An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

its a retriever , a squishy mining ship which is going to be put in the face of danger as well but i dont agree with selling fitted ships as well hopefully they hone this sorta of practice down

Speaking of forum’s first-timers, you’ve been inactive for years. What brought you here?

PS: Oh, you brought alts after your forumPvP main got restricted. Sorry about that.

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Singed, CCP please listen to the players.

Skill trading. That was the ONE THING that CCP said they’d never, ever do. So, get used to the “new normal” boys. Why not just sell everything?

*They don’t listen to CSM…

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Personally, I think skill injection is harmful to noobs as they don’t really learn their ships and become easy targets for veterans no matter how skilled up they get. Similar for giving them a ‘starter pack’ that includes a ship. I could see starter packs that give the skill books or first level of the skills needed for a path as those don’t faze actual learning of the ship abilities and fittings or a specialized replacement to the rookie ship that is given every death that just has a different permanent skin for their boosted status. But I think slipping on the kiddie gloves to entice folks in potentially hurts the chances of them actually learning the game before a vet designates them as new target and chases them out. The game had a reputation of being a challenging sandbox with no real safe zone on exiting the station. Folks liked that level of Risk vs reward of making your way in a harsh space game. I think CCP needs to look for a different approach to enticing folks into the game that actually want to be here.

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+1 signature!

Dont make the mistake to ruin the game and loose the core of your players!


This is the first time Iceberg3661 has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

That’s a lot of Imperium Alts. coming out of the woodwork.



The core? A majority of the players do not care one way or the other.

CCP seems to be measuring success on the scale of defunct value system.
It has bigger problems to deal with than we can imagine.

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signed +1



I agree that this is NOT good.

For the simple reason that it circumvents the player-driven economy. As mentioned elsewhere as well, I understand that an argument can be made that CCP could also include just more PLEX in this pack and people would have to buy the ship and equipment on the open market, so this is more for “convenience” and easier access only. However, the difference is - and therein lies the Issue in my opinion - that a player, buying the pack that includes the PLEX instead of the ship, would have to convert the PLEX to ISK and from there buy the ship (and equipment) from other players in-game. Or am I missing something here?

How much for a gank Catalyst?

Yes, lets cut to the chase. How much “real money” for any individual digital asset in the game?

I want to buy gold ammo.


/signed +1


I do love all the random posters jumping on leave posts because it’s such easy pickings, because they’re cowards and because they’re lazy and yet want to feel significant.

Thanks for falling neatly into your self-proclaimed category.

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Part of that ISD and GM corruption that char keeps banging on about I guess but omg 4m isk retreiver margins.