Alpha changes (enforced HS green safety)


At times we had to drop depots just to stop them which you cannot do anymore in JITA.

OK, I guess we were lucky then and those we ganked didn’t know about it. Which was about 12 ppls. I based my response on the fact they didn’t do it, thinking they weren’t able to. Probably just not smart enough to do it or not using scripts / not being that fast with mouse.

@Gix_Firebrand No answer… just as I thought. You’re just a troll who likes to get rises out of people.

Just because I don’t want to get dragged into your personal vendetta, it’s cherry picking?

Okay. Sure.

That was a mistake on my part. I should have painted a broader spectrum here. What I was going for was the general crowd that has it out to remove ganking.

Tangent attack identified, I merely said that there was no way for anyone to identify if the character was Omega or Alpha and suggested that Githany had pulled that out of thin air as a feeling, soneome decided to go off on things that could give a clue or a feeling, and another flat out lied about being able to tell from a killmail, which was incorrect because an Alpha character can run a T2 Catalyst. Where is the personal vendetta on my part?

Thank you for correcting that, I appreciate it. o7

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Is there a list of players in that crowd? Who are those guys? I haven’t yet met anyone in game who told me he’d like for ganking to be removed. Do we know who those vandals are?

I mean I wouldn’t exactly call the R word the truth :smiley: More like a comforting lie you tell yourself.

Well the criminal thing my guy. It’s cute you think that. Again it must be nice to be so naive.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work :smiley:

My guy, we’re just playing a spaceship vidya game. Maybe try to keep some perspective :smiley:

Erm apparently you’re also naive about time zones :smiley:

Who talks like this bro? Your self narrative in your head must be wild :smiley:

It appears someone is feeling a lot of feelings :smiley: Well @Githany_Red? I did try to warn you. See how easily you get turned on?

You’re vendetta to pull out any hypocrisy by the ganking crowd.

We all do it, and I don’t want to get dragged into it. As you are now trying to do, again.

I’ll be more than happy to continue this conversation with your main.

I don’t enjoy wasting time with alts.

Thank you.

I really feel like Viola Davis in the Help man.

Don’t these people get tired of the alt hiding?

@Gix_Firebrand Sorry Gix. Didn’t mean to make you hate me.
Now there is no more ground for us to communicate on.
Oh well, small loss.


I don’t hate you bro. You make me laugh :smiley:

Apparently not.

As Albert Einstein said. The definition of insanity is doing the same over and over and expecting different results.

That’s why I’ve decided to no longer converse with alts. I don’t have the patience to deal with insanity anymore.

I don’t think you would 'cause this is my main.
But since you don’t believe that I’ll tell you who my main is and maybe one of them will strike your fancy:
Aiko Danuja… no? I understand.
Vokan Narkar… yes? Maybe?
Xeux… naaah
Advenat Bedala… could be, eh?
Rail Jak’ar… sounds good. Nope?
Minimus Maximus… yea?

See, whatever name I’ll dig up you won’t know if it’s a main, an alt or another player but you prefer this guessing game bullsh- rather than accepting that Vespasiana is my main because you need serious doses of anti-paranoia and I hope you get it all.
Meanwhile, you ignoring me is probably what’s best for me so thanks.

I’ll be more than happy to continue this conversation with your main.

Same. I’ll be somewhat happy to continue this whatever we’re having with your main or even alt would do, just as long as paranoia isn’t an issue for that character.

Fair point, but it is based on a lot of personal experience and my feelings that gankers showing that hyprocrisy over many years of posting.

Yeah we all do it to some degree, but I do accept peoples feelings and experiences as having some validity, but true facts and clear related data are what really matters, if they are available.

In any case I think CCP have explained why they made this change, so people will just have to live with it.


Ya, I just don’t want to get into a pissing contest of

They said this, but do that. It’s not really productive, and like I said, we’re all hypocrites to some degree.

I know I am.

Thanks for your understanding.

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Yes your right, fleets of gankers must be omega as multi boxes can only fly omega’s that’s all, who would argue against that😊

It’s not being hypocrites.
It’s being human. Your brain makes up a choice then try to find reasons for it. You can’t escape that, because your brain engraves your experiences, your feeling, before logic.
When there is some idea you’ve been living with for years, you can’t even imagine it being wrong. Its not that you don’t want : your brain physically can’t because the amount of “rewiring” is too important.

This can lead to cognitive dissonance when you are proven to be wrong. And HERE is where you find people’s value : everybody makes fundamental mistakes, the good people are those that accept that, and as such try to not force their opinion on others. The bad ones are the bigots who try to force other people but in the process are only fooling themselves by their unconscious fear of being wrong.

And you recognize them at the way they make personal attacks when they are proven wrong. The way they systematically resort to insults, to strawmen, when there is something their brain can’t handle. You can clearly see the dangling screws , the sparks and the cogs being forced.