An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"





If I wanted your opinion I would have given it to you.

Stop trolling. You have nothing positive to add to this thread. Stop instigating in-house bickering.

Apologies to the rest of the community for this post.


After playing EVE for over 10 years now, what @Brisc_Rubal stated couldn’t be truer. It’s both frustrating and sad to see a company that we had great expectations for resort to this kind of monetization as it breaks with the core element of this game being a player ruled economy. As someone who manufactures mining ships it is deplorable that this kind of offer was brought to the table. CCP get your act together.


CCP is failing to communicate with their player base. They are out of touch and out of sync with us.
The forums and reddit produce a lot of salt, not always warranted, but lately it is becoming more and more warranted. I want to think CCP knows what they are doing, but with such little actual communication it is extremely hard to have any more confidence in them.
They had done an alright job with the compression changes and then upon release issues that shouldn’t have made it through made it through. Then the money-grab.

CCP I hope soon things change and the path between Devs and the community can realign.

  • Signed

/Signed Lets Make CCP Change their mind

Are they really though ? are you on the CSM discord where they actually talk to people ?


CSM seems to be in sync with a large part of the players in this thread.

The only one repeatedly completely out of sync here is you, complaining about problems that happened decades ago rather than the current events. So yes, you’re right that you and the CSM are not in sync. But that’s not on them.


I talked with friends a while ago joking that CCP would sell you the ships the skills and insurance. as much as I hope CCP will change their minds I don’t see it. CCP has a track record in the sale of skills and skill points.

I can see a future where it will be harder to build ships than to buy and I’m sure CCP will even add ammo

I hope I’m wrong and I for sure don’t want this

/Signed in hope of CCP changing their mind

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The players are angry at this change, which is obvious to anyone who can see it. That’s why I’m focusing on it.

Now please stop pulling this thread off-topic. You want to go ■■■■■ about the CSM, go do that in the appropriate place. That’s not this thread.


It’s a bloody stupid idea that should have the person who’s ‘bright’ idea this was fired into the sea!!

CCP stop it!

I too would like to see that sale gone…

You really need to just shut up…

So what your pissed cause you came to the game way after the T2 BPO lottery was over, i was too late for it also, but im not bitchn.

As to the T20 scandal you seem to be referring to…
I got news for you, the CSM was created because of that, Mittens and several others were in charge of brow beating CCP for years to keep Devs from being involved in Player politics for a very long time.

So @Cherry_Crush_MaFannyOot kiss our collective asses!


wtb block button… trolls coming out of the woodwork on this one.

Since you’ve got a one-track mind that can only hold one concept at a time, yes, the t2 blueprint scandal was a scandal. I invite you to run the numbers on how profitable they are currently, as it’s clear your views are out of date. It had an impact, but that impact is essentially zero in the current market.

This, selling fitted ships for cash, is the beginning of the next major screwup. Unless you want to be arguing endlessly about this issue five years from now when everyone is too worn down to fight, now is the time to stand up and say NO.


Do you remember how your precious t2 scandal started? Just a couple of ammo prints, no big deal.
How do you think this current slope ends?

this guy is the kind of person that sees smoke and says “It’s just smoke, nothing to worry about”. Then they get real confused when their house burns down and it’s too late to stop it.

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The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today.


To add, CCP isn’t creating the isk that people are buying out of thin air. They’re selling plex which players are buying. The value floats and is dependent on player activities as well as supply and demand. This has been the case since ETCs were tradeable and that’s… what, 14 years ago now?

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Do yourself a favor and just stop? You are simply making yourself look like a clown while taking this thread, which to many of us is important, far off topic. Go ■■■■ up the CSM area if your issue is with CSM members, not this thread. Cheers.