An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

Just jumped in to make sure my 5 accounts were unsubbed. This is sad CCP…

I’d be fine with this if ccp had to provision the ship and fit from the trade hub nearest the player buying it, or just Jita as long as it comes from players.

Also, if ccp wants to make money, allow players to pay for change of pilot name.



The amount of time and effort I put in to train, research, build and outfit equals $25? o.m.g.

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I agree 100%


I think Hellmar wants this game run to the ground so he can move on in his life, so they’re doing a pretty good job so far.

You can’t just pull the plug even if you wanted to.

Players who buy packs are better for active learning.
CCP selling a pack once per account is good.

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So now instead of conjuring a ship out of thin air, it’s conjuring ISK out of thin air? Which market is it buying from, so people can make sure to sell there for a chance to get in on the newbie lottery? Same process for all of the modules, too?


Edit: And unsubbed.

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I have taken the hint from the 2011 reference and unsubbed . $ talks BS walks .

This is a broken concept and has no place in eve… whats the next part " buy this pack get a Leviathan"


If Chribba tells you you’re doing it wrong you should probably rethink your choices.


100% agree. Thanks to Brisc and all current and former CSM members for raising our collective concerns about this issue. As a loyal, paying customer of this beautiful and fascinating game, I am deeply invested in the long-term health of the ecosystem. I want New Eden to be an interesting place where my friends and my enemies can continue to explore, build, destroy, and have great fights. This move has profound long-term implications for the future of our shared world and I am very worried.

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Is this one pack per account only? I know the fear is that this will snowball but if it doesn’t then I’m not sure it’s as terrible as it’s being made out to be.

It just looks like a bit of a leg up for people with more money than time, no?

I fully support the OP’s statement and register my protest to selling ships, or any in-game player built item, for money. This is a violation of the sandbox. This is not Work of Tanks or World of Warships but I fear that this is where Eve is heading.

I get that the stench in the sandbox that you are pointing out is bigger and smellier, but this turd has more attention at the moment and has a chance of being dealt with quite smartly.
I’m sure you can borrow the CSM shovel for your deeper seepier issue Soon™.

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It’s very rare that I jump on these hate bandwagons, more than anything else I find the reasons people whip them up are usually facile and self-serving.

However, selling fitted ships for isk really is one of those “red line” issues whereby every time CCP starts up with it, they need a good smack on the nose.

Yes it’s a rip-off in terms of value, yes there’s been other shady stuff done in the past - but why should ripping off new players or condoning past mistakes be tolerated? The trolls here are pretty lame, and the issue at hand is pretty fundamental.

If you want a totally player-driven market, don’t sell stuff that players would otherwise generate directly for cash. It really is as simple as that.




Yes keeping beating that dead horse from over 10 years ago and was dealt with by CCP.

Your expectation of retro actively reversing this kind of thing after so many years is unrealistic and you know that. Stop acting like an idiot.

EDIT: I know I said stop acting… but then I realized it is Brewlar so that is to be expected.