An Invite to CODE

Well that makes about as much sense as smacking yourself in the face with a iron 2 x 4.

You do have some weird fetishes.

Are they making excuses?
I know I am making excuses for them, but I am already a lowsec boi so you can’t really tell me that I am not “real PVP” enough for you.
You. Aren’t. Worth. Their. Time.

What would you do if they did come to lowsec, give you a good fight, with about even losses on both sides?

You’d just claim victory by some measure (we’re poorer, they had more expensive mods, they had more ships, we weren’t even trying that hard, etc.).

I believe you are the one proverbially smcking your own proverbial face with the proverbial 2x4.

sits down

Yeah… That’s what I was wondering.

Please CODE, inspire your glorious leaders to come into Low and PvP. Make certain to wash and condition your hair first. Such silky hair looks good taped beside the killmark.

In reality

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Dryson, I have more kills in lowsec than your entire killboard.

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Curious. The Prophet spoke often of false pride and the pitfalls it brings. Why can you not defeat them in high sec?

If you are a skilled pilot as you say, the security of space should matter not correct?

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From looking at your killboard, I wouldn’t consider a 100+ fleet dropping frigates in Low Sec anything to mention. Besides 95% of your kills are High Sec.

Kronos | DrysonBennington | Killmail | zKillboard

A big loss. But considering the total value of LP lost today by Calmil and the loss of Frarie + the the numerous Calmil Fleets lost while trying to push Galmil out of Frarie, the quaint feel-good victory over my Kronos is more of a deeper smear of Calmil’s tentacles in the proverbial sh*t.

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I’m sorry, but no one really cares about what happened in your EVE PvP battlegrounds pre-made team deathmatch today. It’s like telling us that you went 2-1 in DotA.

But do let us know when you’re present for something genuinely exciting happening in EVE, like someone getting their super awoxed or some FC sperg audibly beating his wife over Discord because she interrupted him when he was making primary calls.

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@DrysonBennington looks like you are doing high risk small gang PvP in faction warfare, risking a Kronos with a pretty decent fit too, and the normal talking heads are being dismissive because that is what they do. But I will say well played in game and well played on this forum as you are exposing their so called PvP as being the low risk trash that it is.

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So low risk that he is afraid to fight them in high security space?

Strange. How can one be afraid in such a high security area, protected by the overwhelming force of CONCORD?

:rotating_light: Someone please contact humanitarian services! :rotating_light:

We just suffered an unprovoked Drac attack, and there are multiple casualties!

:man_vampire: :hocho:     :face_with_head_bandage::fire::derelict_house::fire::face_with_head_bandage::fire::derelict_house::fire::face_with_head_bandage:        :police_car:    :fire_engine:    :ambulance:    :pickup_truck: :coffin::coffin::coffin:

Maybe you should call 555-CONCORD :wink:

Concord don’t ‘protect’ anyone. Least of all people in Mackinaws.

Still hiding in your station brave one? Is Lucas in there with you?

Already there:

You can weep and be jealous , or you can come back to your senses and “git gud!” , because you are simply not CODE. material. Only the chosen ones are lucky to be, and certainly would not bother for such mundane and petty demands as yours.

Screen Shot 04-08-23 at 08.50 PM

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Scared to fight CODE in High Sec?

DrysonBennington | Character | zKillboard

Clearly a force to be reconned with.

Damn you are popular, even the NPC’s are getting a peace of you.