An Invite to CODE

No, actually the fleets that I have been part of are FC’d very well by youngpuke. Youngpukes fleets hardly ever fallback from a real PvP fight.

We actually fight to win and dont just blob from a station to a gate, gank get CONCORDED then wait for the next target. Our fleets roam and often times use Titan bridges to jump our fleet to the attack point, which is once again elite PvP and not isnt scribbling on the monitor ’ Im elite PvP’ like CODE.

Look at my killboard. Those are all PvP kills, assists and some deaths.

All you see on CODEs killboard are kills resulting in the loss of the entire fleet for a few trinkets of lulz tears.

Come down into the Galmil FW zone sometime CODE and prove your skills.

You must roam the main FW pipeline between Heys and Hasmi, never mind. Stay in High Sec, I dont think PvPers in Low Sec even want to waste ammo on your antics.

Galmil does enough of that to Calmil.

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But Galmil is not up for the task… They must pass the Test of Valor, Wisdom and Fortitude . Except for the Supreme Protector, there is no one that has succeeded .
The Supreme Protector was not sent to us to save lowsec, it was sent to save highsec. By enforcing a sistem of just rules (New Halaima Code of Conduct), it gave the people of highsec liberation.

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says it all

The Exploits of Dryson Bennington is a Comedy.


Seeing as how your toon is only a year old. Everyone is laughing at you.

Especially the catch your words and troll injectors who can’t control their own house.

That the best you got?

How does it feel to be PWNED by a 1 year old?


Link the kill mail toddler.

CODE = CCP or CODE Can’t Pvp or CCPvP, CCP.

CODE can and do PVP, ie player verses player,. But we are not CCP (Crowd Control Productions) and perhaps suggesting we are, may get your character some time on the naughty step with no log in privileges .

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Have you ever listened to those people who rant
and think, OMG They have the IQ of a crayon!*
You know you should walk away but, it’s @DrysonBennington


I am not. Am I no one?
My own (Flara Pediati) killboard is pretty bad, but at least it’s solo alpha clone :slight_smile:

I don’t think CODE = CCP, but they definitely can PVP. They have a killboard, see?
That means by definition that they PVP.

Or some solo time in lowsec in T1 frigs, dueling me in my meme fits (griffin, magnate)

As was famously said (to DrysonBennington no doubt), “you have room temperature IQ!”

A would like to addend, “…in Celsius!”

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The Prophet once enlightened the non-believers who cower in Jita 4. He spoke of a time when the weak would cry about what a “real” battle is.

When in reality, every battle is a real battle. You fought. You lost.

Instead of letting the defeat strengthen you, you cry and rent your clothing in grief.

I confess, although it shouldn’t, it makes me smile in glee.

something something REAL PvP something NULL-SEC something something WHERE THE TRUE WARRIORS LIVE something something GANKERS HAVE NO SKILL something something CONCORD PROTECTS THE GRIEFERS something



Maybe CONCORD shouldn’t protect anyone then the victims could get back at the griefers using Real PvP solutions without CONCORD interfering with their delivery of justice.


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But then, what would the whinebabies have to whine about?

Would the Real PvP-ers…please stand up…please stand up…

All Hail Queen Aiko Danuja, Ruler of the Cosmos and Savior of Highsec.

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Um… Rearguard?


Come on CODE, quit making excuses and move into Low Sec Factional Warzones and PvP.