And now the dark side of some people that 'enforce' Safety in HS

Obviously, as someone who does not do this, you are an expert to judge the quality.

This doesnt make sense. The point that was made was that actors and roleplayers can play bad guys without having to be bad guys in real life. So basically you are agreeing with me.
And how does that reflect my experience of thespianism?

I dont think you understand english very well.

No response necessary if you are going to gibber again, thank you.


You should probably try not being more often, this time hasnt worked out well for you.

The streams?

Like, what streamers do?

Boners Room

I’m still not sure I read that right, and if I did what it means… I’m also not going to Google it because I know better.

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Its just a pun making fun of the Bonus Room title.

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Thanks, the image I wound up with in my head was puzzling at best.


To be fair, boners were sometimes also present.

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I have the same problem , i found away around it in the end , it seems I can be bad to bad people, seems they remove any guilt I may feel.

Now my character is free to reek murder and mayhem on a group of pilots without remorse.

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All it takes is finding something you can judge as “bad” in a person and youll be suprised what human beings are capable of doing to each other


Hey there guys, as someone who’s been following this story and been involved from the start let me explain.

This gentleman, started streaming Eve fairly recently. When I tuned in, around day one or two, I sat through his stream. He was rude and toxic, and quite frankly came off as a run of the mill asshole who didn’t understand the game and would probably leave fairly quickly. But then, he started insulting the people in the stream trying to help him. He also threatened to doxx them. He also made personal comments about CCP Aurora that were completely uncalled for, unwarranted, and were quite frankly about things she had no control over. It was then, immediately after he concluded the stream that I killed his harbinger. The next day, I killed his Orca.

After this he dmed me in game, telling me to among others things, kill myself in real life . This wasn’t the first time I’d received such comments and likely won’t be the last. While not wishing to go through the trouble of getting him banned, I, with the help of several other alliances started a private war with this gentleman that we have been waging over the last week in Highsec. It has culminated today with this gentleman and his colleagues on lining a structure in high sec, rendering them vulnerable to war deccs.

As of 2300 Eve time today, this gentleman and his ilk will be taught a lesson that one does not make such comments about Eve and its player base, nor should he have gone after CCP Aurora who is quite frankly one of the nicest devs and not remotely deserving of his vile comments. Someone reported him to Twitch and all of the earlier episodes of his Eve streams were deleted. I myself have not reported him to CCP, preferring to make and shame as it were and go to war with him on my main, and sabotage through an alt account.


Only what you do may be seen by CCP as harassment. Despite what other person have done. The correct way to deal with such people would be to report them if there was a reason to do that, not going on personal vendetta.


You should still report him as well as kerbstomping him if the above is true.


So you are just trolling me, shouldn’t have expected anything else from you.

Sounds like we are similar.

Although to me it’s not worth the effort in a game. Stills feels out of place.

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If what you say is true, gentleman is not the word I’d use.

Be careful with that, it wouldn’t take much to turn that into personal and then it would be seen as griefing. Much better to just report these kind of things to CCP and let them deal with it, after all that’s part of what they’re supposed to do.

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Thank you for reporting this DDOS attack. Although the carebear in question referred to me as a “space prostitute thot b-word w-word s-word” and promised to “rearrange my pretty face” whilst wishing that I would “drive off the road and die in real life”, I am horrified to learn that members of my alliance openly conducted an illegal DDOS attack in my channel. This is outrageous! I have personally investigated the matter and removed the offending parties from the alliance and the channel. Furthermore, I have also reported them to the FBI for violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and I will be testifying in forthcoming hearings before a federal grand jury and the United States Congress. I have also set the offending parties to NEGATIVE red terrible standings.


Aiko, I must regretfully inform you that while awaiting their court appearances in solitary confinement, all of the accused parties unfortunately managed to commit suicide via single gunshot wounds administered to the backs of their own skulls, likely in order to avoid facing the repercussions of inevitable justice.

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For the record, I am not nor have I ever been responsible for Destiny Corrupted.


You should not have hide the name of the doxxer

You know I actually engage in a form of bad behavior doing PVE, when I get a mission (I’m forgetting the name), I hide in a pocket and deploy an MTU and drones basically fishing for those people who like pop in and wait, once they warp in the environment will immediately pop an untanked ship, at that point you can salvage and loot the loot they looted. :star_struck:

Easy answer from you instead of anything of substance.

I suppose if you arent going to make an adult point, any response to you looks like trolling.

That said, thanks for agreeing with me about how actors who are playing bad people arent bad people by default.

Seems “I agree” is beyond you.

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