lol you have no idea sir YES you can load 20 Alpha’s at the same time pc performance permitting BUT its against the Eula IF you get caught but pffft ccp don’t check that, unless reported so yeah this dude has a big point “not that I ever looked” BUT as the ganker used Omega there is no story really. other then dude you need to get a life 20 omega account ouch home detention ?
PS: you dont need anything to load more then 1 Alpha, other then a good pc
PSS: ISD know jack YES you can load multiple Alpha and Omega at the same time if you know how - not about to post how to do it here - and its quiet easy to achieve.
And now let’s field this inquiry:
What does it look like to potential customers when one person can do that Kusion is doing and keep doing it?
Add in the factor of “this guy has 24 accounts, you have one, he pays more money than you, therefore he can still mess with you”.
We can hurf and blurf all we want about what we already know. But consider my question seriously.
I’m sure some would love it, some would hate it and the rest just wouldn’t care.
Olmeca’s video on whaling in nullsec also involves multiboxed fleets and is a great (jnspiring even) example of the small/solo player overcoming the large defences of some of the high-end ships in the game. It’s the same principle with multiboxed gank fleets in highsec.
In both cases, the outcome can be achieved by a group of players playing together, or by a smaller number of players, including solo players, multiboxing.
Each to their own and I’m sure prospective customers have the ability to decide what they appreciate and what they don’t, and they won’t all share the same view.
Decisions and opinions are made on the basis of our biases (even when trying to be objective), so it’s hard to say.
My own opinion on the issue is biased by my own view on things, just as yours is; and while we generally have a very different view of the game, both our opinions are valid, even though they are driven by different biases.
If we were to come to the game as new customers now, I get the impression that you would think that approach (multiboxed gank fleet) is somewhat ridiculous, while I wouldn’t really care aside from having a morbid respect for someone that can devote them self to a game that much.
Olmeca is fighting a major nullsec blob, while Kusion is preying on hisec solo players, there is a difference between the two.
Furthermore if you notice Olmeca’s video he has now created a block of players that are taking the fight to the Goons. Do I see the same with Kusion? Nope!
I think an unbiased opinion is, when you don’t agree with it but accept it makes sense.
So IMO it’s unbiased when it’s not yours I think. That’s why there is discussion, so people can accept other people’s opinion without agreeing with them. For example I like apple, not pears. My mother is the opposite. For me apples are good, for her pears are good. Two different opinions, one source of conflict when baking a cake.
And then there is another biased opinion : when people lie on purpose when the story they are telling justifies their actions. Eg when people say “CCP said killing people increases retention” while CCP actually exactly said “we can’t say that killing people increases retention”. That’s a forged opinion, that only exist as a mean to an end.
My guess is that with your history of hypocritical posts this is the second part he is referring to.
IMO the vast majority of people thing that getting blobbed is the worse thing in the game (after Jita local and goon propaganda). Whatever is your system security, this is the the opposite of fun. But in HS it’s even worse as the user of such a tactic relies on dirt-cheap glass canon because they are protected by concord.
Maybe a solution would be if CCP makes reduction in alpha/DPS based on number, like it is for RR now, or bombs, or ewar. It’s not my opinion, I’m just saying that the state of the game encourages blobs but this is not a fate and I don’t think this is something that should be promoted. A game where “there is no need to play against someone, the one with the most titans/destroyers wins”, I don’t think it’s very appealing. I actually don’t think there is a miracle solution, and I’m afraid my opinion may totally be wrong.
I think it is so much worse when you a solo player get blobbed by a multi-boxer in hisec with glass cannon cheap DPS ships who is protected by CONCORD. What wonderful gameplay…, not!
btw im a new player and got attackd, hunted down several times now, i could always escape and did not die one time! also this game is pretty easy if u use ur brain and its even more easy if u dont play solo and have some nice friends, or a awesome corp who does teach u the ways of eve pvp
and even if i die (and yea the day will come soon enough), i will give a crap
just learn from ur mistakes, adapt and have fun!!
the people who crying About losing stuff in eve dont understand that this game is all about losing ships and equipment! without that aspect of the game the economy/crafting would be worthless and not work!
and for a new player i must already say its way to easy to make fast/good money in this game!!
so pls stop crying or just play hello kitty or other carebear mmos! the market is full with em! stop trying to change/destroy eve into a casual mmo!
Actually, the “right” thing do to is apply real signal science. When too many fighter aircraft attempt to lock onto a single target, they experience crosstalk, extraneous modulation, and “birds”.
I don’t know why an infinite number of ships can lock a single ship and not run into trouble with all those signals bouncing around. The factions use different signal basis, which might mitigate things a bit. LIDAR and Magnetometric might not conflict.
Imagine if they had done this from day one. Instead of “F1 monkey” fleet tactics, there would have to actually be “wings”, “detachments”, and “fighter groups” and such instead of everybody and their brother (or 10 alts) lock one target at a time. Imagine having to resort to AOE damage and “forward strafing” that required actual movement instead of bait blobs stupidly clustering on each other (because they can tank bombers… )
But no. That’s not how it was done. We can’t have nice things.
I am hoping that they change Eve into this, I found the activity of all mass firing at something a bit disappointing in terms of combat, I really wish it was as you said.
I knew a fellow who was running scams on Craigslist back around 2006 and could easily get around IP and MAC blocks with VMs galore.
Tracert on the clients might reveal more though. I recall some cheaters a while back that would run traces on players who clicked on their links they would post in local, find out what network node they were using in their service provider, then attack that node to cause lag. I don’t know if they ever got banned for it. Though should have been hanged in public IMO.
But whatever little thing CCP has in place to prevent multiple alpha accounts from one person is probably not working. We know there is not much motivation to get the Omegas doing this because money, but alphas are in this context committing robbery.
A more “global” solution would be to make alpha accounts unable to send nor receive ISK.
Just my worthless 2 cents.