Announcement about candidate removal

Do remember that CCP records and monitors all conversations, both private and public, that go through their servers. Any report on misbehaviour by Creecher will be compared to the logs they keep, it’s not like you can “fake” logs and then get people banned.

The amount of skew CCP has towards the bros you guys drink and circlejerk with at Fanfest really shows, so much so that you dropped one guy off for a log that one of these guys most likely pm’d directly to Falcon through some Sudo-private channel ■■■■ they’ve been doing to try to be part of the community, not knowing that they’re really just underhanding alot of people by giving those people like that bigger voices.

You let Xenuria get elected last year… Xenuria.

and you ban Creecher for some ■■■■ chat log from 2 years ago? Ok CCP… Ok.


So how can The Judge be a candidate when he stole an entire wallet and ruined an entire alliance be allowed to continue to run for CSM? His actions in game so not represent that of a community leader one bit.

You have set a precedent here, and this is the most stupidest decision ever made by CCP. I will not be participating in CSM elections as a result of this dumb ass decision.

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What are you talking about? They do this every year, If you vote for a player that is a non CCP pet he gets disqualified and CCP will trawl through your chat logs to find any reason to justify this. If you have ever cussed, used a slur of any kind CCP can and will disqualify you unless you are a pet player.

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We were dealing with someone that is actually autistic, don’t play your exclusionary tactics here. Are you trying to say that we shouldn’t have treated him as an equal?

Hi there,

Glad to see you will not be voting, for that means one less dumb vote will take place. Perhaps you’re new to EVE, perhaps you’re a veteran. But the actions of a player such as The Judge, no matter how reprehensible you may find it, do not inherently reflect his activity as a member of the CSM. If anyone believes he has zero credibility, then they do not vote for them.

You see,
EVE is a game where you can be anyone or anything within the confines of the game’s rules. It has been part of the game since its inception to be at risk of having your ■■■■ stolen. It’s not the first time, it’s not the last time. If your fragile heart can not handle the reality that EVE is a sandbox and anything within the boundaries of the TOS is permitted, perhaps you should turn off your subscription and find a game which isn’t enabling that.

The precedent is that the Judge has been a good, reliable and worthwhile CSM member for the terms he served. That stands entirely separate from what he does in-game, and if you can not split those two then you’re part of the problem.

If you do not want the Judge in the CSM, then you vote against him. Vote for people you DO want on the CSM so that his chances go down/change. But by not voting you make it easier for him to get there if you don’t want him there.

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Had a read of the logs. The guy was a jackass at the time, no question about it.

But in my mind his acknowledgement that what he did was wrong and his apology should resolve the matter, unless/until it happens again.

Using vile racist slurs is bad but it’s not some unforgivable thing that should follow someone around for life. People can and do change.

We definitely don’t want to cultivate a culture where someone thinks “no point stopping using racist slurs because it doesn’t matter, there’s proof of me using one 14 years ago so I’m marked as a racist for life, might as well live up to expectations.”

the other side of your argument is did he apologize only because he got caught? I don’t see any thing from him from that conversation saying he went to far, he shouldnt have said that, blah blah blah. nor has he come up with anything after that from; an hour, a day, a week, a month, or a year showing remorse for it and acknowledging it. No, he waits until he gets caught.

i’m not saying vilify him, hang him or excommunicate him. I’ve said some shitty things to people over the years, but I’ve apologize for it, and I certainly didn’t wait two years after being called out in public for it.

he has lost any shred of credibility he ever gained in this game and really should just leave, not letting the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy and now we’re trying to “make America great again”. How dare you assume my comments are satirical.

Just like in real politics, you can always something horrible about someone by digging deeply into their past. Makes you think… I wonder what else can be found regarding candidates. Just gotta dig deep.

With regards to the current situation, it’s really not cool to say those types of things. Ana an apology was the right thing to do.

I’m all for reconciliation and rehabilitation. And people can change. But this appeared on Reddit about two days ago and he never responded then. It was only when CCP remover him from CSM did he apologise.

My view is simple. If you are standing for public office or representing the community (and CSM represent all of us) you deserve to be held to a higher standard.

There is no place in this game for racism. Then and now.

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Oppa gangnam sta- It’s not fun seeing PL dig up dirt about TEST but it is indeed fun drama.

It’s time to dig up dirt on some nasty PL/NC. members.

Things we learned today:

1.) The logs DO show something.

2.) This is the first victory PL has had against Legacy Coalition since our deployment began last month.

3.) Drain the swamp!

Check the Terms of Service.

Good. No one likes toxicity.

Look up the origin of the word “krabbing.”

Many people use it.

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gj I’m not running for CSM lol.

But neither can you after using “Retard” as an insult.

I could be mistaken but from I am being told the quota is based off total votes divided by total seats not total candidates.

That’s what I meant. Brain fart :hushed:

PC behavior is just another form of bullying and hate speech. Same as what we call racism.
If its not on skincolour it’s for hair colour, shape of their face, their weight, origin, … and now their wrong use of words.

CCP should not tolerate any use of bullying.

(imma just ad this: should creecher get a punishment: yes, 2 years ago he should have gotten a tempban or something. But the PC people rallying against are worse. stating 1 TEST person said a bad word 3 times means all of test is a bunch of white supremacist is way worse: )

Stop the bullying