Alpha clone suicide ganking need to stop!

ohhh, how wrong you are :smiley: pvp can and is being avoided in eve very much. an other fact you will have to get over

yes, stupidity, on your side. you are the one dont want to give others the freedom of choice because you feel entitled

Nope. You can avoid destruction by being better at PvP than the people who wish to engage you, but there is indisputably not an option to turn off PvP. Being targeted but escaping the threat is still PvP.


In some topsy turvy World perhaps. Freedom to choose is exactly my position.

This thread for example proposed removing freedom from all alpha accounts when they are in highsec. I disagree with that. They should have the same freedom my accounts enjoy in terms of safety setting.


So what are you going on about then if Evasion is so easy?


and you are wrong again. come and attack me, im spinning ship on a station. ups

If that’s the best you’ve got then I’ll take it as your concession that I’m right.


yes, in this one we would agree, as they should have the same freedom in everything, like learning skills and using ships/equipment… ohh wait. but… btw, since ive joined in we were talking about ganking newbies which is the other side of this discussion. the problem is that anybody can create 20 alpha account and keep ganking anybody with no risk at all. training a trasher for a suicide fleet is but a few hours. so no, you are not up for freedom, you want to force others to play your ways, op wants this enforcement removed. he is surely not about alphas but the mindless alt creation and ganking. you know, risk vs revard, now in this gameplay there is no risk…

its because you still cant comprehend but well, i didnt expect it at this point…

Then how about the targets of those ganks stop being useless perma-victims, defend themselves appropriately, and create some risk? The problem is not that suicide ganking is overpowered, it’s that too many highsec players are useless perma-victims with more ISK than sense.

PS: you know that you can’t use more than one alpha account simultaneously, right?

you want to force others to play your ways

Yes, because that’s how EVE works. EVE is a PvP game where anyone can be forced into combat PvP whether they like it or not. If you don’t like it then go play some other game.

I comprehend it just fine. I comprehend every bit of the fact that you are such an idiot that you think “YOU CANT PVP ME IF I NEVER UNDOCK” is a compelling argument.


the only thing here is useless is your empty head :smiley:

Within the rules, this isn’t possible and if someone is breaking the rules, whether ganking, mining, ratting, mission running, etc. with multiple alphas then they should be banned.

Risk of being banned on all those accounts is surely a risk, regardless of not playing within the rules to begin with.

Sorry what. Every player has the same choices in the game. Everyone. That’s the way it should be.

I think maybe you don’t have a clue what this thread is about.

You seem rather triggered over a thread you don’t appear to even understand.

No. We were talking about claiming a presentation included claims that were never made about ganking.

Representing people honestly isn’t a bad thing, so when someone has words put into their mouth that they clearly never spoke, it isn’t a problem to challenge that.


so how you bann an alpha account? the point of it is exactly that it doesnt matter if it gets red or if it gets banned, the owner doe not care because its just a useless alpha. there is no banning them, this is why there is a need for an other solution. while i also dont agree the op that fixing security status would be the right thing to do, i cant come up with better atm
and you are the one seem to dont understand what this tread is about…

You seem to be saying “Think of the newbs by limiting their potential choices more”.

That seems the opposite of what you say you favour.

It hasnt’t even been shown that there is a problem, although it is clear that CCP have had their eye on this. From an earlier quote:

There’s also this from CCP Rise about CCP looking for issues:

While claiming others are entitled, your whole point in these last few posts summarizes to “I don’t like the possibility of it, so CCP should prevent it”.

The irony in that is you see others as entitled while displayting nothing but entitlement in your position.


ohh wait, but it seems ccp IS considering exactly what op proposed? :smiley: ohh, well…

and there is no entitlement in MY position, its on your side

This thread is just so tedious, if alphas want to engage in piracy then “Hooray!” for them, there should be more. In fact buff alphas so it’s easier for them. More piracy, more risk, more content, a more interesting New Eden.

If however, alpha accounts are being abused then they should be banned, so all you have to do is report them.



They haven’t done it in 4 years.

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the problem is not that alphas want to engage in piracy, many does, the problem is mass alt accounts ruining others game with zero risk… capiche?


Yes, and despite being open about watching the situation closely.

If they’d seen a problem, they would have implemented a control. But here you are anyway feeling entitled that they should implement a control, even without any proof of an issue.