo doesn’t hold their omega status.

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Imagine the same but with an entire alliance and its executor going out of omega. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

You can update the corp at any time you like with any character you like while they are the current CEO. The settings then stay as they are until you change them by pressing the button again. There are folks who offer Max corp services. Honestly though, the holding corp system and remaining not war eligible at max stats is an exploit that needs to be eliminated for the future health of the game. Holding corp exploits being designed this way and abused are second largest reason for the absolute failure in management by CCP.

Source as exploit?

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