Where was it stated? the fanfest presentations made zero mention of NPC orders only that they could be purchased on the market, aka from other players, a link to a source confirming that NPC’s will sell them is a good idea
Allow me to clarify my previous statement because i assumed (incorrectly it seems) that you would understand what i meant, an official source, because 3rd party sites assumptions doesn’t mean much, they are all also so sure that there will be a suspect timer on the sites, which is also incorrect, there was no mention of NPC orders by an official source that i can see, only player “assumptions”
If you have issue with that sites reportage, take it up with them.
You asked for a source, I provided it.
Where is yours? Or are you going to backpedal some more?
Mines the fanfest video where the dev states where they will be found and never mentions anything about them being sold by NPC’s, my source is official, yours isn’t, your move
https://youtu.be/Jila5v57b0A?t=12m52s the official CCP channel for EVE a video taken from fanfest, there is no mention of these being sold by NPC’s he just states you’ll be able to find them in relic sites or on the market aka players who have them up for sale
We will see.
You asked for a source, and I delivered.
If you think that source is wrong, take it up with the source.
In any case, there is no reason why anyone that owns a filament that allows creation of a Trig pocket of that kind, should not be able to do so wherever and whenever they want.
Economically speaking, allowing all these sites to be accessible from high security space should be allowed. The logic is counter intuitive. There are several reasons null sec and low sec communities should want this:
1.) This is not content they should want their players wasting too much time doing. They should want players doing more traditional isk making (taxable) activities (ratting, mining, PI, reactions etc).
2.) Implemented correctly this can create a huge demand pull for T2, meta, and deadspace modules. If CCP implements a lottery/loot crate sort of invention dynamic, the demand for inputs should be impressive and irrationally high.
3.) Implemented as widely as possible, this should be a huge asset/module sink across the spectrum. If percentages of crafting a rare useable item are extremely small it will drive irrational levels of invention attempts in the hopes of achieving a one in a million score.
I am not suggesting that this is right or good, just suggesting that if a low barrier to access is instituted for these sites, the real rewards that will accrue to null and low sec will be something other than the one in a million invention “hit” by individual players.
im gonna side with the others regarding access. Chaotic Abyssal Space (highest tier according to the leaks) shouldnt be avaliable for high sec entry.
its practically a series of tiers similar to WH space. do we have high sec connections to the highest tiers of WH systems? no, you have to find a route from the low class holes to reach them.
if you want to get to that you will have to use a low tier filament and see if the end of the pocket leads further deep, i mean, if i understood this well you can find a higher tier filament to keep diving from there or something like that.
in fact i would say the first 4 tiers should be each one tied to the different security lvls (with the chance to dive into higher tiers from inside of the last pocket with the filaments), Chaotic Abyssal space should be reached from activating a filament inside Abyssal Space, not from outside.
Well, gonna have to jump on the bandwagon and say all filaments should be activated wherever a player wants to activate it. If a player wants to do it in Null Sec, fine. If a player wants to do it in High Sec, fine.
Limiting the various levels of filaments to specific security systems goes against the intent of these Abysmal pockets. These pockets are a fold in space which isn’t governed by system security status.
As such it shouldn’t matter where the filament is activated because the actual danger and risk is in the Abysmal pocket itself.
CCPpl sometimes seem to forget that there are still a ton of SINGLE players in this game, that for whatever reason can’t or won’t join in alliances, maybe have a single person corp with a couple of alts, but don’t multibox, and they don’t like this constant pushing towards null for “the best content”. Certainly not when it’s about PVE content. I’ve said it before, going into these pockets in some far off corner of your alliance sov is going to be FAR safer than doing it in highsec on your own. So if you’re talking about risk vs. reward, I’d say that the rewards in highsec should at least be the same as in null.