An Open Letter To the Brutor Clans of Matar, Regarding a Sporting Event

I appreciate that. I’m at a bit of a loss on the reasoning myself, although I see words like “decorum” being thrown around quite a bit. Really I think it’s specific to the higher-ups, and not a general Brutor thing as it’s being suggested.

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Please do not speak for us.

That said, yes, probably quite a few disapprove, considering how this thing happened, but I do not think it’s our place as the Starkmanir Tribe to comment, or really even care. Mel is Sebbie; Mizhir is Vhero.

I have found them both to be pleasant people. So, I will only wish them good luck in their competition and keep my other opinions to myself.

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May I suggest that Drake Arson is maybe not the best source on what is proper for a trad Brutor, or trad anything for that matter?


Fair enough; I’m not terribly familiar with him.

Goddammit Kala


Which three? I’m just curious. Personally, I think the match is… a thing? I mean, if you wanna do it, great, have fun, good luck, you know?

I very specifically let someone else screw that up first!

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I am as Brutor as any other of my Tribe. No need to Gate Keep.



“Trad” implies a little more that just being of the tribe, pirate.

So let me get this straight.

Because I made a flippant suggestion about mud wrestling, that people were having fun with, @Sesli_Ashok thinks this has somehow banjaxed the possibility of there being a proper investigation into the Covenant assault on Mikramurka.

To which I say, in what world does that make even the tiniest bit of sense ?

In fact, it sounds to me more likely that Sesli and the rest of her renegade thukker band are working with the Covenant or @Alar_Chakaid to screw the investigation because it’d reveal that some Thukker crime family gave the Covenant the clearance codes to get their assault force into Matar airspace.

So either Sesli is talking balls because she’s a race traitor, or she’s telling the truth and I am the greatest puppet mistress that New Eden has ever seen.

I think we all know which of those is more likely.

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Ah, so that was you whom I should have bugged for all this affair?

Uhh… race is just a set of genetic attributes and affinities, how would you betray that? Like, trying to sing when you don’t have a voice or laying in bed 24/7 when you have good muscles?

This is why I like you, Valerie.

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You know, telling a Sani Sabik nutjob like Valate that you ‘like her’ might really not be the best PR move right now.


That’s Professor nutjob to you. I didn’t do all that freaking academic work, and study all those years, just to be called a common nutjob, you… tree fondler.

I do appreciate the note, but I think I blew “good PR” out of the water with “Brutor Clans On Matar Come Out Of the Woodwork To Comment On Sebbie Girl’s Taste In Sports” making cluster-wide news.


Maybe you can just not bother your foreigner blooder brain with tribal politics? I understand it can get complicated if you lack the upbringing but it’s not like you need to understand.


In reality, this is all just the Brutor wanting to throw Melisma off her game so their Tribal Championship Wrestling broadcasts aren’t exposed as semi-staged bloodsport soap operas. They need her to lose, you see? That’s why they didn’t objecting until someone was playing bookie!


I’m sure the Krusual are to blame for this.

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If they want her to lose they just have to sit back and do nothing.


If I’m going to be blamed by some Brutor busybodies for being the cause of something, I do need to understand what it is I’m actually being blamed for.