I don’t much care if someone is Alpha or Omega. A pilot is a pilot. Fly safe out there o7
Nah, there is no contradiction.
It only shows that
a) the Gnosis has too many slots, because you can fit 2 scripted Sensorboosters on it and still have all the tackle and application and lowslots for damage you need to kill smaller ships.
I mean, a dual Sebo-Gnosis has a ScanReso of 913mm, which means it locks faster than most frigates. And you still can fit it with Scram, Dualweb, Propmod and close to 1.000 DPS to absolutely obliterate any smaller ship once tackled.
b) you are the one with a personal gain from the current OP status of the SoCT ships because it is proven that you are using at least one excessively. Explaning your enthusiasm to argue against a nerf that is clearly justified by objective stats.
c) that you have little to no real combat experience, given the facts that you barely leave highsec at all and if you “fight”, you engage only targets that either can’t beat your Gnosis or you one-tap ships that are getting concorded anyway within a few seconds. Making your opinion about any PvP balance completely invalid.
Let me read that again…
So… it’s over powered because this battlecruiser can kill smaller ships like Frigates and Corvettes and Shuttles… an argument you made earlier:
So you are upset that the Gnosis is able to blow up tiny ships… Well! Stop the press! A ship that can be used to kill things smaller than itself!
So your entire argument is that this ship needs to be nerfed so that even a T1 Frigate can win in a 1v1. Got it.
Skill “content understanding” to at least level II, please. Nobody ever said that.
A Harbinger, Prophecy, Hurricane, Cyclone, Ferox, Drake all have about 650 Scanreso with two scripted Sebos. Compared to a Gnosis with 913.
And the Armor BCs have only one slot left for tackle/application after fitting them*, while the Shield BCs severly cripple their tank for doing it. The point is that BCs usually have a disadvantage against small and fast ships because those can either warp away (hard to tackle) or avoid damage / control range against the larger ship. The Gnosis simply ignores all that. It locks insanely fast, has an ultra-hard tackle (Scram, 2 Webs) AND enough slots left to fit a full combat fit.
*okay, Myrm has two, still one less than the Gnosis and in additon one less High.
I have not seen a single fit that gives a Gnosis 913 DPS. All the fits I’ve seen are below 500- even the PvP fits.
Besides- a Catalyst can achieve 1200 DPS. Yes- a Catalyst and not even a Navy faction one. It’s an Alpha ship and only costs 15m to buy and fit. Doesn’t that bother you? A T1 Catalyst that costs 15m to buy and fit getting 1,200 DPS that can be flown by Alphas?
ok guy, learn “Reading I” first. Seriously, nobody here has talked about DPS. You seem to have not even understood what I was talking about. SCANRESO isn’t DPS. SCANRESO is your ability to tackle fast, especially small and agile ships that usually are designed for escaping your bigger and more powerful ship.
If you don’t even understand this, why the heck do you keep discussing with people who do?
Fairt enough. Scan res. But still, Gnosis do crap DPS.
…back to business.
I did.
The SoCT ships most likely won’t be rebalanced and the method of distribution probably won’t change (much). So this entire discussion is probably academic in nature.
Lol…this just gets funnier.
Cop : ’ Step away from the Gnosis…Gloria !’
Gloria : ’ What am I being charged with ?’
Cop : 'Excessive use of a Gnosis. It is now a felony under state law ’
That’s odd. Two of my older chars have nothing but kills in lowsec and null. You DO realise Gloria is a largely experimental noob who only started fully skilling 6 months ago ?
Links or you’re full of ■■■■.
Mr Epeen
Noo…not gonna cast my pearls before swine.
Of course not. Stick with your empty brags.
If lying is your thing, then lying is your thing. Makes you look disingenuous in the eyes of the people you are trying to impress, though.
Mr Epeen
You mistake me for someone who cares.
If you didn’t care about how you are percieved on in the forum, you wouldn’t currently be one of the most prolific posters in here.
You beg for affirmation and lash out when you don’t get it. I think it does bother you when you reflect on your behavior in some of your more lucid moments. Wallowing in rage all day is not a healthy lifestyle.
Mr Epeen
Gloria, he’s just jealous that you undock.
Ol Pen hasn’t undocked since 2008.
Then stop it.