An epiphany regarding the oportunities of Abyssal Space

The suspect timer is mentioned in this EN24 article
based on the Triglavian roundtable and interviews with CCP Burger and Rise. The roundtable video hasn’t been posted but the suspect timer makes perfect sense from an Eve perspective - any new content should encourage player interaction.

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Who is it that will sell level 1 filaments on the market. If its concord they must want us to go explore. A suspect timer would not make sense on return to high sec.


That article doesn’t cite any sources for that information at all, hence its not confirmed and is extremely unlikely to be confirmed, the suspect timer makes zero sense from an EVE perspective, did you take something from a wreck you did not create? did you take something from a can belonging to another player? if not then a suspect timer makes no sense from an EVE point of view at all, hence i would be extremely surprised if they actually went that route as it would reduce then umber of people who would want to run that content anywhere as PvE never results in a suspect timer, this would be like giving players a suspect timer for exiting a wormhole system


Its players that will sell them on the market, concord has nothing to do with it, the same as they have nothing to do with sleeper tech

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And supposedly those filaments will be drops in Hacking sites.


Which seems kinda strange if you think about it.

Also why in Hacking sites?


I hate Hacking sites.


If this happens, the chances of anyone running these things in highsec are next to zero. Because you’ll have no defense whatsoever when you come out and there’s a couple of guys waiting for you. Even if you park a couple of mates of your own, they can’t do ■■■■ until the other guys have instakilled you.
So again it will all go to null, where the already stupid rich alliances can farm this to hell and back.


If they do impliment a suspect timer then these sites will just become more wasted content that hardly anyone will end up doing.

At first it will be ok for as long as the stuff they provide is new, but once the markets get flooded with it and prices stabilize / drop, there will simply be no point in doing them since the risk / effort will be too great for the rewards (or lack thereof due to the price drop), they will become like the resource wars or FOBs.

Then the gankers will be screaming again for not having targets while the PVE players will be screaming again for not having content, and you’re back to square one for everything.

If they do want some sort of interaction or risk of this sort, then several things need to be done.

  1. The rewards must go up when the prices drop.
  2. It shouldn’t be a “blanket on exit” mechanic, but rather something specific, for example engaging in combat with a ceirtain NPC ship or structure in order to obtain ceirtain loot.
  3. Alternatively, or also, make it incrimental. For example shooting down a ship that drops plasmids gives you 1 or 2 minutes of suspect timer that stacks duration, so if you shoot multiple ones, you get an extended timer, if you shoot less, your timer is shorter, etc.

There are many other things that can be done of course, the above is just stuff off the top of my head. But whatever is done, it needs to encourage players to run the sites and make sure to support the longetivity of the content, not keep people from runnign them and make the content not worth doing in a month or 2 after it launches.


I have to agree, a suspect timer makes no sense and if it is implemented, it’ll basically discourage players from engaging in that content.


Makes sense.
Especially after their request to capsuleers to help investigating. :rofl:


The filaments will specifically drop in the relic hacking sites and not the data ones, so people living in drone space literally cannot find them

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If you are wondering it seems obvious he was being sarcastic.


Well you can never be 100% sure. :smirk:

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It’s not about me being sarcastic or not. It’s about presentation of this feature as report from CONCORD on the last FanFest.


I understand that, was just not sure him understanding what you meant based on his reaction. The quote in your post is contradicted by your comment in that post, which is the reason you posted it, hence the smile and it being “sarcastic”.

On the other hand he might take both the quote and your reply literally thus interpreting that post as if this is all natural and CCP contradicts himself regarding the lore which is not the case… or at least shouldn’t unless they indeed implement the suspect timer.

Just wanted to clarify to him that your post is not meant to be taken literally, which was obvious as I wrote but his reaction was not clear thus thought I drop in a clarification just in case he might misunderstood it.


I just find it hilarious that some of these people are assuming this will happen (suspect timer) based on them spending all of a few seconds mentioning it during the RT. Especially when they were already leaning towards restricting which filaments could be used in HS. That at least got a whole extra sentence as well as possibility of adjusting drop rate based on entry point.

I honestly think more time was spent discussing possible effects within the space itself (what happens if you done reach the final room in time) and our ability to refit than where it could be used.


I think this is going to be disastrous to EVE balance, both for sectors (in terms of risk/equity) and PvP (via plasmutids).

Frankly the whole thing stinks of Player NS interests unduly influencing the design process, yet again.


While I do share your concerns about ship balance, I am curious how you came to blame the CSM for “risk/equity”? I mean, this issue of where and how these sites will be available cuts to the core issue of a sandbox game like Eve, that is Risk vs. Reward. As the devs articulated at Fanfest, how do you add such a site to the game without making the only sensible place to run them be in highsec?

Sure, you just just declare all space as “equal” but then risk vs. reward would mean they would not be run outside of highsec. So to balance the extreme safety of highsec, you have to do something and that means either increasing the risk there (via say a suspect flag) or reducing the potential reward there (by limiting which tiers are available). It’s literally how everything else, both PvE and industry, in the game is balanced. I’m not sure you can blame the CSM for “unduly influencing the design process” when the final result will be something that is essentially like everything else in the game.

Personally, I think these sites will be almost perfectly safe everywhere, so I wouldn’t spend too much time designing new mechanics around them to solve the Risk vs. Reward issue. Just lock the highest tiers out of highsec (or even better, everywhere but lowsec) exactly in the paradigm of all the rest of the PvE, call it a day, and ship the feature.

This way everyone can enjoy the content, even the uber-carebears in highsec who cannot fathom giving up their free CONCORD protection. Those who do want to chase the highest rewards can make a step in lowsec which is good for many reasons, and those that don’t can still run essentially the same bite-sized themepark content, just for reduced rewards. Just like how everything else works.

Why lock HS out of the highest tiers of the content?

Their pocket filament is as at risk, as one in Player NS.

These pockets are created on demand, not by random spawn as sector specific as other PvE content is (except for missions).

Then the simplest solution is the filaments/pockets work the same everywhere.