An Open Letter to CCP from Current and Former CSM Members on the "Prospector Pack"

We didn’t have skill injectors back then, what choice did we have?


Sorry I should have mentioned that injectors was the point where this all changed…apologies.

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I’m still pissed about the wd changes from way back when. But that didn’t stop me from playing.

Injectors should have been the red line. Meh, too late now…

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I am completely confident in CCP’s capabilities… there are many red lines yet to come. :stuck_out_tongue:


After considering this for a couple days now, I’ve decided to take a break. Both accounts un-subbed, My annual sub is good till September so don’t ask for my stuff.

You won’t need that stuff anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: Hey if you decide to quit later on just contract them to me I’ll most probably give it away anyway. :wink:

CCP what is wrong with you? Its been 4 days; Have you lost the ability to react when the entire CSM and majority of your player base are telling you you’re messing up in addition to not having the ability to deliver a functioning patch ( compression patch… with no compressor blueprints nor skills! Majorly bugged patches are the normal, rather than exception these days. :frowning: )?

Over the past few years all you have done is take sand out of the sandbox. Nullsec ratting is all but dead, the pvpers that hunted those ratters like xtra squishy are disappearing. You’ve stabbed industry by making it impossible to build capitals and super capitals and in spite of promises to fix that you still haven’t touched them!

You’re steadily destroying whats left of this game, I’m only around to play with my friends.

We’re yelling because we still care.

Please SHOW us that you still do.


It’s the weekend. No rush, eh?

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Late to the party but…


All I see is Brisc and a bunch of no name redditors along with six forum regulars and their alts that never log in.

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I partially agree with your post, in that the primary issue here isn’t that CCP is selling ships that will damage the market - because the deal is so outrageously mispriced.

I disagree that it “won’t affect anything”. It’s just very poorly designed marketing on CCP’s point.

I don’t sell ships nor trade in them (at least, not industrials), so couldn’t personally care less about the secondary market effects. The reasons it’s an appallingly poor idea are:

  • It is a bad deal mathematically vs. game pricing. What this means is that as soon as a player knows enough about the game to math out the pricing, they know CCP ripped them off. Not a relationship-building move.
  • It’s not only a ship but a fitted ship, with a fitting that isn’t that great. So it creates the mindset of just going with a cookie-cutter fit rather than learning how to fit.
  • It’s a “kill-me-quick” ship at bloated price, which means some people will pay cash and then quickly get blown up, and just as quickly learn about the crap deal CCP sold them.
  • It sets a slippery-slope precedent, because if it sells at all you can be sure CCP will package up another dozen crap deals just like this one, or worse.
  • It shows the existing playerbase, one more time, that CCP doesn’t give two craps about the integrity of their product, so long as they can sell bloated packs at crap prices to suckers they’ve bamboozled with videos that are entirely unrepresentative of EVE gameplay.
  • It encourages CCP to continue with even more stupid, overpriced packs in the future because hey, if people send cash for this, it must be what the people want, right? So let’s give’em what they want!

Basically, selling poorly thought out, overpriced packages with more negative side-effects than positive just continues to publicly flash a huge neon sign saying “We’re CCP ( Completely Clueless Programmers ) and we’re proud to put our name on yet another substandard, crappy overpriced product that some rubes nonetheless keep sending us cash for.”

The longer that CCP continues to delude themselves they’ve got a quality product that they’re marketing well, the worse things will get and the closer the game comes to maintenance mode. They need a massive wakeup call and unfortunately there are too many players willing to shell out cash for trash preventing them from receiving it.

Then you are not paying attention.


You may find this upsetting, but the majority of the player base are not hanging on your every word in a dead forum. They are playing the game and having fun. Blissfully ignorant of your manufactured drama.


You’re one of those twitter reply guys, aren’t you? Don’t have anything useful or original to add to a conversation, just sitting and waiting for someone else to say something so you can have some clap back garbage for them, huh?

It’d only take you all of 5 minutes to look yourself and see that the player base is crumbling, content creators have left in droves, and more and more people join the ‘winning Eve’ team every day, on account of CCP nuking playstyle after playstyle.

Go ahead, let’s hear your snappy comeback about how I’m a forum alt, too.


Here I thought we were discussing an event that happened in the last few days. An event that singlehandedly destroyed the game. Something the likes of which had never happened before.

And now you’re saying this has being going on since way before the ship package?

You are more on my side of this issue than Briscs, brother.


No, I’m not. This isn’t a sides thing. Stop trying to make it one.

You’re also misframing the… I guess I’ll use the word discussion, though that seems an insult to the word… by suggesting it’s ‘OMG LITERALLY ONLY ABOUT THE RETRIEVER’ when the letter itself as written references many of the steps along the monetization trail CCP has taken over the last decade. It’s not just about the retriever, it’s about the point where enough people are saying no. From a very wide array of the player base at that, too. For you to frame that as manufactured outrage or try and say it’s all about one person trying to garner attention, and then come back to me with such a reductive and tribal response as that… Wake up, buttercup, and get with the program.


I think so too. I been checking the player count daily since all those posters stated they unsubbed and the numbers are steady between 18k and 19k.

This whole thread is a big hysteria on something that’s been happening for years… yawn.



That’s why we put this on Twitter, Twitch, Reddit, Youtube and Facebook as well.

If you are an active EVE player and pay attention to anything outside of the game client, you couldn’t help but see this.


This event with the retriever is I guess for some the last straw. The realization of what many have saying for years but just been pushed off as being paranoid or just wrong.

The removal or nerfing of sandbox gameplay > slowly catering to casuals > stagnant development > blatant money grabs

This has been a gradual process since I started playing in 2012. Other than some QOL stuff the game is in a much worse state than around the 2012 stage. I’ve been preaching this impending doom for a long time now and while I still play, I’m just holding onto the last pieces of scrap gameplay I’m still allowed to enjoy.

Honestly my goal is to be the last person logged in when the servers are switched off. If I can drive away any new player or whale that is spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on this game then I feel I’m doing my part.

Over the course of the last 2 weeks I’ve relieved a new player of around 50b isk of his stuff. Some went boom and some went into my pocket. So a big ■■■■ you to CCP. You deserve every bit of this hate.