An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

Despite this side wish, it still does not devalue the line that is being crossed

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yea this stuff aint cool ccp

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The question is how long will it take for this thread to be locked / deleted

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Haven’t seen this many members of the CSM agree in a long time. This game is already monetized through subscriptions and cosmetics, lets keep it at that!



Agree 100%

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Could not agree more. Also props to the CSM for really coming together on this.

PS: We rarely see eye to eye Brisc but you got some real skills with the written word.



How come you never cried this hard about T2BPO, what upsets you about plebs paying $ for some piss poor ISK mining ships than CCP pets getting multi tn ISK gifts of T2BPO’s?

What’s good for your mates and all.

Roll on the sale of alliance tourney ships.

I’m against both FYI, but could not care less about Retrievers for $ when we still have T2BPO’s in the game to date & newbies should not give a ■■■■ either.


/signed. 2007 player

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They Did that was the summer of rage

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What I love about this game is everything being player made. And this sets a very troubling precedent.


But I think we need to go Farther with the current Statement and Ensure CCP does not swap too the ideology of NFTs


Leaving aside the monetization issue, I’d have thought the biggest problem with any trend of selling fitted ships is that it dis-encourages new players from learning how to fit ships themselves. Whilst it would be handy to be able to pop into Jita and buy an off the shelf fully fitted cruiser capable of good PvP…it would remove any advantage that the person who has learned the skill of ship fittings has over those who haven’t.


Co-Signing this


You can score that out, as I Brewlar Kuvakei condone the selling of fitted ships within Eveonline while T2BPO’s which were gifted to pet players by CCP still exist and have existed for years.


As a player and Director of a group that produces barges and teaches industry to new players, RMT barges is just a step too far.


Chaos Utama


I am impressed how ccp even manages to poop up a good patch.
Forgetting to add all the items needed to have the new features work.
Skillbooks still missing on day two.
Ships being sold for real money now.


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It’s easy to dismiss this with “It’s just one ship… Or two ships…”

1000€ for Titan next year, I suppose.

Joined in 2010. Sad to see the downfall of this game, but I guess it had to start at some point.

Not leaving yet since there is no alternative, will probably be there till the bitter end… Which is probably soon enough.

It’s very likely they just ignore the warnings and continue on.

Signed, of course. You can do better than this CCP. You used to, at least.


This is a complete travesty…

Scenario: PPL buy this pack, we kill them, they cry, CCP nerfs Ganking, more and more buy this pack…industry grinds to a near halt, everything becomes worthless…except for mission runnin and ratting, as PLEX is bought, and the EvE universe is eclipsed with gankers…till nothing but gankers remain , then we all Leave forcing the servers to shut down and pat ourselves on the back for destroying a scourge.

@Brisc_Rubal and the rest of the CSM, you have my support in this as well as several of my alliance mates as well. This pack needs to die in a fire and be redacted immediately!

@Aiko_Danuja my Alliance’s own ganker’s have been informed to prioritize Retrievers till this pack is dead, if you need cats in our area send me a mail, Citizen’s Star Republic will support Safety in retriever hunting.