Announcement about candidate removal

This isn’t the first time a candidate has been removed from the election after voting occurred. After the voting completed in the CSM 11 election, Apothne had to withdraw due to health reasons. The algorithm that determines the winner can handle that kind of situation.

In that case, two people who voting showed won, Apothne and Erika Mizune, did not serve, being replaced by Kyle Aparthos and Nashh Kadavr. It will be interesting to see what the effect of Creecher’s removal will do, as this move probably happened after a good 80% of votes were cast.

I don’t care who said it; test member, pl member, goon, gotg, who cares?
there’s no place for it.
No one is saying all of test should be banned. there should be some measure of punishment for this guy though.

it’s not PC trying to stop someone from using derogatory terms at someone. there’s levels of communication that civilized people use, and there’s this.
i have no idea what you are all about though. anti what exactly? is it bullying to tell someone they are wrong and that a flowery written apology that doesn’t seem heartfelt isn’t enough? no. maybe saying that he should be drawn quartered and his remains posted at all 4 quarters of the earth is. but a public discourse isnt.

Oh you do not get to call this normal PC. This is not, if it was this would have been dealth with 2 years ago. Some are genuine in their attempt too get people to watch their language but 90% is people piling on to feed their agenda.

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These ‘internal guidelines’ should be published in full, to reassure the player community that they are not just an excuse CCP uses to arbitrarily remove candidates’s eligibility simply because CCP does not like the candidate.



Could CCP publish a list of words you are allowed to use if you want to be on CSM?

Thank you in advance.


The ToS is pretty clear about that:

  1. You may not use any abusive, defamatory, ethnically or racially
    offensive, harassing, harmful, hateful, obscene, offensive, sexually
    explicit, threatening or vulgar language. (Alternate spelling or partial
    masking of such words will be reprimanded in the same manner as the
    actual use of such words.)
  1. You may not organize nor be a member of any corporation or group within
    EVE Online that is based on or advocates any anti-ethnic, anti-gay,
    anti-religious, racist, sexist or other hate-mongering philosophies

As is the Code of Conduct for the CSM referring to the necessity to abide to the EULA/TOS

Members of the council must follow the provisions in the EULA and TOS at all times.

In cases of Code of Conduct breaches or NDA violations, members of the council may be dismissed by CCP.

To become an eligible CSM candidate player must not have any records of serious breach of the EULA,TOS and\or forum rules. The player’s account will be submitted for a security background check. If any violations are revealed, the candidate will be removed from the election process.

In the EULA it says that CCP is not required to act on any such transgressions and that no communication is pre-screened. It reads as a necessary declaration in order to be on the safe side regarding possible lawsuits, because it is simply impossible for CCP to know everything that users write.

It also makes sense to expect CSM to be ToS abiding citizens, for safety reasons but also because they become official representatives of EVE.

Understandable that people are not happy that their vote will be transferred, but it’s not anyone elses fault and certainly not CCPs.

The line where something is serious or not is still open for debate. CCP acted on the corp names as offensive then changed back to no change. How serous is saying the n word 3 times compaired to all those corp names people pointed out. Its was seen not as a big offense then, then it shouln’t do now. its an offense not a serious offense


Calling for people to commit suicide is ‘A’ ok for CCP

How can you ban someone for something he said two years ago? This is a manipulation. Not to mention it was a private convo and involve a lot of emotions. Don’t try to be holier than the Pope.


Is now a good time to talk about shield supers?

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CCP? r u guys serious? u r kicking someone from running for CSM because he was using the N* word IN A PRIVATE CONVERSATION like 2.5 years ago? And obviously because he was mad like hell and outraged? r u nuts? what kind of message is this? sry, but thats censorship based on a complete misunderstanding of what political correctness should accomplish. it was a PRIVATE conversation for christs sake.

The first ironic part is how much of PL is former TEST.

The second ironic part is how one is allowed to commit crimes in-game that would normally get one thrown into jail for decades, but calling someone names in or out-game is not allowed.

I’m not condoning either form of behavior. I just think the juxtaposition of punishable offenses is ironic.

The best part is that particular word can mean any race according to the Oxford dictionary.

I disagree with this.

I was an unsuccessful candidate a few years back (CSM 10).

Given the nature of my candidacy (linked to Minerbumping, and openly critical of a few CCP decisions), I’d expect that if rigging the vote was a thing, I’d have been a target.

I wasn’t, and I lost fair and square.


It depends on your hat.

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