I wouldn’t expect you to feel otherwise, Miz.
This isn’t a matter of ‘feeling’ anything. There are no Amarr politics that does not include the end of my people as a free nation. The Sarum path at least shows some backbone, strength and honesty in its rather unwavering hostility. I genuinely don’t understand why you think the nuances and differences between different Amarr houses matter, when the underlying and universal end-goal of total cluster domination and enslavement is a core of all of them.
It’s not even the House politics, though as Miz says, none of them are benevolent. A core component of the Amarr faith is the divine duty to make everyone else follow the Amarr faith. And in the Amarr faith, pretty much every aspect of life is covered, because Amarr faith and Amarr civil law are the same thing.
There is no room in the Amarr faith for other cultures to even exist.
Hey now, House Kor-Azor highly favors diplomacy over conquest and do not forget it was a Kador Emperor that made peace with the Republic after the Rebellion and wrote the Pax Amarria. House Ardishapur is also inwardly focused and very unlikely to attempt a military Reclaiming. But the reality is, with CONCORD and the Federation around, with a myriad of other enemies at our gates like the Blood Raiders, Drifters and Sansha’s Nation, the Empire will not be in any position to fight a massive war against another empire any time soon.
You really have a warped view of how we work in the current era. I suspect you maintain these views mainly to feed into your own sense of victimhood and urgency so you can more easily justify violence and hate speech. It’s alright, I understand; we’re scary and you are waving your arms around, crying for help against the big, mean Amarr Empire. I’m just letting you know, we’re over here not paying much attention to you, despite the threat you pose, since there are currently far bigger fish to fry than a bunch of angry, half-naked painted people flying ships that succumb to corrosion as easily as they do laser fire.
Now, calm down already and do something more important, like figuring out how to stop your ships from rusting. In space. In the complete absence of water and oxygen.
That’s why you’re, you know, paying attention to her, right? Spin it any way you like (yeah, that’s right, a goon calling out spin. Who better to recognize it?), your culture’s highest ‘moral’ duty is the eradication of all other cultures. If diplomacy works, great. Where it fails, bloodshed will always be on the table. Consent is ultimately meaningless.
You should just drive from planet to planet in white ships with sliding side doors, offering candy to small children. Wait… Purity SKINS… well, you’re getting there, at least.
Oh dear, Aldieboo. You sound rather riled up.
Let’s see here. Pretending that because a few houses are less militant than others somehow means their end-goal isn’t the exact same cluster domination by different means, check. Attempting to distract by shadin’ the speaker rather than the words, check. “Please stop saying things because we totally aren’t listening, in spite of responding.”, check. Referring to a hull color as ‘rust’ because this hasn’t been eye-rollingly old for over a decade already, check. Doing it twice in fact, apparently running out of steam and needles, check.
Should have thrown in some #NoLastMedal for a bingo win there.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s rather satisfying to see you get in a tiff but at the same time it’s kind of disappointing. I expect better from you, Aldieboo. You’re supposed to be a Lord Consort and a bit more dignified than this drivel. Learn from the ball and chain, hmm?
Ice duh, and warm mining lasers
Your point is well made - can we make arrangements for the repatriation of our citizen?
Repatriation? Some time within this week they will be shuttled via neutral logistics to either Jita or Samanui and given a few isk for additional travel/trauma. It is a standing practice for Non-Hostile Target PMC to treat Caldari “captives” as non military entities as we do not specifically fight the Caldari. By practice only reacting in self defense during our anti-piracy training in Black Rise. The only exception is if they assault our ship/ground crews upon rescue. That would result in their execution.
If there is a process more beneficial to our little guest I would love to hear it. At the moment, with us being based in a region that is largely hostile towards us I don’t feel additional risks are warranted given its already a more difficult process than simply consigning them to the FDU who while it may grant us favor with other groups in the area are currently considered hostile to our operations as well, only slightly less than StaPro.
Well it made Mitara laugh, and that’s all that matters.
I’d make a low standards joke, but I suppose that’d be low hanging fruit.
Given the context of Minmatar having been subject to slavery by the Amarr, I can’t think of any rationalization that would adequately justify this idea. Nor do I consider this an idea worth entertaining any further.
Theres an easy way to do that. Legalize slavery of Amarr.
Not even then. Especially not then. Becoming what we oppose would be horrific enough… doing it for spite? I’ll die first, thanks.
Simply Kim’s logic thrown back… Obviously Tannia isn’t Kim but it worked in my head.
Yeah, well, she’s basically the poster-child for what the Caldari have to fear from the Amarr: slavish adherence to the party line, confident in the infallibility of orthodoxy, hell-bent on the destruction of anything that disagrees with her. As ‘think and say whatever you want, we’re going to ignore you and do what we do’ as the Caldari generally are, that one is so defensive and desperate to respond to any perceived attacks, she’d fit in perfectly with any former slaves in Amarr who’d gotten a taste of sycophantic privilege.
ETA: Obviously, I don’t mean the Gallente pilot, either.
No, no I am not.
You’re welcome?
No, that process is entirely satisfactory. If you feel that the Citizen breached an international or State law, please don’t forget to append the evidence to your claim and forward that to the State Protectorate.
We appreciate your restraint and decency.
Ugh. The idea of a Caldari arguing to spread the concept of legalised slavery?
Well, this is Kim we’re talking about, so, it’s not really surprising.