An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

Never thought I’d hear myself say this but I hope Safety wrecks every one of these ready to buy ships. Go get 'em.


signed. I don’t have much more to say than this will kill the game if they do it. These small steps in the name of immediate profit push the game further to oblivion each time they make them.


I thought CCP’s statement in solidarity with the victims of Russia’s Spacial Operation very heartwarming and appropriate.
It’s not up to CCP to engage in economic and entertainment warfare against EVE’s Russian community. The players have nothing to do with the destabilization in world’s geopolitical landscape.
This kind of “international actions” have been seen before in the recent past in other parts of the world, I didn’t see anyone calling for the ban on American or British players so enough with forum virtue signaling and double-standards.


Players build ships not ccp!



I am sorry to hear you have not renewed your subscription because of this promotion. :slightly_frowning_face:

Can we also transfer that sentiment to,

“Players obtain blueprints and are not friend gifted them by CCP Devs.”?

That being the whole point of the CSM and all.

i seem to remember something, o wait…


Finally. Someone I actually respect posting in here.

Not another one of the hundred and fifty first time posters.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Obviously this is a bad idea but what really disturbs me is how care-free you’ve crossed the line and the complete disregard for the player trust your breaking. Have you not learned anything yet? How many times do you have to walk down this path? Perhaps when server population is < 10k?

Please reverse this decision and audit how this bad idea went from concept to execution. My guess, you will find a string of bad ideas from certain employees in your organization.

I guess when you said “age of prosperity” you were referring to yourselves not us!

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I saw this in meme form on our discord, I thought I was being trolled…

No, it’s not a meme… it’s not a doctored picture, its real.

/signed - This shows me one thing, it’s all about money and profit statements.

Want to make the biggest voice stand out, just unsub your accounts. I am down to just one account subbed… and it’s only because I subbed for a year. Thousands of unsubs… would send a message.


  • CCP - I was one of the people saying, let’s see where all the changes were going to take us. I remained faithful, and even kept trying to get friends to play. Just sort of shock at the moment.
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Signed and unsubscribed.

CCP you have lost your way.
2 years of ‘prosperity’ and now this money grab against the very spirit of the game.
Sack the rat or close the servers.

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The experience that you had was also once described by CCP Ghost (I think it was him). Meaningfully, he described it as very valuable when players see their own progress and have finally acquired a new ship. This feeling of having achieved something is probably also the key to retaining players in the long term.
However, selling ships for real money runs counter to his own analysis. Perhaps short-term profits are more important than long-term customer loyalty…


Making my signiture known.

As a returning player of a 6 year break, i feel this move is a cash grab by CCP. It’s dirty, unfair to older players, and set an unreal expectation to new players. I do not support the sale of ships for cash.

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It’s all totally ass backwards. Noobs should be started off in Ventures with gaussian lasers…entire ship costs 300K and can cover its cost in a single trip to an ore belt ( which usually mines about 500K in 15 mins or so ). Two trips to said belt and noob has enough ISK for 3 more Ventures.

Starting off noobs in $10 ships is a recipe for rage quit.



This was all part of rat boys plan. Make ships too expensive/tedious to build then sell em to you for the low low price of 25 bucks. I would be willing to bet all my savings that more of this is on the way.

The sad thing is that we have told you multiple ■■■■■■■ times we would happily buy station skins or custom ship skins or countless other things. Instead of spending 5 minutes working on something you ■■■■ yourself by pissing us off more. The leadership of ccp is incompetent and needs to be replaced.


CCP doesn’t “start noobs in $10 ships” it’s merely an option made available to whomever thinks it’s a deal worth taking. No one is forced to buy it. It’s just there for the buying and I don’t see why not.

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