An epiphany regarding the oportunities of Abyssal Space

Because that is exactly like all the rest of the PvE and industry is done? All of it pays more, or is restricted to more dangerous space. Rigs have higher bonuses, combat and exploration anomalies are more difficult/pay more or don’t spawn in highsec, ore is more valuable, Incursions pay more - the list is endless as it is a universal reality of how the game is balanced. If they were locked out of highsec completely you might be on to something as the some players unwilling to take risk would be denied access to them, but the basic game play is perfectly possible from the safety of highsec, just not access to the highest rewards.

This is all perfectly normal and proper. The higher tiers will just be more of the same, with some difficulty settings and rewards slighly tweaked. You aren’t missing out on anything.

Probably. I think practically it won’t make any difference - these will generate essentially zero PvP content so it doesn’t really matter if you just allow them all in highsec. But I still don’t think it is the CSMs fault that CCP wants to put some incentives or restrictions in the game around them to encourage them to be run in all sectors of space, not just in highsec.


These pockets apparently depend on the type of filament used to activate them.
I see no reason to restrict where what filament can be activated (except range from structures)

The filament entry point to the pocket is just as vulnerable in HS as it is in Player NS.

It would still be “safer” for someone to run them in deep Player NS, but I see no reason why you shouldnt be able to run them from HS either, when the filament/entry point is equally vulnerable.

Good. Then we agree they should be useable everywhere.

I didnt blame CSM, I said it stinks of Player NS influence.
Player NS ofc wants EXCLUSIVE rights to run the full content in its totality from the safety of their systems.

Thing is, if these filamenets can be activeable everywhere for the full content, that STILL means Player NS can nonetheless run them in their own secured systems.

See what I mean?

That they can be activated anywhere, in no way shape or form means Player NS cant farm them to their hearts content also in the own secured systems.

The “exclusivity” of this content is at issue.


No, I think it perfectly reasonable and consistent that they are restricted by sector of space like practically everything else in the game.

I see no evidence that is the case. There is even this suspect flag proposal that came from somewhere, maybe the CSM, which would allow even the highest tier content to be run from highsec without making it the defacto place to run it and still respecting risk vs. reward. It would be nice to see the CSM summit section on this feature unredacted to get a sense of how the discussion went.

Again, it isn’t exclusive, or is at least it as exclusive as the rest of the content. Higher reward versions of the content are almost always restricted from highsec. You can do the lower tier/lower paying version of the content in highsec, but if you want to access the higher tiers, you need to leave.

There is nothing wrong or even different about doing this. In fact, we don’t even know how the rewards are structured, so it may be the case that everything, including the highest rewards, drop in all sites, and in is just that there is a higher chance of the best rewards dropping in the highest tier pockets. In that case, no reward is locked out from highsec.

I see nothing out of the ordinary about these sites as compared to all the other PvE that is balanced by sector. They will almost certainly be restricted or balanced in some way so that highsec isn’t the only rational place to run them, just like the rest of the content is. I think that is a given at this point, and from what was said at Fanfest only the form of that balance is what is being discussed.

I don’t think that is the result of nefarious machinations by the CSM looking to somehow claim these rewards for themselves. Risk vs. reward is just how the game works.


I see no reason why someone shouldnt be able to activate any version of this filament to open a pocket that matches the type, wherever they want to.

If you want to do so deep in secured Player NS, then do it there.
If you want to do it in HS, then do it there.

The filaments are what create the access point to the pocket, and are its vulnerability.

Activate and place it wherever you want, and wherever you feel safe to do so.


Because the safety of highsec means that opening a site anywhere else is foolish?

You must see that no? It’s literally why all the content is balanced this way - so there is a reason to venture out from under the skirt of CONCORD.

Ok, the forum is suggesting I reply to other people in the discussion as “[a] great discussion involves many voices and perspectives”. I’ll let those others help you with this concept further if you still can’t see why the game is designed this way.

This is not true.
Opening it deep in Player NS secured systems is eminently preferable and safer.

The Trig pocket mechanic is unlike anything else in EVE.

The filament/entry point is its vulnerability.

I see no reason why people with a filament of any type, should not be allowed to access the full content of what it offers, from wherever they want.

I dont see why the later rooms in the pockets should be exclusive to Player NS.

Let players decide where they place it and choose to run it, with the risks it entails.


Except the entry point as is is not vulnerable in any practical way in highsec.

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It is, same as everywhere else.

How exactly do you claim it works differently elsewhere?

I see no reason why these pockets, as created by a player using an appropriate filament for that pocket, should be any different anywhere in EVE.

Place it where you want, at your own risk, and run the content as best as you can to its fullest.


Shouldn’t matter where you activate the filament to create a pocket and run its full content as best you can.

Do it wherever and whenever you feel safe.

Do so deep in Player NS secure systems, or in HS.
Who cares.

The risk is yours to choose, as it is YOUR filament and YOUR risk.


It has been said that filaments (unclear which) can be bought from NPCs.

I agree that since CONCORD doesnt care about Empire, Sleeper, Jovian, Drone or Pirate tech, they ought not care about Trig tech either.


EVE will need to add some craziness to the game if it hopes to stand above the likes of Star Citizen, because in the physics-based-actual-spaceships-in-space-hyper-realist the game doesn’t stand a chance.

I agree, and what it allows is the possibility of this idea I saw in another which I really liked:

Trglovian space would allow that kind of gameplay to exist, temporary pockets of space with special rules that would pit corps against corps to get special resources.

In the case of that specific idea, it would allow for the less appreciated roles like Industrialist and Harvesters to shine in a pure PvP context, building Amarr ships by getting some specific moons components to counter what the other side in the pocket is using could be what makes you win.

This is an idea worth exploring imo, will probably try to a draft of feature when I get enough time.

But yeah, lots of potential for lots of exciting stuffs. Just hope we won’t have to wait too long.


These would be exploited to hell and back.
“Make fake alt corp, fly cheap, lose, and winning main corp profits”.


Please devs don’t make this content a waste, let people actually fly these ships, make the bpcs have at least 5 runs.


Really tired of people just shooting “lol alts” whenever something is proposed.

There is a simple solution to that, just make the rewards less than what both sides have at stake.

For those pockets it could be the player-made Stargate allowing them access to the pocket that would destroyed if you lose control of the space. The guy using an alt-corp would end up with a loss.

“lol alts” is only a problem for poorly thoughts features, there was a lot of them in EVE but it doesn’t mean all of them would end up like this.

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Then there is no point to it.

Your idea is crap, and well beyond what already isnt even yet an implemented Trig space pocket system.

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Not as crap as thinking letting people activate all filaments levels anywhere would be good idea, at least.

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You went from filaments to stargates…

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Yeah behind those two there is a person giving his misguided opinion.

So yeah, I see a link there.

Secured systems…null is far from secure. You have to be on alert while doing anything. Intel helps with knowing what might be coming, on the other hand there are holes in the intel network. Wormholes suddenly spawning, player logs in a system then a day later logs in and null sec ratters get caught. Spies give blue intel and a large mining op gets ganked. Null is FAR from secure.

No reason not to activate the filament wherever you want, at your own risk, for running the content as fully as you can manage.