An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"


CCP sell ships from 2015 . but you start this only now?
EVE Online - Explorer Content Pack - YouTube
EVE Online - Colonist Content Pack - YouTube
EVE Online - Skirmisher Content Pack - YouTube
EVE Online - Industrialist Content Pack - YouTube
all this packs have ships. all of them from 2015

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I don’t understand. The players wanted a mobile-like farming simulator and they’re getting one. Why the Pikachu faces?

I am also against such packages. There have been so many suggestions here how CCP could probably generate much more money from the customers without upsetting anyone or probably it would even please the customers (e.g. skins for stations).
The simplest thing: make weekly or daily packages for PLEX or one PLEX = 24 hours Omega.

Unfortunately, I kind of have the feeling that CCP is trying to sit out the ship sale issue and won’t comment on it.

I’m your daddy :sweat_smile:

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■■■■ humor, so no probably not.

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That’s a very good point.

I don’t want to be rude but it’s more like a fart in the wind. As stated by Brisc himself, the monetization of ships started a long time ago and their voice of dissent remains unheard to this day yet EVE Online has kept going so far and will go on, with or without the entitled whiners.
I do not blame the SCM’s impotence on its members but realistically, at the end of the day, they are not in charge of making decisions for CCP/PA as businesses or even as game developers.

I believe that is covered in the post.

Ever wondered why the expert mining pack is the only one that gives you access to ships without giving you ships?

I play this game specifically because it is (primarily) a player controlled sandbox. Allowing players, new or old, to purchase something outside the game ecosystem that will directly affect market prices inside the ecosystem, it is a direct assault to that player control. Nobody is “forced” to buy them, correct. Their sale WILL directly affect the market for those items, which will also affect anyone who produces that item or any of it’s components.

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/ Signed.

Not that I think it will matter a damn.

While this is true, it’s a tiny little blimp, plus it’s open season on Retrievers for the next little bit which should balance things out…

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Please add me to the list of signature. The skill point buying came in while I was on CSM and while I wan’t to happy about it. One of my concerns was that it would be expanded on I’m honestly surprised it’s took this long. It might just be retrievers now but just wait and see. It will be other ships next.

Corbexx CSM 9 and 10


Should have probably been more vocal about the sandbox integrity back then, shouldn’t you?




not a good move


Selling ships like this is a slippery slope. I have no problem with buying injectors w/plex money, which is a slippery slope by itself, but selling ships is an even slippier slippery slope. It can also lead to actual p2w, which I take issue from.

Ahh, how much I love words that start with an s. How many other words that start with s can apply to this topic? Gee, I wonder…



I have already seen people using the “It’s only a barge”. However as we have seen in the recent past pushing the envelope that bit further each time to test the limit and see if we will just forget about it in a few weeks time has become habit.

Just as “Its just a bit of rain”. At the start of a record storm.

We’ve been at this point for a while so…seems a bit dramatic to make this claim when the reality of “things change over time” is just as true.

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Just sell skins, cosmetics, plex and remove the subscription in a game under these circunstances.

After over 20 years of online gaming I quit for almost 5 years.
The reason for that was the rise of microtransactions, pay to win, and advertisements solely targeting
my real life wallet with fishy tricks. At some point it was all over the place.

It felt like your favorite pub is slowly but steadily transforming into McDonalds.

Two years ago I started EVE. The nice pub I was looking for seemed to still exist.

Latest at the point where I found myself in the New Eden store instead of my market orders I couldnt ignore the fact anymore that EVE is heading in the same direction already.

What kept me playing at the beginning was the feeling of beeing the underdog.
Mining in my very own venture next to these orca beasts. Running from pacifiers in my very own magnate. Simply having a lot of fun.

I m sad for new players who will be missing that experience without knowing. What made the game unique will now be bypassed with some quick cashgrab.
You’ll get 10 one month sups instead of one player for the rest of his life.

And I dont want to start with moon mining alts and a thousand of other topics that are connected to cash alts as my time is too precious to waste on the next company that chose to sell its soul.