Feature Breakdown: Rift-Space
A chain of 5 pockets with two entry points.
The entry points can be reached only through building an XL-size Structure (Navigation Structure) with a module (The Transporter) that can connect to one of the two entry points (Rift Point).
The Transporter module would link to an entry point, but access to the entry point will only happen once another Transporter module has been linked to the other entry point.
When it is the case, the Transporter module would make the Navigation Structure indestructible for X amount of days, after that time the Navigation Structure will overload and self-destruct.
The only way to prevent the self-destruction of the Navigation Structure is to reach the Middle pocket and stabilize the Rift-space.
Only Y amount of Capsuleers would be allowed passage through a Rift-Point.
The Rift-Point in the Rift-space would be the equivalent of the Navigation structure that allowed access, like an astral projection of it, and would allow manufacturing and invention that is unique to the Rift-space.
Tier I
When the two parties enter the chain at the opposite ends of it, they only have access to the pocket they are in. In that pocket they can harvest the Rift-space exclusive resources to invent BPOs first, and then build ships/modules/etcs… The Invention resources would be limited in that pocket, so the amount of BPOs each side end up with will be limited.
Tier II
After a time or through some trigger, each side would have access to the next pocket. A good trigger could be capturing a Rift-gate guarded by Triglavians (or something else) and using it to gain access to the next pocket, and if the side doesn’t manage to do so after a certain time, the Rift-gate just opens.
Now the next tiers of pockets would allow transport between each other in order to allow for the two sides to confront each other. Those pockets would be a lot richer in invention resources and thus important to be able to build better stuffs than the opposite side. Raiding the enemy would be encouraged while protecting your harvesters would be crucial.
Final Tier
After a time Rift-gates to access the last pocket would activate, and the battle for the control of that pocket would begin.
Here the goal could be to successfully anchor a stabilizing structure (that you would obviously have to have properly invented provided you got enough of the invention resources and BPCs), or to gain control of a structure by using Entosis.
In any cases the losing side would de-sync with the pocket and be booted out of Rift-space. The Navigation Structure they used the Transporter in would overload and self-destruct.
The winning side would have longer access to the pocket and would be able to gather the particular resources of that pocket and be able to bring them back to known-space for profit. Their Navigation Structure would no longer be indestructible though, so the losing side could get their revenge by destroying it, thus booting out the winning side and limiting their profits.
Or they can just camp the outside of the Rift-Point to prevent the winning side from returning the Rift-space resources.
Not too sure of the amount of time this should take. The Rift-space exclusive BPCs ensure that you can build ships, deployables, and modules quickly (like in minutes instead of hours), so the activity could be made to last 4-5 hours (aka a proper game night)?
Anyway it would involve both competition between groups/corps/alliances, and industry, and strategy, etc…
And to prevent the usual “lol alts”, the rewards would be less than the price of the Navigation structure.
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